<> = Log of the 2010-05-30 Meeting = {{{ *** bahaa2008_ is now known as bahaa2008 hi everyoe kolo yes7a everyone* hi hi me2resh :) hi thelinuxer :) Hi Everyone Sensiva The-NightPhoenix bahaa2008 HardDisk d4de r u awake guys ? hi jonathanhindi Ana Mwgood Bas Ana Hamshy 3ashn El Mozkra Mhwa El Ma3ad Mesh Zariif 5allles Fe Emte7nat !!! lol maho lazem nengez ya me3laem maho kol ma7ad yekalemny ye2oly 7aneb2a approved emta! 3andak 7a2 momken teshoof enta momken to3od ad wetkamel mozakra Ahmed Enta 3ariief Ano Ana Ya3ni Mohtmmm Gedan be Mwdoo3 El Portal Dah And You Know I Can Help bas Eieh B2a !?! A3miel Eih Fe El Mozkra !? looooooool yabny mesh lazem te3ayat ata3t alby bos el portal dah mesh 7aye7'las dayman 7aykoon fe kalam 3aleeh new design new feature keda aya3ny leh bas, lets start with the basics for no now* me2resh: yes that's what we will do isA i am just assuring him that he will have a part in the portal thelinuxer, whynot drupal wala you need hosting ? Thelinuxer Ok No Problem I Will try To Come After Some Time Keda ! bahaa2008: that's what I will suggest ;) yes hosting an issue but it's a small one, extend was to check with the council about the domain name but i didn't get anything from him yet jonathanhindi: eshta if the portal will have many features in future, and will have continuous improvements, then i would say drupal too I Would Say Joomla :D thelinuxer, i think ubuntu.com uses drupal I suggest drupal guys i saw many loco teams that have the same design we still have minuets till we start the meeting sa7 nestana as u wait please read the agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/Meetings/Agendas/2010-05-30) we will start in min isA lets start everyone ready i guess it's only the 4 of us r u still here guys :D ? ma3ak bas enta eshtaghal yep etkalem asdi ok as u can see from the agenda i sent I believe the meeting starts now ? we are here to discuss what to do with our website yes we have a couple of decisions to make what tools we will use to create the website ? and what features we will include in our website .. i suggest we start by the features so we will decide what tools to use, do u agree guys ? tamam just write +1 if ur vote is positive me2resh: bahaa2008 we started the meeting where r u guys ? so sorry i am forget 6 mins? Anas: no np i am here we are @ the beginning following :) thelinuxer, sorry i will not attend :( bahaa2008: :( why man ? I believe we have to be unique in our features. thelinuxer, i have exams withing two days bahaa2008: Rabena ma3ak ok we will proceed EgyParadox: define unique ? I mean different ok, i guess the functionality is what really matter and the content for instant we can create a blog ok. and we don't get enough blog posts i think we are active more than any linux distro in egypt todays so it will be useless then ? Anas: u mean linux groups ? yep some people call me for our group support others :) Anas: did u check the agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/Meetings/Agendas/2010-05-30 ? ok please lets focus here are the basic list of features: Blogging for our team members. Aggregator for our list of contributors. Video portal Wiki Forums. in the first point we expect to have a certain no. of bloggers who will post constantly on our website it's also expected to have these posts in arabic and/or english good about wiki we need what about ubuntu wiki so what we basically need is a couple of bloggers and may be a translator for this part to work properly wiki is the last point and we are in the first point ya man :) I cant really understand can you elaborate more about the first point. ? simply it will something like blogspot or wordpress but for our team only I got lost here, we are talking about the tools, or the resources that will blog ? blogging wordpress mu or buddypress to make multi-blogs me2resh: no i talking about it as a feature me2resh: for instance we can decide to remove it all together does anyone understand what i am trying to say ? well, if this is for the team only, then we can use the regular wordpress, no need for the mu i guess i am u all lost ta2reban :D great keep it simple what's mu ? wordpress multiuser ok np https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Udienz/WordpressUbuntuTheme but i have a concern here what ? who is willing to contribute .. we have a lot of blogs that are empty i can play css good any help with theme i am here I personally dont prefer wordpress magie can blogging good in english but i am bad in english i can blogging in arabic good :D guys i am not talking about the technologies, i said we are discussing the features first., to choose the tool later tamam I can blog on fixing popular issues in new distors, that's what brings the traffic to my blog :) i guess u all agree about having a blog, that's y ur skipping to the technology choice me2resh: cool I agree for a blog can u do it multilingual :D ? after that we can host our own website in the future me2resh: can u do it multilingual :D ? thelinuxer, am not that good in translation ok so we have a contributor and Anas also thelinuxer : you mean multi-lang blog ? will contribute to the arabic section Anas: yes great people in our community are comfortable blogging in eglish but we are the loco team we have to have content in our mother language in simple in wordpress we can create catogrey in arabic lang simply i am agree with you I believe we can put some kind of link that would automatically translate to Arabic using google translate we ara arabic talk to arabic exactly what ? google translation ? nooooooooo it automatic translation Anas you are right :( we can have both, anyone can translate it by google toolbar what if they don't have that bar ? we can have that tool to translate to any language for articles that doesn't have any translation but we should write another posts in arabic for arab and another posts in english for others people it would be really cool if we use the translator to our benefit for the untranslated posts it diffrent goals of blogging Anas: the content will be there to help our community they are the same people ok but everyone will read the english post posts* so we will need both can i write in arabic plz ? to explain my idea ? Anas: sure and maybe the content attracts other people that neither speak arabic or english :) I believe posts in arabic is a must, must.* انا قصدي العربي بيخاطب العرب بمحتوي مختلف عن المدونة الانجليش اللي بتخاطب الناس الاجانب تدوينة عربية بكلم فيها للناس العرب مش بترجم التدوينة الانجليش الوضع مختلف Anas: the english blog also is talking to the egyptian community that can speak english مش مدونة واحدة مترجمة لكذا لغة لا موقع بمحتوي مختلف في كل لغة العربي و الانجليزي Anas: man we need know the purpose of this blog we need to have good content to support the egyptian users talk to people so we will support them with the languages they speak good arabic or english also there is non arabic speaking people in Egypt that interested and looking for support from the community good i am agree with you that's y the content can be translated me2resh: hmm i guess ur right about that how much people ? non arabic speaking people in Egypt ???? 1% i totally forgot about these people we have our main page in ubuntu loco team in english for them so lets get organized cause translation is an issue as i can see we have anas who is willing to write in arabic and me2resh who is willing to write in english that's a beginning when we get to the content part we can argue whether we translate it or not agree guys ? mashy wa7da wa7da yep 3/4 cool 2nd point 3ashan heya related lel first we were thinking having an aggregator too 3ashan nelem from people who have blogs outside our website mashy i guess that will be more convenient to these users anyone have any objects ? objections* la2 mo no* ok so for the technology choice i suggest we use drupal https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal ok with drupal https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-theme please check the themes/modules section in this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal http://drupal.org/project/udtheme-2010/ so we will have tight integration with launchpad which is a good thing and a blogging engine + an aggregator what it aggregator ? all that out of the box rss aggregator ? feed reader ? a website that collects posts from other blogs agree automatic ? tamam Anas: it doesn't have to be a website sorry I believe nobody would object. Anas: i am not sure automatic or not ok gr8 so we now have the basic website i can't understand this feature good Anas: do u agree with us ? ok go i found alote of arabic and sites and blogs support ubuntu agree http://planet.gnome.org/ check this out aha it collects others posts from different places, and place them in one single website like planet inkscape :D understand it now :D belzabt good idea ok lets move on great one ok video portal this my own personal favorite youtube vimo ? we can use vimeo and integrate it with drupal wait i think use web 2.0 sites ok Anas: yabny belra7a howa ana 2olt eih el fekra! :D sorry here is what i was thinking about about creating a classroom elearning? classrooms means curriculums oh ok. in what language? SA, sorry for being late, faced a prb with java means that someone can and will watch a certain about of related videos in sequence m1nour: np egyptian/arabic/english ? guys can u please let me finish before u ask questions ?! what the point ? ok ok. if anyone saw CBT nuggets CDs before yes they are a list of files with a certain content, designed to teach the student something not just random videos great also they can be watched in sequence check this site out http://alephtv.com/ small how tos ? me2resh: yes iLike :) this is a site we developed back @ opencraft me2resh: thanx, i was the team leader for that project :D i want it to be like this list of videos wow i loved it the student will search for a curriculum and we will get him a list designed for this specific purpose Anas: thanx man thelinuxer, good :), we have a new member in the team from oc :) were u from oc too ? it load video from youtube thelinuxer, no, but a new member joined our team in my work is from oc, that's what i meant ah, what's his name ? i will continue thelinuxer, Zeww me2resh: oba! zeww ! enta sha3'al feen ? thelinuxer, GCS eshta ya me3lam we will talk about this later :) thelinuxer, sure :) .... the first point i thught about was creating a collaborative channel on youtube great but found out that such thing does not exist but youtube or vimpo ? so if we created a channel on youtube someone will have to upload all the videos youtube has the 10 minutes limit, if we stick to small howtos then it is good choice, but if we will have large tutorials, we have to consider an alternative http://vimeo.com/ me2resh: ur right about that great yes i know vimeo and it has a limit on the upload, am i righ ? thelinuxer, not sure how much, 1 sec i am checking ok tab i will continue talking till me2resh comes back so here is the complete idea we need to integrate with our backend video site it can be anything users will be able to upload their videos on their websites and then add a link to it in some curriculum � 500MB per week of upload space � 1 HD video per week � Upload up to 10 videos per day � 1 Channel, 1 Group, and 3 Albums � Ability to download converted files � Robust privacy controls � Basic embedding features � Huge street cred hmm that's the free account yeah i know anyway lets postpone the video backend site for later mins we nerga3 http://drupal.org/project/mediafront this a drupal plugin that provides us with an interface similar to alephtv.com with the capability to play playlists and stuff like that has anyone tried it before ? no i they say they have integration with youtube http://www.mediafront.org/ mesh 3aref feeh vimeo wala la2 so to sum up we have the option of creating a collaborative channel on a video site like vimeo but I don't know what kind of integration will be provided with our site second we can use something like mediafront to play playlists that we will create and call them curriculum we can have stuff like recommendations and such so what do think guys ? check this http://drupal.org/node/208963 :) comment #11 so vimeo is supported that's gr8 gr8 i guess the integration here means that we will be able to play these files in a playlist using mediafront bas what can we do with this ? can we do recommendations ? staff picks we el kalam el fayd dah :D how will we moderate the stuff uploaded ... the developer who will volunteer in this is to decide :) and we still can start with the basics does vimeo have this feature ? you will let the public upload ? yes sure yes that's the purpose make people contribute it just have to be moderated i dont think so, beside i don't think it is a feature in youtube as well what r u talking about ? moderation to moderate videos that the public will upload hmm expected they can't moderate all these videos anyway they depend on the collective work we keda tayeb i just created the ubuntu-eg channel on vimeo and i want to add u to be an uploader to that channel how can i do that ? thelinuxer, didn't try before ok np i will try that later anyway if we can get collaborative channels on vimeo most of the work is done and we can post a notification on the website that a new video is uploaded i guess that the basic features we needs need* We found 0 channels with 'ubuntu-eg'. Start over? lol go that too! may be i need to upload some videos http://vimeo.com/channels/110502 http://vimeo.com/channels/guiaubuntu thelinuxer, i subscribed, may be you can op me to a moderator / uploader now le tme try ur name please on vimeo me2resh can't find u! great channel hey guys r u still here found u im back sorry me2resh: ur a moderator now i guess that solves a gr8 part of the problem good :) Anas: u'll do the theme for the channel isA :D what it by css ? or what ? or just background ؟ :D mesh 3aref bas u'll do it i am taking advantage of u :) The-NightPhoenix: welcome np Ok i know i can do it eshta so this point is settled el 7amdulelah i will test it in my channel there next 2 points i will combine them into a single point Anas: eshta send me ur contact name to add u as a moderator lets continue wiki+forums that's really one of the easiest thing to do with drupal bas i am having an issue with doing this we already have a wiki and a forum so we will have to move all our users to the new pages and maintain these parts of the website, backups masalan from the other side user3564436 why do we need to redo this ? it's a lot better for our user to have all of our data in the same website including wiki and forums so s/he doesn't have to search somewhere else me2resh: that's what i am saying about search do we need to do it or not i have idea google custome search in our site and blogs and wiki :) and another arabic ubuntu blogs and english Anas: mesh fahem 7aga sorry guys am late just arrived home :( and i can't find ur user on vimeo maggie: bad bad maggie http://www.google.com/cse/ Anas: ya man focus the linuxer : :( how is that related to what we are talking about ? maggie: we are discussing whether we should have the wiki and forums on our website or not and nobody is answering me :D http://vimeo.com/people/search:Anas%20Emad Anas: added u to the list I missed quite a big part thelinuxer, why not use the existing ones, until there is a need to move it all together ? I cant help. Hello ! convenience. that's all what we gonna gain convenience for our users i mean hello Jonathan jonathanhindi: wb Thanks and setting up the a wiki on drupal isn't a big deal and also a forum We wont talk about the content of the videos? drupal is mde for these kind of things EgyParadox: no we won't ok. is there something else? that's pretty much personal, whatever u find suitable create a video and upload it what about ideas for videos? we can always have peer review we are past this point now we are discussing the wiki and forums ok. ok Can i Know What You Decided On !? should we move from the existing forums and wiki or not ? please vote i think forums and wiki in ubuntu web site is good I believe that too note i think moving them is more convenient not now we just start I believe when we are independant we can do that. Me 2 i think ubuntu Wiki And Forums Stile Very Good sorry ur getting me confused but in arabic content is it good ? just say move or not I say not not Yes We Are not independent to move from the ubuntu website tell u what i need a 10 min break not i have to go pray not not (until we have to) ok me too thelinuxer : me 2 We can still use them , but when we need them. We need them now. EgyParadox : I Think We Need To Use Them as or master Forums and Wiki ! our ** I believe it I believe it's hard to decide now, but now we should still use the forums and wiki. We cannot decide now, so must use it , we have no other option. simply as that. We are still in the beginning, we cannot be come entirely independent. become* bk Welcome Back back Anas: Welcome Back i m back I totally refuse moving from our original wiki page. ok so i guess the majority is against having our own wiki and forums we dont need to. EgyParadox: ok that was the last point in our agenda i will try to sum up the points Yes Please ! we agreed to have a drupal installation members of our team can have a blog on our website Anas will do some arabic blogging for us while me2resh volunteered for the english section and of course we expect more to come We also agreed to have an aggregator so we will have our own planet As for the video poral tamam we created a collaborative channel on vimeo people can be added to this channel Fine Awey good so we can all build the channel collaboratively for now the only integration we will have with our website is a post in the news feed when someone uploads a video we will notify the community that's it, at least for now .. You all disagreed to moving the current wiki and forums that's it .. great we will have help from this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal nice job and there is an ubuntu theme does anyone want to add anything ? thelinuxer : I Have the link for the new ubuntu Drupal Theme i will replace the logo with ubuntu-eg logo;s a basic feature that we forgot or something cool i was going to do that myself jonathanhindi: did u revise the ubuntu design guide lines sam sent ? can any member add videos? http://drupal.org/project/udtheme-2010 Yes I Know It before and i Work With It To Make UbuntuEg Logo;s Logos m1nour: not sure about that yet bas i think no jonathanhindi: ok gr8 there was an lucid drual theme someone was saying that he will release it soon that was from a week or 2 thelinuxer: ok, i'm ready to make some video about stuff i know http://drupal.org/project/udtheme-2010 Dunno But Ubuntu Drupal New theme Is Very Very Good And Nice thelinuxer: http://drupal.org/project/udtheme-2010 http://saturnlaboratories.co.za/users/raoul/blog/2010-04-25-lucid_loco_ubuntu_loco_theme_drupal.html EgyParadox: yes that's it so i guess i am the only one with actions items 1. Create basic drupal installation 2. Use the new theme 3. Deploy 4. Ask the council to the change the ip for ubuntu-eg.org to the new ip 5. Check vimeo channels and their capabilities can someone else do the last point ? guys where did u all go :D ?! lol :D ismael ismael? i didn't get the last point Check vimeo channels and their capabilities we don't know what can we do with them we now know that we can add multiple uploaders do they all have to be moderators ? this a question that we need to answer can we allow anyone to add ? the 500 MB/week limit, is it per channel or per user ? ..etc I personally just created an account on vimeo. EgyParadox: good So I don't know about it much. EgyParadox: u can always read to know more :D ok, someone who don't have exams :D *doesn't i guess no one wants to volunteer for the point, np i dont even have an acoount on vimeo yet I believe we can start implementing when we are free. or at least who are free can start something. since everybody has exams i guess we can have this site up and running by the end of the week and that's because i don't have much time there are people who will finish their exams by mid june isA and others after that bas i still have to communicate with council and request the change that will need time ok I personally have internship issues. I am busy. so ahmed i will not change the logo before the end of my exams so am sorry and other personal issues. ok np i will do that and u can change it later if we need to we still have an entire summer. Ok !! I Have to go Now Sorry byebye or i will just leave the original logo till u finish ur exams jonathanhindi: ok bye i guess we discussed all the points anyone wants to add anything ? no nope. nop, i will start a discussion soon in the mailing list to get ideas from the members about topic they want us to blog about nope me2resh: that's cool topics* tayeb this meeting is adjourned is there next meeting? I suggest after exams? no this will be our very last meeting :D i intend to nuke us all I meant when is the next meeting? I suggest after exams. we have meetings when we need to that's the rule mashy i don't think we will need any meetings soon keda keda end of meeting? yes i said that 3 mins ago ;) :) ok guys so u all soon isA cya i will go do the routine work ok, salam m1nour: salam salam salam all :) me2resh: salam" }}}