Ubuntu NEXT EGYPT TEAM MEETING: TBA (Event History...) Ubuntu

Structure of Egypt LoCo Team

Team Structure


What is Council?

It's a group of persons who represents the community and taking care that things are working. It's main jobs are to handle special situations, like conflicts, and to approve decisions that affects the team if community didn't vote on it.

What Council is Not?

Council does not govern activity, it governs once there's a special situation like a conflict. Governing activity is like telling some FG members to do something and not doing another, but just advising when it urges to advice or when some activity level of some FG, for example, doesn't meet the minimum activity level required to keep the collaboration.

Why Council?

It there to keep the structure work as one team and the whole team's activity meets with our long-term goals.

Focus Groups

What is Focus Group?

It's sub-team of UbuntuEG. A group of same-skilled persons focusing on collaborating together to help community in a specific way.

Why Focus Groups?

It helps doing the following:

  1. Providing the community with such kind of specialization, like designing graphics for events and so...
  2. Ease contacting persons with a specific skill in case that skill needed by the community.
  3. Working in Teams brings better organization and reliability.
  4. It helps providing the community with good output in certain specializations, like support and graphic designing.
  5. It helps determining who represents UbuntuEG when it's needed, like during events.

How to Join a Focus Group?

All what a person needs to join a Focus Group(FG) is a good will to make some change along with the ability to learn. To join:

  1. Create a Launchpad account.

  2. Sign the Code of Conduct.

  3. Join our team on Launchpad.

  4. Get proposed to join any of the FGs listed below.

Our current FGs are:

  1. Art: It is a sub-team of the main ubuntu-eg, that focuses on team's artistic needs.

  2. Marketing: It is a sub-team of the main ubuntu-eg, that focuses on Marketing tools and means to help promoting Ubuntu and UbuntuEG's presence, either online or offline.

  3. Support Squad: It is a sub-team of the main ubuntu-eg, that focuses on giving support on team's channels.

  4. Development: It is a sub-team of the main ubuntu-eg, that focuses on learning development inside Ubuntu.

Proposed FGs:

  1. Operators: It is a sub-team of the main ubuntu-eg, that focuses on moderating/operating on all of team's channels.
  2. Organizers: It is a sub-team of the main ubuntu-eg, that focuses on organizing, charging and ushering UbuntuEG events.


EgyptTeam/Structure (last edited 2012-03-23 01:16:53 by 196)