<> == Meeting Links == * Meeting Link [[http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/events/73678942/|Meetup.com]] * IRC Log [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20120718| RAW IRC Log]] == Meeting Time == Wed 17 July 2012 from 7pm to ???pm (GMT+4) == Topic == IRC Meeting on various topics - [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ae|#ubuntu-ae]] == Participants / RSVPs == 1. not_found: nlsthzn 1. joseph_ 1. Braggart (a.k.a. Toki) 1. Ragesh 1. joey_ 1. rverrips: RoyVerrips == Agenda == * Drive to becoming an Official LoCo: * Contact person * Team Reporting * Meetup or Official resources * Support * Activities of previous month * Activities for coming months * Possibly organize a tech night inviting people from leading tech companies to come and talk == Topics Discussed == * Activities of previous month * Possibly organize a tech night inviting people from leading tech companies to come and talk * Drive to becoming an Official LoCo * Future actions * Open Floor == Decisions takes == * Discussion of tech night will be continued on mailing list * Zulfiqar (current contact for EmiratesLoco) will be contacted by Braggart/Toki and if no co-operation from him by end of July then address it to the CommunityCouncil * Will start using social media (facebook, Google+, twitter, linkedin) to boost awareness of support etc.