
Revision 9 as of 2012-12-06 09:24:30

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This document will help you create instances of and deployed in the cloud.

Setting up Juju

First you'll need to create an environment for Juju to bootstrap to. Follow the directions here to get a basic environment going. I'd suggest doing something akin to the following to bootstrap the initial node:

source ~/.canonistack/novarc
juju bootstrap -e canonistackone --constraints "instance-type=m1.medium"

This will ensure that the juju bootstrap node doesn't take ages to perform basic tasks because it's constantly going into swap.

You should end up with something similar to the following in your ~/.juju/environments.yaml:

    type: openstack_s3
    default-instance-type: m1.medium
    control-bucket: juju-replace-me-with-your-bucket
    admin-secret: <secret>
    access-key: <access key>
    secret-key: <secret key>
    default-series: precise
    juju-origin: ppa
    ssl-hostname-verification: True
    default-image-id: bb636e4f-79d7-4d6b-b13b-c7d53419fd5a
  type: ec2
    control-bucket: juju-replace-me-with-your-bucket
    admin-secret: <secret>
    default-image-id: ami-00000097
    access-key: <access key>
    secret-key: <secret key>
    default-series: precise
    ssl-hostname-verification: false
    origin: ppa
    authorized-keys-path: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Deploying the error tracker

Now you're ready to checkout and deploy the individual charms that make up and, which is done by a single script:

bzr branch lp:error-tracker-deployment
source ~/.canonistack/novarc
JUJU_ENV=canonistackone error-tracker-deployment/deploy

Follow along with JUJU_ENV=canonistackone juju status.

Once all the nodes and relations are out of the pending state, you should be able to start throwing crashes at it.

Using the Juju error tracker

The following command sets up various SSH tunnels to the Juju instances of daisy and errors, redirects the local whoopsie daemon to report crashes against the Juju daisy instance instead of, and shows the local whoopsie and remote daisy-retracer logs until you press Control-C:


This script has a commented out alternative of the ssh command to daisy which shows the Apache logs. Enable this, and disable the default one below if you want to debug problems with uploading the .crash files.

Generating and uploading crashes

You can generate a simple crash report with e. g.

bash -c 'kill -SEGV $$'

and elect to report the crash in the popping up Apport window.

Now open a browser to http://localhost:8081. You should have one problem in the most common problems table.

For a more systematic and regular integration test you can use an automatically generated set of .crash files for various application classes (GTK, Qt, CLI, D-BUS, Python crash) from the test crashes recipe, which currently builds the crashes for i386, amd64, and armhf for precise, quantal, and raring. You can download the current ones with


which will download them into ./test-crashes/release//architecture/*.crash. Then you can use the submit-crash script to feed them individually or as a whole into whoopsie:

error-tracker-deployment/submit-crash test-crashes  # uploads all of them
error-tracker-deployment/submit-crash test-crashes/raring/amd64
error-tracker-deployment/submit-crash test-crashes/precise/armhf/_usr_bin_apport-*.crash

Debugging tricks

You can purge the whole Cassandra database with


Call it with --force to do this without confirmation.

You might want to watch out for exceptions thrown by daisy or errors themselves:

JUJU_ENV=canonistackone juju ssh daisy/0
watch ls /srv/local-oopses-whoopsie