=== Advocacy, user support === * Using and showing off Ubuntu since 4.10 :) * Writing about Ubuntu in my [[https://magicfab.ca/tag/ubuntu/|blog]] since Apr. 2005 * Ongoing presentations of Free open source software including Ubuntu at local conferences, LUGs, tradeshows * Answering Ubuntu questions online (2-3 hours a weeks) on social media, at events, etc. * Using Debian and Ubuntu at home and on the road full-time (2 PCs, 2 laptops) * My 80 y.o. parents started Ubuntu with version 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) * Providing [[https://legoutdulibre.com/services-informatiques-pme-particuliers-montreal/|professional server and desktop support]] (free for teachers) * Helped start the ColombianTeam * Donated several hundred CDs (both ship-it and self-produced) to carefully selected individuals and organizations * Installed Ubuntu on many systems for various organizations and countless individuals === Marketing === * Actively marketing and giving "Getting Started with Linux" training, based on Ubuntu and Debian * Using the Ubuntu Logo on business cards (a member privilege) and on stickers on my laptop and other devices * Contributed to ConferenceTopTips, DIYMarketing * Produced a [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ca/2005-November/000323.html|spanish]] 1-pager to accompany CD-kits donated to spanish-speaking orgs/people, also available in [[https://magicfab.ca/files/ubuntu-fr.odt|french]] === Documentation and Development support === * I regularly revise and create content on the wiki. A few examples: DIYMarketing, ConferenceTopTips, FreeFormats * Participated in numerous Ubuntu conferences including Ubucon and UDS as a Canonical employee * Contributed numerous HowTo and varied guides on the Ubuntu forums * Started several laptops information pages (wiki) * [[https://launchpad.net/people/magicfab/+reportedbugs|Bug reporting]] (Launchpad and Bugzilla)