Hi, I am Felipe Lerena, a 26 years old software developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I am a proud member of The "Argentina LoCo Team", a team that is just starting but with a great future ahead, we are arround 110 in launchpad right now and have the most active of all the LoCo forums.
I've been using Ubuntu since Hoary, and I have been getting more involved in the comunity with the time, right now I use 95% of my spare time helping in whatever I can in the comunity.

Email: <felipelerena AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
My personal homepage (in spanish) is http://www.felipelerena.com.ar
you can also find me around in #ubuntu-ar and #ubuntu-marketing at freenode as Lipe_

I'm Working on

What I've done

I would like to

In my spare time

I'm allways looking for something else to help with, so if you have same stuff I can do, or a nice project to ask me to help, I'll be glad.


FelipeLerena (last edited 2008-11-20 14:34:48 by 200)