Firmware Test Suite - bios_info

The bios_info 'test' just gathers some pertinent BIOS DMI information to allow one to identify a machine. When running fwts and specifying no tests then this test is run very early to log the machine details in the output log, thus allowing one to keep track of the test against a specific machine.

Example output:

Gather BIOS DMI information.
Test 1 of 1: Gather BIOS DMI information
BIOS Vendor       : LENOVO
BIOS Version      : G2ET31WW (1.11 )
BIOS Release Date : 05/24/2012
Board Name        : 2320CTO
Board Serial #    : 1ZM4U26B5A9
Board Version     : Not Available
Board Asset Tag   : Not Available
Chassis Serial #  : R9PHK04
Chassis Type      : 10
Chassis Vendor    : LENOVO
Chassis Version   : Not Available
Chassic Asset Tag : No Asset Information
Product Name      : 2320CTO
Product Serial #  : R9PHK04
Product UUID      : 8DBE2901-5421-13CB-CB1E-FA1FCD87C4E6
Product Version   : ThinkPad X230
System Vendor     : LENOVO

0 passed, 0 failed, 0 warnings, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 1 info only.


sudo fwts bios_info -

..runs bios_info on your machine and dumps the output to stdout.

FirmwareTestSuite/Reference/bios_info (last edited 2016-01-11 07:23:56 by anthonywong)