= New Features = * ACPICA: Update to version 20240322 * acpi: acpipld: add tests to check _PLD methods only on the connectable ports = Fixed Bugs = * acpi: s3: enable debug messages on S0ix failure for Intel platforms * acpi: s3: fix potential memory leaks on fwts_get() calls * framework: fix memory leaks caused by fwts_log_get_filenames * acpi: ras2: stop for loop when list exceeds the table * acpi: dbg2: update the subtype RISC-V SBI console for DBG2 * acpi: sbbr: check the existence of SPCR console devices * opal: fix the resource leak for get_linux_mem_devices * acpi: srat: fix the untrusted loop bound warning * opal: fix the resource leak for process_dimm and process_mba * opal: fix the resource leak for cpus * lib: fwts_acpi_tables: fix the build fail on armhf * dmicheck: Don't check firmware version on anything but NVDIMM devices = Detail Changelog = To check /usr/share/doc/fwts/changelog.Debian.gz or fwts_24.03.00-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fwts