If you have an idea that you want to get people interested in, or if you have something you need help with like.... Well, I don't know, I guess things like Team Mailing List Moderation or similar team maintenance style jobs can be placed here.

Team Scribe

The team needs one or two people that would like to volunteer to help with the Meeting Minutes and Agendas, and tabulating Team Reports. This is a very good position for someone to begin contributing and will be very much appreciated. The info that this contributor provides can help secure re-approval with ease, by fulfilling this role. Please Contact itnet7 at ubuntu dot com! Thanks in advance.

Team Mailing List Moderator

The team needs one or two people that would like to volunteer to take ownership of and moderate the Ubuntu Mailing List. Please Contact itnet7 at ubuntu dot com! Thanks in advance.

Wiki Redux Team

After UDS time frame, a team can begin taking a look at reworking the entire wiki if necessary. Check back here soon for details -- itnet7 2009-10-22 05:26:08

FloridaTeam/HelpWanted (last edited 2009-12-11 06:54:45 by 189)