Taken from above link. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am pleased to announce that on the 12th Feb we are going to have a LoCo Docs Day! I know, its pretty darn exciting. Now, some of you may be wondering what exactly this LoCo Docs Day is. In a nutshell, it is when the Ubuntu LoCo community comes together to refine, add to and otherwise improve our Online LoCo Documentation. We already have some excellent documentation, but much of it needs a new lick of paint and a good ‘ol fashioned refresh. As such, we are all going to come together to help make this happen on the 12th Feb. So, how do you get involved? Simple: * Save The Date! Put the 12th Feb 2009 in your calendar as the LoCo Docs Day. * On the day (or before if you want to join in the usual chit-chat) join the #ubuntu-locoteams IRC channel on Freenode. * Contribute some of your time and expertise going in and contributing content to the wide variety of documentation. If you are unsure of where to start, why not take a look at our LoCo FAQ and see there are any questions that you have had in the past that the document does not answer. We would all love to see the FAQ become a hugely authoratitive document. There is a suggestion of other pages that need a refresh here. Everyone can help with the LoCo Docs Day. You don’t need to be a LoCo Leader or expert. If you don’t know where to start, do come to #ubuntu-locoteams on the 12th Feb and we can help find something for you to work on. We need every drop of help that we can. Every word that you contribute, every sentance that you find the time to write, is going to help make it easier for LoCo Teams to be successful, and in turn make it better for LoCo Teams to share Ubuntu with others. This is such a great way to contribute and we hope to see you on the 12th in #ubuntu-locoteams!