{{{ (08:09:04 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: START MEETING (08:09:23 PM) pak33m: not too muc on the agenda but at least were toghther (08:09:25 PM) pak33m: ah (08:10:12 PM) pak33m: meeting agenda here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings (08:10:19 PM) cloud__: soooo (08:10:22 PM) cloud__: whats happening? (08:10:37 PM) dantalizing: cloud__: we're waiting for pak33m to catch up :) (08:10:42 PM) cloud__: oO (08:10:51 PM) dantalizing: as i mentioned most of the agenda is just informational stuff (08:10:53 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: 1st Topic - Party Hardy Status (08:10:55 PM) Catsceo: hes still hurting from the rock (08:11:07 PM) pak33m: and bleeding (08:11:09 PM) pak33m: ouch (08:11:23 PM) pak33m: Ok, so the Orlando Hardy party is set (08:11:30 PM) pak33m: for this Friday at 7 pm (08:11:39 PM) pak33m: at Fiddlers Green in Winter Park (08:11:51 PM) Catsceo: ...and I can't come :( (08:11:53 PM) pak33m: i will be showing up at 6 pm to get a tableand/or room (08:12:03 PM) pak33m: why ant you come brett (08:12:14 PM) Catsceo: too far (08:12:25 PM) cloud__: same here (08:12:27 PM) pak33m: if anybody wants to join me at 6 they can its still happy hour then! (08:12:42 PM) Lapu74: sure thing pak33m i will (08:12:55 PM) pak33m: next release party we can talk abbout making it closer or in the middle (08:13:03 PM) pak33m: any suggestions about that (08:13:17 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: can you ask about putting up a banner? (08:13:23 PM) pak33m: Lapu74: haved you signed the hardy release page (08:13:30 PM) Lapu74: es i have pak33m (08:13:49 PM) pak33m: cool i just wanna tell the folks there how many in my party (08:13:54 PM) dantalizing: Lapu74 has to endure this question about 43 times (08:13:57 PM) dantalizing: :) (08:14:05 PM) Lapu74: its ok (08:14:19 PM) pak33m: i dont think they would like a banner but i will ask tmorrow (08:14:21 PM) Lapu74: it took me a while to figureout i had to actually edit the web page to do it (08:14:30 PM) pak33m: np Lapu74 (08:14:43 PM) dantalizing: so we have 6 people on the list, and Tanizaki and syberghost are not listed (08:14:59 PM) dantalizing: plus that woman that wanted help with her eee might show (08:15:00 PM) pak33m: Lapu74: and just so you know im very neurotic (08:15:24 PM) pak33m: im shooting for 10 people just in case nobody signed up but is still coming (08:15:42 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: any more news about CDs (08:15:59 PM) pak33m: anybody wanna urn some CDs to take to share (08:16:04 PM) dantalizing: none... i double checked my shipit acct and sent an email to the ship guys (08:16:07 PM) dantalizing: notthin (08:16:16 PM) dantalizing: i will (08:16:21 PM) pak33m: cool (08:16:44 PM) pak33m: what image would we burn for hardy to share at the party? (08:16:54 PM) dantalizing: lets try to get as many as possible seeding the desktop torrent too (08:17:00 PM) dantalizing: desktop (08:17:23 PM) pak33m: from where (08:17:24 PM) dantalizing: at least thats what i'll be doing (08:17:27 PM) pak33m: RC? (08:17:33 PM) dantalizing: no final (08:17:43 PM) pak33m: BTW! there is no wifi there (08:17:54 PM) Lapu74: right read that (08:17:54 PM) Tanizaki: i installed the RC this Friday (08:18:11 PM) pak33m: oh nm im thinking were partying the same night as the release (08:18:13 PM) pak33m: doh (08:18:24 PM) Tanizaki: release is thursday IIRC (08:18:30 PM) dantalizing: well it'll be difficult to get significant #s by Friday (08:18:30 PM) pak33m: does anybodt kow the whereabouts of the CD art? (08:18:41 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: the marketing page has some (08:18:46 PM) gottatrieit [n=rick59y@147-113.34-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] entered the room. (08:18:57 PM) pak33m: cool i will burn some CDs and include artwork like at FLS (08:18:57 PM) Tanizaki: make it be starbuck from battlestar galactica (08:19:05 PM) Tanizaki: new series starbuck, not dirk benedict (08:19:39 PM) dantalizing: just fyi, the old starbuck could kick the new starbuck's ass (08:19:47 PM) gottatrieit: Good Evening. It's been a while since I was in any kind of chat. Plse excuse my slow responses. (08:19:50 PM) pak33m: if we can hang the banner which i will find out about maybe we might get some interest where we might hand out some CDs (08:19:50 PM) dantalizing: even if he was a pretty boy (08:20:01 PM) Sindacious: lol BSG (08:20:09 PM) Sindacious: She sure wanted to frack ;p (08:20:15 PM) pak33m: overall the hardy party will be a social event (08:20:25 PM) pak33m: welcome gottatrieit (08:20:31 PM) dantalizing: and Sindacious (08:20:32 PM) gottatrieit: Hi (08:20:39 PM) Tanizaki: ya she sure did (08:20:41 PM) Sindacious: Hi dantalizing (08:20:47 PM) Catsceo: jo dudes (08:20:52 PM) pak33m: for anybody showing up were going through ou meeting agenda here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings (08:21:01 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: we also have the install fest going on with itnet7 at the Brevard User Group (08:21:08 PM) Tanizaki: pretty bad deal for Callie. I hope that serves as a lesson (08:21:09 PM) cloud__: install fest? (08:21:14 PM) pak33m: yes, well need some CDs there too (08:21:26 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: you wanna talk about that a bit (08:21:34 PM) dantalizing: I dont know details (08:21:35 PM) gottatrieit: The "official" release is Wednesday or Thursday? (08:21:47 PM) Tanizaki: Thurs i believe (08:21:51 PM) dantalizing: itnet7 asked for some help at the Brevard User Group meeting (08:21:54 PM) gottatrieit: 'k (08:21:55 PM) dantalizing: its a windows oriented grouip (08:22:05 PM) pak33m: yes, the release is Thursday (08:22:09 PM) dantalizing: so installing is a double 'win', so to speak (08:22:20 PM) dantalizing: i dont know where it is (08:22:22 PM) pak33m: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/BugClubInstallFest (08:22:26 PM) dantalizing: other than 'brevard' (08:22:30 PM) gottatrieit: Brevard? Melbourne area? (08:22:37 PM) naufragio [n=gavin@adsl-074-244-133-076.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] entered the room. (08:22:39 PM) pak33m: ok that page is empty (08:22:57 PM) ***naufragio waves (08:23:04 PM) Tanizaki: Azam Shrine in Melbourne hooty hoo (08:23:12 PM) pak33m: the project details say "Help Brevard User Group users to Install Hardy Ubuntu and Provide support to this PC user group" (08:23:13 PM) cloud__: hello naufragio (08:23:14 PM) gottatrieit: Where would one download installation disks at? (08:23:18 PM) pak33m: waving at naufragio (08:23:29 PM) dantalizing: morning naufragio (08:23:31 PM) Tanizaki: try the bazillion download links at ubuntu.com (08:23:40 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: ubuntu.com will provide a list of sites (08:23:43 PM) gottatrieit: Ok. (08:23:54 PM) gottatrieit: Roger. (08:23:56 PM) dantalizing: gottatrieit: the final release wont be available until Thursday (08:24:36 PM) pak33m: i will provide some details on the hardy party page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/HardyReleaseParty when i have more info keep a look out (08:24:46 PM) gottatrieit: Okay. How do you get the different colors to come up for your names? Sorry, I'm still a Gnu-B! (08:24:47 PM) dantalizing: naufragio: gonna make it out to Fiddlers Green Friday night? (08:25:01 PM) pak33m: i will get chris itnet7 to provide some more ideas about the instalfest on Saturday (08:25:07 PM) Tanizaki: RC was published on Friday, so I don't expect very much of an overhaul in the six days between RC and final (08:25:20 PM) naufragio: i might be out of town; if not, i'll be there (08:25:21 PM) pak33m: check for more info later here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/BugClubInstallFest (08:25:27 PM) dantalizing: nice (08:25:47 PM) gottatrieit: Any type of fest going on in Polk Cty. or Lakeland area? (08:25:49 PM) pak33m: naufragio: weve been talking about the hardy party on friday and the followup instalfest on saturday (08:26:05 PM) pak33m: i belive that the installfest is in Melbourne (08:26:29 PM) pak33m: it would be great if most made it if they can to ake this a team event (08:26:33 PM) dantalizing: gottatrieit: not yet, why dont you start one (08:26:56 PM) Lapu74: i am in polk city i would swing by (08:27:04 PM) dantalizing: gottatrieit: it doenst have to be this weekend, it can be anytime (08:27:16 PM) Tanizaki: is it true the chocolate rain guy will be there? (08:27:26 PM) pak33m: anybody have any questions, concerns, idears, etc about the hardy party on friday? (08:27:27 PM) gottatrieit: I can barely maintain my own machine and such. Wish I could do more. (08:27:28 PM) dantalizing: Tanizaki: that is an unconfirmed rumor.. (08:27:47 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: my request is for banner and standalone ap (08:27:59 PM) pak33m: standalne ap? (08:28:06 PM) dantalizing: access pont (08:28:08 PM) dantalizing: *point (08:28:18 PM) dantalizing: then we can at least share our pr0n (08:28:26 PM) naufragio: the chocolate rain guy? :-/ (08:28:27 PM) gottatrieit: I'm not technically profient is what I mean. Plus I don't know the other members and really haven't been active. (08:28:30 PM) pak33m: ah i just got riid of mine (08:28:38 PM) dantalizing: gottatrieit: we'll wait ;) (08:28:50 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: where are you from (08:28:54 PM) gottatrieit: Lakeland (08:28:55 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: not sure it would be of any use, but just in case (08:29:17 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: no, that would be cool. we maybe able to get some wireless there but i dont know (08:29:30 PM) pak33m: or do you mean for saturday dantalizing (08:29:40 PM) dantalizing: friday (08:29:46 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: do you think you can make it to the party on friday (08:29:51 PM) gottatrieit: I can copy a few disks and send them to people. I've already change my wife to Ubuntu and just gave my grand daughte an Ubuntu machine. They both love them! (08:29:59 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: i will check for hotspots, etc (08:30:39 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: if you can make it out were going to mostly hang out and socialize on friday so it would be great to meet you (08:30:39 PM) dantalizing: k (08:31:08 PM) naufragio: btw, CompUSA stores have the Everex w/ gOS (08:31:09 PM) pak33m: naufragio: are you interested in comin on friday (08:31:11 PM) gottatrieit: If it's in Melbourne, probably not. I wanted to go over for the Vets celebration, but I'm not going to make it this year. (08:31:18 PM) naufragio: pak33m: i think i'll be out of town (08:31:24 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: the hardy party is in orlando (08:31:27 PM) dantalizing: gottatrieit: its in orlando (08:31:50 PM) Lapu74: gottatrieit: i can help car pool if ya want i am in polk city not far from ya (08:32:00 PM) Lapu74: you are welcome to ride with me (08:32:01 PM) pak33m: anybody else got anything about the party on friday? idears, concerns.etc (08:32:26 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: theres a sign up list on our wiki to see who mayne carpooling, etc (08:32:41 PM) pak33m: if bordy was coming you could ride with hi he lives in lakeland (08:32:48 PM) cloud__: so how many people do you guys got coming to that party? (08:32:48 PM) dantalizing: just one last note, i requested CDs, as pak33m mentioned earlier, but i dont know if i'll have them in time (08:32:49 PM) gottatrieit: I can't commit right now. I appreciate the offers. What time on Friday? (08:32:53 PM) pak33m: Lapu74: are you in lakeland too (08:33:01 PM) Lapu74: yes (08:33:06 PM) Lapu74: just outside (08:33:11 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: np (08:33:13 PM) gottatrieit: brb. gotta check my calendar for appointments (08:33:15 PM) dantalizing: cloud__: 6 confirmed, sounds like up to 12 or so (08:33:25 PM) cloud__: cool cool (08:33:26 PM) Lapu74: gottatrieit: 7pm (08:33:42 PM) pak33m: Fiddlers Green sas that there are special rates for food and drinks for parties of 20 or more (08:33:49 PM) pak33m: but i dont think well make that (08:33:50 PM) igorgue is now known as igorgue_out (08:33:53 PM) pak33m: hmm (08:33:54 PM) PocketBrain [n=kknippel@user-142g2tu.cable.mindspring.com] entered the room. (08:34:08 PM) pak33m: im going to go based on the sin up and assume at least 2 more (08:34:10 PM) dantalizing: PocketBrain: you're early! (08:34:17 PM) pak33m: and PocketBrain of course (08:34:22 PM) pak33m: with his fan (08:34:42 PM) naufragio: pak33m: be sure to post to GOLUG and LEAP, maybe also UCF LUG (08:34:53 PM) PocketBrain: wot? (08:34:58 PM) pak33m: naufragio: yes thats right (08:35:02 PM) dantalizing: PocketBrain: meeting time (08:35:08 PM) pak33m: i gotta contact joe dwyer too (08:35:30 PM) PocketBrain: I thot I was late. (08:35:40 PM) dantalizing: PocketBrain: you are, i was joking (08:35:47 PM) pak33m: naufragio: could you send me an email with the mailing lsust for those folks (08:35:49 PM) dantalizing: PocketBrain: but we're glad you're here (08:36:09 PM) dantalizing: i'll post to golug and leap (08:36:10 PM) PocketBrain: I was watching the Simpsons time-shifted. (08:36:22 PM) gottatrieit: Okay. I appreciate the offers, but I have medical problems that would interfere somewhat. Thanks again for the offers, tho. (08:36:24 PM) pak33m: PocketBrain: time only shifts on LOST (08:36:26 PM) PocketBrain: although I cheated; I haven't gotten MythTV running on the laptop yet. (08:36:33 PM) gottatrieit: Maybe I can help out some other way. (08:36:47 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: np (08:37:03 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: you can just stick in there and see what were doing (08:37:30 PM) pak33m: PocketBrain: will you be at the party on friday (08:37:32 PM) dantalizing: so who is on the UCF list? (08:37:44 PM) PocketBrain: yeah! (08:37:49 PM) pak33m: nice (08:37:53 PM) PocketBrain: friday? (08:37:55 PM) pak33m: yes (08:38:20 PM) cloud__: UCF party too? (08:38:37 PM) dantalizing: no cloud__ just let the UCF LUG know about the hardy party (08:38:48 PM) gottatrieit: I do have one small talent that may help out, just let me know who or how to fill the group in. If I try here, I'll be wordy as all get out! LOL (08:39:19 PM) cloud__: lol i know nothing (08:39:31 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: would you if you havent already post on our forum http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=225 about yourself (08:39:41 PM) pak33m: when you have a chance that is (08:39:49 PM) Lapu74: gottatrieit: if you check out the fl-team forums there is a section there for introducing yourself and such you might wana post there (08:39:50 PM) PocketBrain: mannnnn. I really gotta drink hard for this party. (08:40:13 PM) pak33m: Anything else for the Hardy Party on Friday? (08:40:15 PM) gottatrieit: I've already posted on the florida LoCo team site. Is that what you mean? (08:40:22 PM) pak33m: yes (08:40:30 PM) pak33m: thats what i mean (08:40:56 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: 2nd Topic - Ubuntu Open Week 4/28 - 3/3 (08:41:08 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: you wanna talk about hthis? (08:41:11 PM) gottatrieit: I've tried that launchpad stuff. I logged into it a couple years ago before I realized it was for techies! :-) (08:41:22 PM) dantalizing: just want to let everyone know that ubuntu open week is coming up 4/28 (08:41:31 PM) dantalizing: its basically a week of tutorials (08:41:39 PM) gottatrieit: I'm still a member, but I don't understand all that "key" stuff. (08:41:50 PM) dantalizing: most of the focus is bug reporting, testing, packaging, type things (08:41:54 PM) dantalizing: but there are others as well (08:42:06 PM) Catsceo: where is open week? (08:42:12 PM) Catsceo: like a party? (08:42:15 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: if you have problems with launchpad, etc. just ask one iof us in this channel and we can help. just beware of syberghost and his perl scripts (08:42:19 PM) dantalizing: the full schedule can be found here:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek (08:42:51 PM) dantalizing: Catsceo: all the sessions take place in #ubuntu-classroom (08:42:53 PM) pak33m: guys, ubuntu open week is very cool for learning more about ubuntuand getting involved (08:42:58 PM) naufragio: i'm lost; if anybody needs the contact info for mailing lists to post to, ping me (08:43:07 PM) pak33m: naufragio: cool (08:43:10 PM) Catsceo: oh (08:43:14 PM) naufragio: er, pm me (08:43:16 PM) PocketBrain: mkay, so what/where is happening on Friday. (08:43:36 PM) pak33m: PocketBrain: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/HardyReleaseParty (08:43:56 PM) naufragio: lots of orlando user groups etc. listed here: http://barcamp.org/BarCampOrlandoGroups (08:43:58 PM) dantalizing: right, what pak33m said... its a great chance to learn if you want to get involved, or just learn (08:44:15 PM) dantalizing: just make sure you notice that the schedule is UTC (08:44:26 PM) dantalizing: so i think we're -4, right? (08:44:28 PM) dantalizing: something like that (08:44:35 PM) PocketBrain: it says the 26th or am I high? (08:45:04 PM) gottatrieit: How do you change or understand UTC versus local time? Gnu-B asks. (08:45:11 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: i will put a UTC conversion dealy on the open week page on our wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/UbuntuOpenWeek (08:45:12 PM) dantalizing: yeah that top part is incorrect PocketBrain (08:45:17 PM) Tanizaki: we're -4 in daylgiht time, -5 in stnadard (08:45:25 PM) naufragio: should also get the Hardy party on the Orlando Tech Calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=apopqie8ak17s71ttlnrhi7jp0%40group.calendar.google.com (08:45:27 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: i will (08:45:44 PM) naufragio: person to contact for that is Gregg Pollack (08:46:03 PM) dantalizing: gottatrieit: i usually use timeanddate.com, but i'll put a converter up somewhere (08:46:07 PM) dantalizing: naufragio: thanks (08:46:26 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: did you say that you will put up the UTC converter dealy (08:46:40 PM) Tanizaki: time.gov is easy enough to use (08:46:50 PM) gottatrieit: np, I need to experiment and explore anyways. I'm having a blast learning to cmi! (08:47:02 PM) naufragio: Tanizaki: but then you have to trust the gub'ment (08:47:13 PM) naufragio: damn gub'ment always trickin' me with their "time" (08:47:32 PM) pak33m: everybody the tutorials for ubuntu open week are in ubuntu-classroom in irc (08:47:35 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: yes (08:48:04 PM) gottatrieit: Ooops! Sorry guys/gals. That should be "cli" right? for command line interface ...... (08:48:08 PM) pak33m: take a look at the schedule you may find there are quite a bit there that interestes you (08:48:23 PM) dantalizing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/UbuntuOpenWeek (08:48:29 PM) dantalizing: dammit (08:48:30 PM) dantalizing: sorry (08:48:42 PM) dantalizing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek (08:49:21 PM) dantalizing: next up pak33m (08:49:52 PM) pak33m: any questions, tec about Ubunt open week? (08:50:01 PM) dantalizing: ubunto? (08:50:11 PM) PocketBrain: Ubuntopen (08:50:14 PM) pak33m: thats the pre-past tense (08:50:35 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: - 3rd Topic - Any new events coming up? (08:51:00 PM) naufragio: CopyNight Tuesday in Orlando -- http://www.gavinbaker.com/copynight/ (08:51:05 PM) pak33m: I just wanted to put this out there to see if anybody knew of any events coming up that we could be involved with (08:51:19 PM) ***dantalizing wants to move to orlando (08:51:38 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: thats new (08:51:59 PM) naufragio: Florida Creatives Monday in Orlando -- http://floridacreatives.com/florida-creatives/event/florida-creatives-happy-hour (08:52:13 PM) dantalizing: i would go postal on the traffic, but lotsa stuff going on (08:52:34 PM) naufragio: p.s. if anyone in Orlando works from home, we do co-working Tuesdays at Stardust (08:52:46 PM) pak33m: i was talking to dantalizing not too long ago about doing some bug james and/or packaging jams for the team (08:53:07 PM) gottatrieit: Thanks for the info and other stuff. I'm going to say "good night" and browse the net, starting with Fl LoCo @ Ubuntu forums page. (08:53:14 PM) gottatrieit: Ex-Chat (08:53:18 PM) PocketBrain: working at home... how do I get into that? (08:53:19 PM) dantalizing: later gottatrieit (08:53:29 PM) naufragio: PocketBrain, stop going to work ;) (08:53:32 PM) pak33m: gottatrieit: thanks for conign by again (08:53:45 PM) gottatrieit left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat"). (08:53:46 PM) dantalizing: naufragio: who is "we" (08:53:53 PM) naufragio: dantalizing, whoever shows up (08:53:54 PM) pak33m: that was gaelic for coming (08:54:03 PM) PocketBrain: I did stop going to work. :-( (08:54:24 PM) naufragio: i think LEAP has an installfest on May 3: http://leap-cf.org/ifest.php3?meeting=next (08:54:30 PM) naufragio: they usually do the 1st Saturday in Orlando (08:54:32 PM) pak33m: would anybody be interested in having a florida team bug jam and/or packaging jam if we could put it together? (08:54:47 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: i owuld (08:54:56 PM) dantalizing: thats gaelic for 'would' (08:55:04 PM) pak33m: wonder if we could get staik to help some (08:55:16 PM) pak33m: too (08:55:22 PM) PocketBrain: och laddie (08:55:27 PM) dantalizing: possibly, we'll have to hit him up (08:55:40 PM) pak33m: were getting ready for the pub on friday (08:56:05 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: the two of us should work out the details (08:56:12 PM) dantalizing: k (08:56:21 PM) pak33m: maybe i can talk to gregg or the MI team too (08:56:35 PM) pak33m: anybody got anything about new events? (08:56:49 PM) naufragio: other than what i said ^^ ;) (08:57:14 PM) dantalizing: naufragio has central florida covered (08:57:19 PM) pak33m: naufragio: thank you that is a tonne of info (08:57:29 PM) pak33m: that was canadian for ton (08:57:40 PM) Catsceo: you mean english (08:57:45 PM) Catsceo: :P (08:57:47 PM) naufragio: same queen (08:57:52 PM) Catsceo: haha (08:57:54 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: - 4th Topic Gaming servers for the BBS, looking for a ETQW maintainer -- Catsceo (08:58:02 PM) pak33m: go ahead Catsceo (08:58:17 PM) ***Ax3 stumbles in drunk (08:58:21 PM) Catsceo: OK, who wants to set up a ETQW server on the BBS or any other type of gaming server? (08:58:31 PM) ***PocketBrain hands Ax3 another beer. (08:58:35 PM) Ax3: \o/ (08:58:35 PM) dantalizing: someone hold Ax3's hair back (08:58:53 PM) dantalizing: Catsceo: i will hit itnet7 up about this (08:58:55 PM) Catsceo: I provide disk space, bandwidth and hosting (08:58:59 PM) Catsceo: ok (08:59:02 PM) dantalizing: he has mentioned his interest in doing it in the past (08:59:06 PM) dantalizing: as a loco thing (08:59:08 PM) Ax3: actually the only thing im drunk on is pseuedoephedrine (08:59:15 PM) pak33m: Catsceo: what ETQW? (08:59:17 PM) Ax3: and bad spelling :) (08:59:19 PM) Catsceo: ElementC runs a Half-Life 2 Death Match server currently (08:59:30 PM) PocketBrain: gesundheit? (08:59:33 PM) Ax3: we need an unreal tournament GOTY server (08:59:43 PM) Ax3: :D (08:59:46 PM) dantalizing: ut2k4 ftw (08:59:47 PM) Catsceo: Enemy Territory Quake Wars (08:59:52 PM) PocketBrain: darn it, I need a job so I can build a PC capable of running HL2. (08:59:53 PM) pak33m: oh a game (09:00:05 PM) Catsceo: Ax3: o rly? (09:00:09 PM) ***pak33m is not a gamer (09:00:14 PM) Ax3: ya rly :) (09:00:16 PM) pak33m: sorry (09:00:18 PM) ***Ax3 is old school (09:00:23 PM) Ax3: that or civilization III (09:00:25 PM) Ax3: :D (09:00:29 PM) PocketBrain: I do have the original UT though. (09:00:34 PM) Catsceo: Ax3: email me and we'll set it up (09:00:35 PM) dantalizing: i'm 'dantalizing' on ETQW,UT2k4,and PS3 (09:01:03 PM) pak33m: oh arent you dantalizing on twitter too (09:01:05 PM) dantalizing: and i will pwn you (09:01:21 PM) dantalizing: the same (09:01:28 PM) Ax3: what is this 'email' you speak of (09:01:37 PM) dantalizing: i'm in your twitter stealing your ....ew nevermind (09:01:54 PM) Ax3: what happened to mah bawt (09:01:55 PM) naufragio: anyone for OpenArena? (09:01:57 PM) ***Ax3 looks around (09:01:59 PM) Catsceo: Ax3: or PM if you're lazy (09:02:07 PM) Catsceo: OA FTW!!!! (09:02:10 PM) dantalizing: yeah, what naufragio said (09:02:15 PM) dantalizing: we should do open games (09:02:32 PM) dantalizing: +1 oa (09:02:39 PM) Catsceo: naufragio: email me to get it setup (09:02:40 PM) |Emerald| [n=Emerald@n128-227-99-157.xlate.ufl.edu] entered the room. (09:02:42 PM) pak33m: im still down for our opensoap porject (09:02:45 PM) Ax3: \o/ (09:02:47 PM) Ax3: !gl (09:02:49 PM) pak33m: but thats another discussion (09:02:53 PM) |Emerald|: [GatorLug News] Barcamp Orlando - 201 at http://www.gatorlug.org (09:02:53 PM) naufragio: Catsceo: what am i supposed to do, and why am i supposed to do it? (09:02:54 PM) PocketBrain: Tremulous? (09:02:55 PM) |Emerald|: [GatorLug News] Fastest Codeslinger 2008 Solutions - 202 at http://www.gatorlug.org (09:02:57 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: Tanizaki is taking the lead on that (09:02:58 PM) |Emerald|: [GatorLug News] GatorLUG Meeting | Xen | OLPC | TA Spring - 203 at http://www.gatorlug.org (09:03:04 PM) PocketBrain: Anybody? anybody? Tremulous? (09:03:05 PM) Catsceo: WTF is this? (09:03:08 PM) Ax3: floooood (09:03:13 PM) Ax3: a bot i set up (09:03:15 PM) Ax3: lol (09:03:27 PM) Catsceo: DIE BOT DIE (09:03:30 PM) dantalizing: PocketBrain: never played Tremulous (09:03:33 PM) Ax3: it's INFORMATIVE (09:03:40 PM) naufragio: tremulous was a bit challenging for me/my cpu (09:03:47 PM) Catsceo: Its ANNOYING (09:03:49 PM) naufragio: i should say, for my cpu/my computer's cpu (09:03:54 PM) |Emerald|: [Planet Ubuntu Florida] What is Ubuntu still missing - http://igordevlog.blogspot.com/2008/04/what-is-ubuntu-still-missing.html (09:03:55 PM) |Emerald|: [Planet Ubuntu Florida] Installing Software On Linux: So easy even Ballmer can do it - http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/wrevolution/~3/273834684/ (09:03:55 PM) Ax3: it announces whenever the gainesville lug writes an article (09:03:59 PM) Catsceo: and your grammar SUCKS (09:04:00 PM) pak33m: Ax3: can the bot provide the mass mailing status of our opensoap porject (09:04:01 PM) Catsceo: ;) (09:04:12 PM) Ax3: if it's RSS or ATOM sure (09:04:26 PM) Ax3: xml ftw (09:04:43 PM) pak33m: Catsceo: is that it for ETQW? (09:04:55 PM) pak33m: anybody else have anything about it (09:04:55 PM) dantalizing: tremulous looks cool (09:05:04 PM) PocketBrain: I want to play as a bug. (09:05:10 PM) Catsceo: pak33m: what? (09:05:18 PM) pak33m: your topic (09:05:29 PM) PocketBrain: easy to kill, but they are faaaasssttt. And they can climb on the ceilings. (09:05:35 PM) Ax3: what im trying to figure out is why planet ubuntu announced (09:05:40 PM) Ax3: i didn't trigger it :S (09:05:54 PM) Catsceo: yeah, anyone who wants a gamming server setup, email me, or put something up on the mailing list (09:06:07 PM) Catsceo: next! (09:06:16 PM) dantalizing: nice Catsceo (09:06:18 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: 5th Topic - Open Discussion/Other Items (09:06:36 PM) pak33m: anybody have anything they want to discuss except got |Emerald| (09:06:48 PM) Catsceo: lets not overload it tho, its only got 1 GB of RAM and runs F@H 24/7 (09:07:01 PM) dantalizing: yah Ax3, the rss feed is alpha on the homepage now (09:07:06 PM) dantalizing: only the 'events' category (09:07:26 PM) Catsceo: oh yeah, I made a video of me installing hardy RC, I'll stick it on the BBS and FTP (09:07:30 PM) Ax3: yea i dunno why (09:07:30 PM) dantalizing: that was a great idea, not sure why we didnt think of it before, thx (09:07:42 PM) Ax3: what was a great idea? (09:07:54 PM) dantalizing: Ax3: to put up rss for the website (09:08:00 PM) Ax3: oh :) (09:08:04 PM) Catsceo: deedeedee (09:08:05 PM) dantalizing: its there in alpha form (09:08:12 PM) dantalizing: i just added the 'events' category (09:08:13 PM) Ax3: i love me some rss, i can't respect a site that doesn't have it ^_^ (09:08:18 PM) dantalizing: but i'll fill it out over time (09:08:24 PM) PocketBrain: My folding stats took a big hit. (09:08:32 PM) dantalizing: you're right Ax3 (09:08:40 PM) dantalizing: oh yea (09:08:44 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: folding (09:08:53 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: talk away (09:08:53 PM) dantalizing: ubuntu florida team (09:08:58 PM) Ax3: pak33m: send me ur rss link and the trigger you want for example !opensoap or !os (09:09:02 PM) pak33m: start a project of it (09:09:12 PM) dantalizing: its startd (09:09:20 PM) dantalizing: join 123168 (09:09:32 PM) pak33m: Ax3: not to be a dreamcrusher but opensoap is just a funny (09:09:49 PM) pak33m: it was mostly for Tanizaki (09:09:49 PM) Ax3: oh ok /me shrugs (09:09:55 PM) pak33m: Ax3: no worries (09:10:14 PM) Ax3: !ubfl (09:10:15 PM) |Emerald|: [Planet Ubuntu Florida] VMware 6.0.3 in Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 kernel 2.6.24 - http://igordevlog.blogspot.com/2008/03/vmware-603-in-ubuntu-hardy-804-kernel.html (09:10:15 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: talk about folding then (09:10:16 PM) |Emerald|: [Planet Ubuntu Florida] What is Ubuntu still missing - http://igordevlog.blogspot.com/2008/04/what-is-ubuntu-still-missing.html (09:10:17 PM) |Emerald|: [Planet Ubuntu Florida] Installing Software On Linux: So easy even Ballmer can do it - http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/wrevolution/~3/273834684/ (09:10:26 PM) dantalizing: so far our ubuntu florida folding team is bulging with new cpus (09:10:30 PM) pak33m: !opensoap (09:10:33 PM) dantalizing: and by 'bulging' i mean 1 (09:10:57 PM) pak33m: help us understand dantalizing (09:11:06 PM) pak33m: how to (09:11:07 PM) dantalizing: well i'm 33, vegetarian (09:11:09 PM) dantalizing: oh (09:11:18 PM) pak33m: no, thats me (09:11:27 PM) dantalizing: just spreading the meme (09:12:02 PM) pak33m: whats involved with folding dantalizing (09:12:05 PM) naufragio: such a confusing meeting (09:12:22 PM) pak33m: naufragio: what do you mean i dont have control (09:12:30 PM) pak33m: hehe (09:13:05 PM) dantalizing: the folding at home project is basically a distributed computing project to simulate protiens, RNA and other icky stuff (09:13:46 PM) dantalizing: its scientific research, distributed (09:13:53 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: will you make it a porject (09:13:59 PM) dantalizing: ok (09:14:03 PM) dantalizing: taskmaster (09:14:56 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: how we we get involved in folding (09:15:10 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: download the client from the folding at home website (09:15:15 PM) Ax3: so should I add in another trigger for Ubuntu Florida Local Community ? (09:15:17 PM) dantalizing: configure it for team # 1231668 (09:15:21 PM) dantalizing: oops (09:15:24 PM) dantalizing: team #123168 (09:15:52 PM) Ax3: cuz now we have http://florida.ubuntu-us.org/index2.php?option=ds-syndicate&version=1&feed_id=3 and http://florida.ubuntu-us.org/planet/atom.xml (09:15:54 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: so its sharing power, what (09:15:55 PM) dantalizing: Ax3 only if you promise to use it in the Georgia channel exclusively (09:16:00 PM) PocketBrain: I like the "Improve hardware support" comment; the latest version finally installed and runs on my new laptop. (09:16:24 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: its sharing compute power (09:16:27 PM) Ax3: hey i think it's useful :p (09:17:02 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: and what are the benefits? (09:17:08 PM) dantalizing: calculations are distributed, in effect, making a massively parallel distributed computing engine for complex equations (09:17:11 PM) pak33m: for those who dont know (09:17:30 PM) dantalizing: Ax3 i like it, but on demand (09:17:36 PM) dantalizing: not random (09:17:48 PM) Ax3: i don't think it's random (09:17:54 PM) dantalizing: and most in here dont wanna know what gatorlug is doing (09:18:01 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: does it have some *green* benfits (09:18:10 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: it is anti-green (09:18:24 PM) PocketBrain: ? anti-green? (09:18:34 PM) pak33m: no really? (09:18:35 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: its basically donating your compute cycles to science (09:18:43 PM) pak33m: i mean is it really (09:18:57 PM) dantalizing: well, if you leave your computer on computing all night, isnt it more 'green' to turn off you pc? (09:18:59 PM) Catsceo: FOLDING@HOME (09:19:07 PM) Catsceo: DO IT (09:19:14 PM) Catsceo: NAO (09:19:15 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: not if i have dantalizing pinging me all night (09:19:29 PM) PocketBrain: 99% of people folding would be leaving their computers on anyway, and you save the power and materials the universities would be using for the supercomputers required to do a tiny, tiny fraction of what the distributed project does... so is it green? (09:19:30 PM) pak33m: Catsceo: was that Cantoneese for NOW (09:19:34 PM) dantalizing: but, if you have somethign running 24x7 all the time anyway, sitting idle 99% of the time, you should add the folding@ home client (09:19:47 PM) Catsceo: pak33m: no, it was internet for now (09:19:48 PM) Tanizaki: dantal is gonig to walk to the hardy party so he can be "green" (09:20:08 PM) dantalizing: yes, i have t leave now (09:20:22 PM) Tanizaki: good luck! (09:20:34 PM) dantalizing: to compensate for being abandoned in the woods while hitchhiking (09:20:38 PM) pak33m: Tanizaki: i think i will since it right down that street from my wokr (09:21:02 PM) pak33m: its a team project (09:21:31 PM) Tanizaki: I am going to drive down there in my SUV that has whale skin hubcaps and baby seal eyes for headlights (09:21:40 PM) Lapu74: lol (09:21:45 PM) dantalizing: mmm...dinner time (09:21:58 PM) pak33m: Anybody have anything else for the meeting? (09:22:01 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: i'll work on the elevator pitch and put up a project page (09:22:06 PM) Tanizaki: while eating big macs from MCDonalds in the old styrofoam containers (09:22:26 PM) dantalizing: Tanizaki lies...he doesnt eat big macs (09:22:34 PM) pak33m: i dont (09:22:48 PM) pak33m: ew (09:23:04 PM) dantalizing: mmmm...processed 'meat' (09:23:08 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: END MEETING (09:23:14 PM) Ax3: !ubfl (09:23:22 PM) pak33m: oh wait (09:23:24 PM) dantalizing: !ubfl (09:23:30 PM) Ax3: bot now messages ;) (09:23:32 PM) dantalizing: !redteam (09:23:32 PM) pak33m has changed the topic to: NEXT MEETING (09:23:42 PM) Lapu74: !ubfl (09:23:44 PM) pak33m: dantalizing: next meeting date (09:23:46 PM) dantalizing: Ax3 very sweet! (09:23:51 PM) pak33m: !opensoap (09:23:59 PM) Ax3: dantalizing: thank you :) (09:24:11 PM) dantalizing: pak33m: 1st sunday is may 3 (09:24:13 PM) dantalizing: sorry (09:24:15 PM) dantalizing: may 4 (09:25:04 PM) pak33m: cool }}}