

  1. Hardy Release Parties
    • Orlando and Miami
    • pak33m is organizing a release Party in Orlando.
    • We decided to make it a social event only, no installfest.
    • ZacharyBrown is organizing a release party in Miami, but was unable to attend the meeting

    • DanTrevino is still following up to find out when we can place orders for Hardy CDs for all parties.

  2. Document Freedom Day
    • GavinBaker is organizing a Document Freedom Day event in Orlando.

  3. BarCamp Orlando

    • BarCamp Orlando is April 5th & 6th.

    • We decided to have a face-to-face (F2F) get together after BarCamp at a nearby restaurant. Details are still being worked out,but as more information is available, we'll be posting it to the wiki[4]. Of course, we'll probably be seeing each other around BarCamp too. Everyone is invited to the F2F, even if you can't make it to BarCamp.

  4. Other Meetup
    • MikeFeravolo also mentioned that he has a regular meetup scheduled in Orlando, and invites everyone to attend.

  5. Other Items
    • pak33m is going to start a wiki page to track details about those going to Ubuntu Live [6].

  6. Next Meeting
  7. The next Florida Team Meeting will be March 30th @ 8 pm EST.

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FloridaTeam/TeamReports/08/March (last edited 2009-06-23 02:30:52 by 99-21-107-94)