=== Summary === ## ReportStart * The Tampa Linux meeting of the Florida LoCo was held Saturday, Feb 7, 2009. The attendees set the direction for the next few monthly meetups and we managed to help a fellow member repair his Ubuntu installation. The meeting brought a bunch of new faces and several returning for more! Next meeting will be held on 7 March 2009. http://meetup.com/Tampa-Linux for details! * The FloridaTeam participated in the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam. We met several new contributors and triaged over a hundred bugs. * Planning continues for the 3/9/2009 Florida Linux Show. Ubuntu Florida will be exhibiting and demoing Ubuntu and new Jaunty features. * Next Meeting Date 3/3/2009 ## ReportEnd === Full Report === ==== Projects ==== ==== Meetings ==== * The Tampa Linux meeting of the Florida LoCo was held Saturday, Feb 7, 2009. The attendees set the direction for the next few monthly meetups and we managed to help a fellow member repair his Ubuntu installation. The meeting brought a bunch of new faces and several returning for more! Next meeting will be held on 7 March 2009. http://meetup.com/Tampa-Linux for details! * Next meeting is scheduled for March 3^rd^ at 8 PM in the LoCo channel. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings#agenda ==== Florida Team Membership ==== 172 ==== Recently Approved Members ==== ==== Team Owner ==== [[LaunchpadHome:itnet7]]