* '''Launchpad Entry''': https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/font-design-toolkit * '''Created''': by NicolasSpalinger * '''Contributors''': * '''Packages affected''': fontforge, open-font-design-toolkit == Summary == Making Ubuntu the ideal environment to design libre/open fonts == Rationale == The vast majority of font designers use OS X and some use Windows-specific tools. With common standards (opentype) more are thinking cross-platform and most are using some libre/open plugins along with the current proprietary stack of font design tools (FontLab and friends). Improving the available tools, integrating them and providing a rich and intuitive design environment similar to what the font design community is already accustomed to will help. == Use cases == Simon wants to add glyphs to an existing open font and would like to have all the stack needed to do proper font design easily installed. He would like a friendly and non-restricted environment where he can reuse his experience from designing fonts on other OSes. He would like as much interoperability and standard-based apps as possible so that his fonts can be developed and used cross-platform. == Scope == We will list available * tools * research papers * tutorials * font sources to contribute to * font sources to branch from And gather useful information about the font design community * FLOSS-friendly designers * FLOSS-friendly websites and forums * font design community real-life meetups (conference and workshops) == Design == Creating a meta-package to get the font design toolkit easily installed: see '''apt-get install open-font-design-toolkit''' (this set of design tools will be adjusted as needed) Creating online and offline resources for open font designers. == Implementation == Integrating the following tools: * fontforge, fontforge-doc, inkscape, gimp * freetype-tools, libfont-ttf-perl, fonttools, gwaterfall, freetype-demos, oto, sfddiff, fontQA, ttx, robofab, superpolator * gfontsampler, gucharmap, guci, scribus-font-preview * a selection of useful mozilla extensions Doing an UI review for fontforge, suggesting usability enhancements. Helping with the GTK+ port, looking at a common format with FontLab either though import/export filters or a common XML-based format like UFO. Integrating the various small scripts lying around. See FontforgeImprovements. See the various tools as listed on the Open Font Library wiki: http://openfontlibrary.org/wiki/Tools And the various utilities on http://utilities.open-fonts.org/ Integration with revision control and best practises around source tree layout is also desirable. === Code === === Data preservation and migration === == Outstanding issues == == BoF agenda and discussion == discussion of related specs: OpenFonts FontManagement ---- CategorySpec