## page was renamed from Fontforge = Fontforge = Here's a very rough list of wishlist/feature requests for the [[http://fontforge.sf.net|fontforge]] font design suite by George Williams. It is a very advanced program but from the perspective of designers things could be improved. The changelog is moving fast and well worth watching: http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/changelog.html This initial list comes from listening to feedback from designers giving Fontforge a quick test drive. This doesn't take into account the possible complexity of actually implementing these features. It's basically a summary of "wouldn't it be nice if fontforge had this feature?" conversations. Feel free to add your own thoughts and refine this list: * change grey background to white (DONE) * improve OS X packaging (Aqua port?) * reduce the node points * consider implementing a python interpreter to be able to reuse Fontlab scripts (DONE) * provide an UFO import/export filter (DONE) * include better graphic tablet support * allow shortcuts to be redefined * provide an options to synchronize menus with Fontlab where possible (gimpshop-like) * drop the not-quite respectful error messages * be able to see point coordinates in the canvas * GTK+ port: UNDERWAY - mostly the viewer * better hinting tools * better tools to tweak smart features (like Graphite description language) * Microsoft Visual OpenType Tool (VOLT) like UI * VOLT like accessibility and improvement for non-latin complex scripts like range Indic Scripts and others.