I am a first year graduate student working on Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Texas Tech University, USA. I like hacking computer and electronics stuff to make more fun to my life.
I began to use Linux around 5 years ago, when I was a sophomore. The first Linux distribution I used is Red Hat 9. Very classic, unh? Then I followed the series : Fedora 1, Fedora 2, Fedora 4. Then, I noticed Ubuntu. I tried it once and found it's good, better than Fedora(Red Hat) community's. So Ubuntu becomes my favorite Linux distribution after that.
I think Ubuntu has a very active user community. As a Ph.D. student on Computer Science and M.Sc. student on Electrical Engineering, I would like to contribute spreading Ubuntu and help people using Linux.
My contributed page on Ubuntu Wiki: * LaptopTestingTeam/FujitsuStylisticST5020D * ASUS_M2NBP-VM_CSM
This is my home: http://narnia.cs.ttu.edu Welcome to contact me: http://narnia.cs.ttu.edu/drupal/node/2