
UbuntuForums Super Moderator Requirements

This is an overview of what is expected of an Ubuntuforms Super Moderator, but is not an exhaustive list.

The Forum Council is mentoring a set of about 3 Moderators in becoming future Forum Council members and forums administrators. The Administrator Control Panel is a dense forum’s back office that is not always easy to follow. It takes quite some time to train a Forums Admin. Even if the Admins turnover is quite low, it does happen from time to time within the normal Council expiry.

For a detail explanation of the whys and hows of the creation of this group, please see here.

Time Commitment

2-4 hours per week with moderation team duties is a reasonable minimum, more if you are happy to!

Super Moderators, such as Administrators, are expected to log in the forums on a regular basis and keep up with the discussions in the forums restricted areas.

Routine Forum Tasks

  • Regular routine tasks expected from Moderators as can be found here.

  • Get familiar with the Forums Admin Control Panel and in particular dealing with user accounts.
  • Review the tutorials we have in place and ask questions if anything is unclear.
  • Review and answer posts created in the Resolution Center for which you have authorisation.

Some Things to Bear in Mind

  • You'll have full access to the AdminCP. Specific task are laid out which Super Moderators have the authority to undertake.
  • Please continue to provide support on the Forums.
  • Remember when posting that you are a role model for newer members and for moderators.
  • Participate in discussions in private forum moderation team areas.
  • Canonical scripts monitor activity on the forum, if you are inactive during the cron script run time, you will be deactivated.

Activity Outside of The Forum

  • Please consider helping in the various irc channels, editing Ubuntu wikis and helping in askubuntu, or in any other way that helps make the forum part of the wider Ubuntu community.
  • Subscribe to the Forum Council agenda. If you can not attend the meeting, please comment on any issues prior to the FC meeting.

Have Fun!

It's not a job, you won't get paid ...

So if you are not enjoying your Super moderator duties, then something is wrong. Talk to other members of the team. Join in the banter in SCC or #ubuntuforums-mods or take a break.

ForumCouncil/SuperModerator (last edited 2015-03-23 21:08:55 by host86-156-122-105)