||<>|| === Procedure for new moderator team nomination === ==== Nomination ==== 1. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncil|Forum Council]], with regard to current moderation team levels and moderation requirements, makes decision as to how many new positions need to be filled. 1. Current Ubuntu Members (via [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Forums/Membership |Forum Route]]) and all [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-staff/+members#active | current forum moderation team]] can nominate (after discussing nomination with nominee) candidates for vacant positions. 1. Current Ubuntu Members (via [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Forums/Membership |Forum Route]]) can nominate themselves. 1. Forum Council can nominate candidates for positions on the moderation team who are not currently Ubuntu Members, if they feel they have the necessary contributions that, if they were to apply for membership via forum contribution they would be approved for Ubuntu Member status. ==== Nominee Requirements ==== 1. Be consistently helpful and active on the forum. 1. Be an Ubuntu Member by way of Forum contributions or an Ubuntu Member who is active on the forum. 1. Have no infractions or have no current infractions (depending on the severity, at least 18 months old ). 1. Have demonstrated a consistent attitude of friendliness, kindness and who have shown a pattern of helpfulness in their posts. Further information regarding the requirements of the role once a nominee has been moved into the moderation team can be found [[ForumCouncil/Moderator |here]]. === Nomination and voting cycle === 1. A thread will be created in the Forum Members private forum area, outlining the numbers of new nominees that the Forum Council would like to see filled. 1. Nominations should be sent directly to ubuntu-forums-council@lists.ubuntu.com any other method of nomination will be disallowed. 1. Nomination period is open for 14 days from Forum Council call for nominees. 1. Forum Council chooses from the nominee pool sufficient numbers to fill vacant positions. 1. Private vote set up using Condorcet for active members of [[ https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-staff |Current moderation team]] , [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-staff-former | Former Staff]] and [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-forum-members |Forum Ubuntu Members ]]. NB. It is the responsibility of each eligible voting member to ensure that their Launchpad email address is current and valid. 1. Vote runs for 14 days. 1. Forum Council contacts successful nominees. 1. Forum Council reserves the right to deny appointment to the moderation team. 1. Forum Council announces vote outcome in Forum Member area. 1. Forum Council announces new moderation team members in general forum. ==== FALLBACK APPOINTMENT PROCESS ==== If, in the opinion of the Forum Council, circumstances are such that a formal vote of Forum Members as described above is infeasible, then the Forum Council will call for nominations from the current forum staff and choose suitable candidates from those names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Procedure for nomination of Moderator team member to Super Moderator === The Super Moderator group was created to mentor Moderators into becoming Forum Council members. The Forum Council intends to have a constant group of about 3 Super Moderators who will become familiar with the Ubuntu Forums administration tasks and control panel interface. ==== Nominee Requirements ==== 1. Be consistently helpful and active in the restricted Staff Forum areas. 1. Show reliable and balanced moderation actions. 1. Have demonstrated the ability to communicate with other Staff members regarding moderation actions. Further information regarding the requirements of the role once a nominee has been moved into the moderation team can be found [[ForumCouncil/SuperModerator |here]]. ==== Nomination procedure ==== 1. The forum chair calls for nominations from the rest of the forum council. Only a current member of [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-staff | Moderation Team]] can be nominated. 1. Suggestions are made based on experience and geographical location. 1. The suggestions are discussed at length by the council until we have a majority favouring a nomination. 1. The nominee is then asked if they would be interested in the position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Procedure for nomination of Super Moderator team member to Forum Council === 1. The forum chair calls for nominations from the rest of the forum council. Only a current member of [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-supermods | Super Moderator Team]] can be nominated. 1. The suggestions are discussed at length by the council until we have a majority favouring a nomination. 1. The nominee is then asked if they would be interested in the position. 1. Proposed Forum Council member's details given to the Community Council for approval or rejection.