This page is dedicated to Ubuntu participation at Fosdem 2011 ||<>|| = Ubuntu Booth = Organised by Jan Claeys (JanC) from ubuntu-be. What we will have at the booth: * stuff to sell? * T-shirts (ubuntu-be, ubuntu-fr + some leftover official Ubuntu/Kubuntu t-shirts) * Plastic (recycled) mugs with Ubuntu's mascotts on it : [[|mugs]] * Tux ♥ Belgian chocolate * hardware / software / other equipment * two thinkpads + LCD TV for presentations & demo purposes etc. (ubuntu-be) * 2 table cloths (ubuntu-be + ubuntu-fr) * ubuntu banner (ubuntu-be) * power extension cords (JanC) * anybody has something cool to show or demo? * Just thought of bootable USB stick * flyers * nice people ;) == Volunteers for the booth == || name || notes || || [[|Jan Claeys]] || (part of the time) || || [[|Paul Sladen]]|| ''some'' part of ''some'' days || || [[|Christophe Sauthier (huats)]]|| ''some'' part of ''some'' days (will be more precise later) || || [[|Vincent-Xavier JUMEL]]|| waiting for a more precise programm, won't be a the booth from 12 to 14 on Sunday || || [[|Bouteilledelait]]|| Saturday all day with some little break. Sunday until 16 or 17|| || [[|Yoann512]]|| Saturday all day with some little break. Sunday until 16 or 17|| || Ward De Ridder (warddr) || Saturday all day, sunday till 14 or 15 h, I will go to some talks in the mean time, but I can be at the booth most of the time || || Mike (Mimor)]] || 2 days || || [[|Jurgen]] || I'll be doing some talks, but will be around all weekend || || [[|Didier Roche (didrocks)]]|| ''some'' part of ''some'' days || || [[|Rami Adrien (ramtar)]]|| ''some'' part of Sunday || = Ubuntu Developers/Contributors = It's quite common for upstream developers & developers from other distros to ask us at the Ubuntu booth if $UBUNTU_DEVELOPER_X or $AN_UBUNTU_DEVELOPER_FAMILIAR_WITH_Y is at FOSDEM, and often we don't know the answer. Because of that, it would be cool if Ubuntu developers who come to FOSDEM could somehow list when/where they can be found during FOSDEM... Of course, if you give a talk, please also mention this in the appropriate section! == Ubuntu contributors giving a talk at FOSDEM == || name || talk || track/devroom || || [[|Thierry Carrez]] || Why Linux distros hate Java || Java devroom || || [[|Soren Hansen]] || Building a free, massively scalable cloud computing platform || Cloud Track || || [[|czajkowski]] || Is the UK Government backing Free Software?|| Lightning Talk Room || || [[|bjoern-michaelsen]] || A new build system, with unit testing|| Libreoffice Talk Room || == Ubuntu Community/Contributors attending FOSDEM == || name (nick) || when, where, interests & other notes... || || [[|czajkowski]] || all weekend, mostly in lightning room,mozilla room || || [[|Vincent-Xavier]] || all weekend || || [[|Kinouchou]] || all weekend || || [[|Bouteilledelait]] || all weekend || || [[|Yoann512]] || all weekend || || [[|Paul Sladen]] || [[|Ubuntu Font Family]], Canonical Design Team || || [[|Thierry Carrez]] || Ex-Ubuntu Server tech lead, present until 5pm Sunday. || || [[|Rick Clark]] || Ex-Ubuntu Server Engineering Manager, All Weekend || || [[|Christophe Sauthier (huats)]] || Present until 5pm Sunday. || || [[|Jim Bauwens (jimbauwens)]] || All weekend, Linux freak || || [[|Alejandra (aiween) ]] || All weekend || || [[|Jurgen]] || All weekend || || [[|Jan Claeys]] || all weekend || || [[|Mav]] || All week-end || || [[|Bruno Girin]] || All week-end, intermittent contributor to Shotwell, interested in LibreOffice || || [[|Jelmer Vernooij]] || all weekend || || [[|Avi Greenbury]] || All weekend || || [[| Kenneth Westelinck]] || All weekend || || [[|Didier Roche (didrocks)]] || Ubuntu desktop team, integrating unity to ubuntu || || [[|Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)]] || Ubuntu/Debian/Zeitgeist Developer. All weekend || || [[|James Page]] || Ubuntu Server team, All Weekend || || [[|Dave Walker]] || Ubuntu Server team, All Weekend || /* Feel free to link your name to your LP account... */ /* "where" means things like "I mostly hang out in the Debian devroom" */ /* "interests" probably includes what you do for Ubuntu */