This page is dedicated to Ubuntu participation at Fosdem 2012

If you are somebody contributing to Ubuntu in any way (ranging from providing support on your locoteam forum or IRC channel, to being a core developer), please register your attendance below!

Ubuntu Booth

Contact person: Jan Claeys (JanC) from ubuntu-be.

What we will have at the booth:

Volunteers for the booth

Name (or Nickname)


Jan Claeys

(part of the time)

Ward De Ridder (warddr)

Will go to key signing event, and maybe some talks that aren't recorded, but will be at the booth most of the time

Pieter Vande Wyngaerde


Allison Randal

(can sign up for time slot(s) when I'm not speaking)


(part of the time)


(part of the time)


(part of the time)

Wouter Vandenneuker (woutervddn)

(most of the time)

Ubuntu Dinner

We will also organize an Ubuntu dinner on Saturday evening. Details and a list to subscribe will be available at the Ubuntu booth on Saturday (we will probably have to confirm somewhere during the afternoon, so please put your name on the list early on Saturday if you can!).

The following list can be used to indicate intentions, but is not a formal subscription. Make sure you add your name to the list at the booth too!

Name (nick)


Jan Claeys (JanC)


Ward De Ridder (warddr)


Pieter Vande Wyngaerde


Allison Randal (wendar)


Jelmer Vernooij (jelmer)

not sure

Matthias Klose (doko)

not sure

Wouter Vandenneuker (woutervddn)

92,7% certain

Bjoern Michaelsen (Sweetshark)

no (almost certainly bound by LibreOffice project duties here)

Ubuntu Developers, Contributors, etc.

It's quite common for upstream developers & developers from other distros to ask us at the Ubuntu booth if $UBUNTU_DEVELOPER_X or $AN_UBUNTU_DEVELOPER_FAMILIAR_WITH_Y is at FOSDEM, and often we don't know the answer. Because of that, it would be cool if Ubuntu developers who come to FOSDEM could somehow list when/where they can be found during FOSDEM...

Of course, if you give a talk, please also mention this in the appropriate section!

Ubuntu contributors giving a talk at FOSDEM

name (nick)



Laura Czajkowski (czajkowski)

Working with contributor communities (round table)

CrossDistribution Devroom

AllisonRandal (wendar)

Embracing Non-Technical Users: Celebrations and Challenges; and FLOSSing for Good Legal Hygiene: Stories from the Trenches

CrossDistribution Devroom; and Legal Issues Devroom

Jo Shields (directhex)

Enough Debian packaging knowledge to hurt yourselves slightly less than you do already

Mono Devroom

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack News; OpenStack developers meeting

Cloud & Virtualization Devroom

Bjoern Michaelsen (bjoern-michaelsen)

10 reasons to contribute to LibreOffice today

LibreOffice Devroom

Ubuntu contributors attending FOSDEM

name (nick)

when, where, interests & other notes...

Jan Claeys (JanC)

all weekend, at the booth and attending various main & devroom talks

Laura Czajkowski (czajkowski)

all weekend, at community sessions, or lightning talk room, and on irc if you want to meet up

AllisonRandal (wendar)

all weekend, mainly legal and cross-distro, will be on IRC

JonathanRiddell (Riddell)

KDE stall, you'll know me because I wear an eye patch

JelmerVernooij (jelmer)

friday to sunday, wandering about, will be on IRC

JamesPage (jamespage)

friday to sunday, Free Java DevRoom (mostly) and on IRC

JeroenVermeulen (jtv)

friday to sunday, PostgreSQL

MatthiasKlose (doko)

friday to sunday, Free Java DevRoom (mostly)

Bjoern Michaelsen (bjoern-michaelsen)

friday to sunday, LibreOffice DevRoom/Booth (mostly)

Fosdem/2012 (last edited 2012-02-04 07:59:33 by bjoern-michaelsen)