= About Me = Hi Ubuntu Community, I am amongst the first lovers and users of Ubuntu-Linux in Pakistan. I am promoting the Ubuntu-Pakistan LoCo Team that now has over 715+ members since last April 2005. = My interest in Ubuntu = My dream is to make available all the regional languages of Pakistan available in Ubuntu-Linux so that we can spread the Ubuntu spirit throughout our developing nation promoting ICT and connecting every village and city in the country. Not only that, Ubuntu-Linux helps us as an alternative Operating System that can remove Software Piracy from our region promoting respect for all! Todate, I have voluntarily been part of team based initiatives that have trained and certified over 5000 Ubuntu-Linux users in Pakistan. We continue to promote Ubuntu now through Ubuntu-Linux User Groups that are being created in various Universities. Our next target is to release a localized version of Ubuntu-Linux in Urdu, Sindhi, Pujabi, Pushto and Balochi including over another 70 regional languages in the future. = More = I have been working and promoting ICT Software Freedom for Everyone fueling the Free and Open Source Softawre Movement in Asia. My career IT related career spans over 10 years. I also teach Free and Open Source and write Software Advocacy related articles in local and international publications. = Contact = * I am {{{fouadbajwa}}} at irc.freenode.net * Email me if you like: bajwa {at} ubuntu {dot} org * My [[http://www.gnupg.org|GPG]] key is: 9DC61D29. ===bajwa {at} ubuntu {dot} org is not working please see if it can be activated (by Muhammad Shuja) Its great to be part of the growing team! = Ubuntu-pk = URL: http://www.ubuntu-pk.org ---- CategoryHomepage