|||| ## ||{{attachment:avatar-frandieguez.png}}||<>|| || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} Name || Fran Dieguez || || {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png}} Location || [[http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=gl&geocode=&q=galicia&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=12.25782,28.54248&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Galicia&t=h&z=8| Galiza, northwest of Spain]] || || {{http://www.carillon.org/illu/world.gif}} My Website || [[http://www.mabishu.com/blog | Mabishu Studio]] || || {{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} Launchpad Profile || [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~frandieguez|Fran Diéguez]] || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} IRC || frandieguez on irc.freenode.net || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/team}} [[http://counter.li.org/|Linux User]] || #409880 || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/team}} [[http://www.gnupg.org/|PGP Key]]|| !A2A4F9B8 || ---- == About Me == I'm a software engineer working at a large educational institution at Galicia (Spain) deploying open source solutions [[http://www.usc.es/osl]] and Ubuntu Member since late 2009. As a contributor, I am mostly involved in localization: I co-lead the Ubuntu Galician Translators team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGalicianTranslators), I coordinate the GNOME Galician translation (http://l10n.gnome.org/users/frandieguez/) and sometimes collaborate with Debian. I'm also active on [[http://www.glug.es/]] (Galician GNU/Linux User Group) and [[http://www.trasno.net]] (Free Software Localization Asociation).. On this group we try to talk to all the society the vantages of Open Source, making courses, lectures at University among other events related with Open Source. At our website you can find a lot of mini howtos based on Ubuntu OS. == IRC == I can often be found in * #ubuntu+1 * #ubuntu-motu (sometimes) * #ubuntu-locoteams * #ubuntu-devel * #ubuntu-translators * and very occasionally (ie, not very often) in #ubuntu == Contributions to the World of Open Source == I translate [[http://l10n.gnome.org/users/frandieguez/|GNOME Desktop]] with just another person that makes all the work of reviewing. Organization of a lot of Open Source events with the Galician GNU/Linux User Group: * Free Knokledge and Rights ([[http://www.glug.es/xornadas-dereito-2008/]]) * Ubuntu Crash Course at University ([[http://www.usc.es/osl/ubuntu]]) * Open Source Revolution ([[http://www.usc.es/osl/osrevolution]]) * Computational-Linguistic Tools and Open Source Course ([[http://www.usc.es/osl/lingua]]), among others. Doing tasks as Core Member of the Galician Translation Team Council I maintaining an experimental repository of open source linguistic-computational resources related with Galician Language. https://edge.launchpad.net/~frandieguez/+archive/mabishu ==== Some sort of images ==== {{attachment:migracion-etse.jpg| Computational Science Faculty Migration to Ubuntu personalisation|height=130}} {{attachment:curso-lingua09.png|One of the lectures on the University related with Free Software and Galician Language|height=130}} {{attachment:DSC00482.JPG|One of the deployments on the University|height=130}} {{attachment:DSC00843.JPG|Another deployment on the University|height=130}} {{attachment:DSC_2146.jpg|A deep course about free software translation with high-school pupils|height=130}} You can find more pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/oslusc . === Detailed contributions to Ubuntu === I have been an Ubuntu user and contributor since Edgy. My main contributions have been in the localisation field within the [[UbuntuGalicianTranslators]] team, on which I'm co-coordinator and translator. * [[https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/~frandieguez|Translations]] * [[http://www.google.co.in/search?q=site%3Alists.ubuntu.com+ubuntu-translators+fran+dieguez|Participation]] in the ubuntu-translators mailing list. * Member of the [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers|Launchpad Beta Testers team]] * Core Member of the Galician Translation Team Council * In the earlier weeks I'm trying to solve software bugs that have impact on the translations. == Future involvement == Here's a short list: * Reach 100% galician translation's utopia of Ubuntu. * Try to report the translations to the upstream of the respective projects. * Rebuild the LocoTeam page for Galician language. * Help programming new tools that makes the life better for Ubuntu and Debian translators. * Continue to make installfests on the University of Santiago de Compostela. * Increase stability of linguistic tools of my repository to upload to the Main repository of Ubuntu. * Help spread Ubuntu on the society to increase the users and reach M$ users [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1]] * Go for Ubuntu Membership. == Testimonials == * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:mbouzada]] - I have been working hardly with frandieguez translating and spreading GNU/Linux here at Galicia (Spain ), and his work and translations are incredible valuated! * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:gallaecio]] - Fran Diéguez has been and still is (and will be) doing a great job translating GNOME into Galician, and he is an important active member of the Galician Localization Comunity. * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:chavescesures]] - I have worked recently with FranDieguez on Ubuntu Translation to Galician. His work coordinating, translating and encouraging people has been really impressive and inspiring. I also know his work on the University of Santiago, and I just can say that he is a tireless Free Software enthusiast. He is doing a really great (and inspiring) job. Thanks, Fran! * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:meixome]] - Fran Diéguez and I have shared the organization of seminars for translators, introductory courses on localization technologies and has always passed on his enthusiasm, desire for improvement in everything he does and his ability to work is absolutely amazing so it is a reference as technician as a person in our community that has helped to overcome difficulties of integration in Ubuntu. It is also a developper that encourages the collaboration of others, which facilitates access to knowledge on methods and linguistic tools, correctors, dictionaries, databases ... We will continue in the gap and still do not know what would be best. * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:xil]] - I have been the Galician Translators coordinator since 2005, but recently we decided to change the coordination structure and created a Council. I have proposed Fran as a new core member of the new Galician Translators Council because of his great work as a translator, coordinator, bug reporter, etc., etc... * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:dev.fjrial]] - I don't know what else to say, yeah, I know something to say: Thanks Fran, because if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have a "translated" (more than 80%) version of Ubuntu into galician. And, I don't want to forget to thank other people too, like meixome,mbouzada,xil,... and all the people at the translation team * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:leandro-regueiro]] - Fran Diéguez has translated with me the game Battle for Wesnoth to galician. Also he organized translation parties and speeches about free software translation, pushed bugs for getting last Ubuntu release better translated to galician, translated to galician Compiz, GNOME, Netbeans... I could go on, but I think this is enough. * {i} [[LaunchpadHome:amaneiro]] - As far as I know Fran Diéguez's work into spreading free software I think he's one of the most valuables free software ambassadors we have here, in Galicia. But more than just spreading the word of free software he also has helped by "showing the code": by organizing seminars or translating, AFAIK. For sure he did more than I wrote here, and for sure he will.