#title FrenchTeam Re-Approval Application page - 2018 = Approval Application for French LoCo Team (ubuntu-fr) = ||'''Approval date'''|| '''Lecturer'''|| '''Writers''' || || ''[[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=LoCo+Council+October+2018+Meeting&iso=20181008T20| Monday, 8th October 2018 20:00 UTC ]]''||''[[https://launchpad.net/~cm-t|cm-t]] (Rudy André, Ubuntu-fr Board Member)'' || [[https://launchpad.net/~cm-t|cm-t]], [[https://launchpad.net/~olivier.fraysse|olive]] || == Key Details == <> <> == Table of contents == <> == Events == === Ubuntu Party (Intro) === * Next events below will be Ubuntu Party. * Le Ubuntu Podcast team (a subteam from Ubuntu-fr itself) made a short (1min) video to explain what is that kind of event : * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NtkAISlXNw|{{http://pipic.org/1555/yt.jpg|You can watch the video here}}]] ==== Ubuntu Party @ Tour La-Riche ==== The first [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tours|Tours]] / [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Riche|La Riche]] Ubuntu Party takes place 23th. January 2016. It was a great event with booths, lectures, workshops, demonstrations, games and of course an install party. [[http://funlab.fr/une-ubuntu-party-a-la-riche-le-23-janvier-2016/|Read more]] ==== (new) Ubuntu Party @ Elbeuf ==== The first [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouen|Rouen]] / [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbeuf|Elbeuf]] Ubuntu Party takes place 26th. November 2016. It was a great event with lectures, workshops, demonstrations and of course an install party. [[http://ubuntu-rouen.org/|Read more]] ==== Ubuntu Party @ Paris ==== {{http://pipic.org/1546-600/visiteurs-demidiv.jpg|Ubuntu party Paris}}<
> The [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris|Paris]] Ubuntu Party edition is our '''biggest event. Twice a year''', we organise an Ubuntu Party at the [[http://www.cite-sciences.fr/fr/au-programme/lieux-ressources/carrefour-numerique2/|Carrefour Numérique²]], the Fablab of the [[http://www.cite-sciences.fr/|Cité des sciences et de l'Industrie]] (the Paris Science Center). During the whole week-end, people can discover Ubuntu and free software with '''14 hours of lectures, 10 hours of courses, 10 hours of workshops,'''... This event had welcomed '''between 1.500 and 3.000 guests''' by edition in 2017/2018. * '''Lectures ''': a fully equipped room designed for talks. The talks are about various subjects from Ubuntu specific projects to more global free software presentations or even lectures about the Internet neutrality or about private life and data protection. We try to make those subjects as attractive as possible by inviting special guests like [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Bayart|Benjamin Bayart]]([[http://fdn.fr|French Data Network]]). * '''Courses ''': a dedicated classroom with a computer on the latest Ubuntu release for each participant. We can teach how to take in hand the new Unity, browse the Internet, contribute to Ubuntu, use Openstreetmap, try the basics of CLI. * '''Demos ''': different areas with demonstrations such as "free try" (Ubuntu desktops); "gaming"; "technologies showcase" (Ubuntu Phone,...). * '''Install Party''': It's about '''~100 installed machines''' a day with Ubuntu. <
> 10 000 copies of 10x10cm flyer to spread before events have been distributed particularly in the cultural spaces of Paris. === (new) Ubucon Europe === * Ubuntu-fr was the host of the UbuCon Europe 2017 in Paris. * The schedule was rich due to Ubuntu speaker from all around the world and had in parralele with usual "Ubuntu Party" topics that target the public ('main userbase kind'): https://ubucon.paris/ * Both the Ubuntu community and the main public was present * The UbuCon Europe Paris had social event including restaurant, pubs & videogames, a multi podcast show, and private concert livestage from the rock geek band kickban.fr {{http://pipic.org/1547-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1548-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1549-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1550-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} === Ubuntu-fr involvement in 3rd-party computing events === * [[http://opensourcesummit.paris/|Paris Open Source Summit]] 2017 * [[http://www.jdll.org/|JDLL]], 2017 and 2018 (Lyon) * [[https://2018.rmll.info/|RMLL 2018]] (Strasbourg) * [[http://premier-samedi.org/|Premier samedi du libre]] (each first satursday of the month, Paris) {{http://pipic.org/1542-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1552-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} === Ubuntu-fr involvement in 3rd-party non-computer centric events === * [[http://www.lafetedelarecup.org/|Fête de la récup']] 2017 and 2018 ([[https://www.flickr.com/photos/2piradians/albums/72157669931302665|photos]]) * [[https://www.geekfaeries.fr/la-liste-des-participants-irl-juin-2018/|Geekfaeries]] 2018 * Webcafé, festival des [[http://www.papillonsdenuit.com/|Papillons de Nuit]] 2017 and 2018 (Normandy). [[http://webcafe-ubuntu.org/category/p2n/|Read more]] * Webcafé, festival des [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vieilles_Charrues_Festival|Vieilles Charrues]] 2017 and 2018 (Brittany). See below. * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%AAte_de_l%27Humanit%C3%A9|Fête de l'Humanité]] 2017 and 2018 (Paris Area). We '''hosted a booth in the Free Software Village''' during this popular festival organized by the newspaper "L'Humanité". * [[https://twitter.com/ubuntufrorg/status/914103500912685058|Alternatiba]] 2017 (Paris). * (new) Booth, festival des [[https://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/category/Performance-Art/Festival-des-Rapi%C3%A9c%C3%A9s-1407644839261174/|Rapiécés]] 2018 (Normandy) * (new) Booth, Expo info/photo de [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigneux-sur-Seine|Vigneux-sur-Seine]] 2018 (Parisian Region) * (new) Booth, Salon de l'informatique de [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franconville_(Val-d%27Oise)|Franconville]] 2018 (Parisian Region) {{http://pipic.org/1551-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1543-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1544-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1545-400/reapplication2018.jpg}} || || ||||<( style="border: none; background-color: #F1F1DD;"> '''Focus on Vieilles Charrues''' || {{http://webcafe-ubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2016-07-16-121830.gif||width=200, align=left}}{{http://pipic.org/1499/white.png||align=left}} {{http://pipic.org/1481-400/image20150717_163543006.jpg|Vieilles Charrues|width=100, align=right}} [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vieilles_Charrues_Festival|The Vieilles Charrues festival]] is one of the biggest French music festival. (278 000 festival-goers in 2016) <
> During the festival, Ubuntu-Fr hosts its own booth where '''we provide Internet access through our Ubuntu Webcafé''' : 12 fully-equipped computers that were bought on purpose and are at festival-goers' disposal. The 12 Ubuntu webcafé team members get into action to inform people and answer questions about Ubuntu or about free software in general. We provided showcase of the Ubuntu Phone and the Ubuntu Tablet. We also have goodies and this year we had flyers too.<
> To attract more festival-goers, we also offer temporary tattoos (CoF & Tux). We take pictures to be put on our dedicated website. That way, people can have their "tattooed" picture and share them. For the four days of the festival, our booth represents '''about 1.000 people reached per day, 4.000 people tattooed and 3.000 flyers handed out''' without counting artists and all the backstage staff such as coocks, security guards or technicians. [[http://webcafe-ubuntu.org/category/vieilles-charrues/les-charrues-2016/|Read more]] and [[http://webcafe-ubuntu.org/webcafe/le-webcafe-ubuntu-aux-vieilles-charrues-2016-la-video/|see our video]] and [[https://plus.google.com/photos/112458913927492831503/album/6174227487956135521?sqid=109612966693586797778&ssid=30c5db65-2119-4984-b47a-91f1a32f799b|photos]] and [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntuparty/albums/72157656026429691|more photos]]... * Le Ubuntu Podcast team made a video to explain what is that kind of event. * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjiwMcre5X4&list=PLnadAulokAWb3MICvKwcyPfRIl5ifKATv&index=3|{{http://pipic.org/1558/ytt.jpg|You can watch the video here}}]] == Online activity == === Ubuntu-fr.org === According to [[http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ubuntu-fr.org|Alexa]] our site [[https://ubuntu-fr.org|Ubuntu-fr.org]] is the : * 14,328th website in the international "globalrank" (October 06, 2018), * 508 in the France rank (October 06, 2018). * Finally a NEW design for our [[https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/|wiki]] * '''forum ''': an average of '''1 million visitors''' a month. 200k+ subscribers. * '''doc ''': an average of '''1 million visitors''' a month. '''hundreds edited pages/day'''. * '''~3000 downloads''' (Ubuntu iso) each day. * [[https://planet.ubuntu-fr.org|planet.ubuntu-fr.org]] * [[https://listes.ubuntu-fr.org|mailing-listes]] (sympa) * [[https://traduire.ubuntu-fr.org|traduire.ubuntu-fr.org]] (translation team) * [[https://tour.ubuntu-fr.org|tour.ubuntu-fr.org]] * [[https://guide.ubuntu-fr.org|guide.ubuntu-fr.org]] * [[http://webcafe-ubuntu.org/|News about festival booths]] ==== Infrastructure ==== * 1 server hosted by [[http://www.ielo-liazo.com/|Ielo-Liazo]] in Paris (this server belongs to ubuntu-fr) * 1 server hosted by the [[http://fsffrance.org/|FSF France]] in Rennes (this server belongs to ubuntu-fr) * 1 server provided by the [[https://www.fondation-free.fr/|Free Fundation]] * 3 servers hosted by Online.net * 1 server hosted by Ovh.net === Instant Messaging Support === * [[http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/webchat|IRC Freenode #ubuntu-fr]] * (new) [[https://telegram.me/joinchat/BqwR1gnHYlq7ExjIAglK4A|Telegram Group]] === Social Networks === * [[http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntufr/|Reddit /r/ubuntufr]] : Same topic than [[http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntu|/r/ubuntu]] but in french. (388 subscribers) * [[https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Ubuntu-fr/|Meetup]] * [[https://plus.google.com/communities/109612966693586797778|G+ community]] (6226 subscribers) * [[https://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-party/|Flickr]] * [[https://www.facebook.com/ubuntuparty/|Facebook page]] * Twitter [[https://twitter.com/ubuntufrorg|@ubuntufrorg]] (3160 followers) and [[https://twitter.com/ubuntufrorg|@ubuntuparty]] (7346 followers) == Goodies == * [[https://enventelibre.org/ubuntu-fr/135-dvd-ubuntu-1604-lts.html|Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS DVD]] with all the favors * [[https://enventelibre.org/ubuntu-fr/133-dvd-ubuntu-1804-lts.html|Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS DVD]] with all the favors * [[https://enventelibre.org/cles-usb/134-cle-usb-ubuntu-1604-lts.html|Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS USB key]] with all the favors * [[https://enventelibre.org/cles-usb/107-cle-usb-ubuntu-1804-lts.html|Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS USB key]] with all the favors * [[https://enventelibre.org/fr/goodies/46-autocollant-ubuntu-metallise.html|Aluminium Stickers]] stock renewal * Extraordinary [[https://enventelibre.org/t-shirts/108-t-shirt-ubuntu-bionic-beaver.html|Bionic Beaver T-Shirts]] ! * New [[https://enventelibre.org/goodies/98-mug-ubuntu-fr.html|Ubuntu-fr mug]] * Small [[https://enventelibre.org/goodies/129-porte-cles-ubuntu.html|Circle of friend key ring]] (you can see it in one of the 18.10 wallpapers) {{https://enventelibre.org/233-home_default/t-shirt-ubuntu-bionic-beaver.jpg}}{{https://enventelibre.org/319-home_default/porte-cles-ubuntu.jpg}}{{https://enventelibre.org/300-home_default/mug-ubuntu-fr.jpg}}{{https://enventelibre.org/335-home_default/cle-usb-ubuntu-1604-lts.jpg}}{{https://enventelibre.org/351-home_default/dvd-ubuntu-1804-lts.jpg}} '''We shipped a lot of Ubuntu (DVD and USB) in France, but also elsewhere.''' [[http://enventelibre.org/ordersmap/ubuntu.php|See the map]]. {{http://pipic.org/1559-400/ubuntuordersmap.png}}{{http://pipic.org/1560-600/ubuntuordersmap.png}} == Communication == * We have beach flags * (new) We have beautifull leaflets {{http://pipic.org/1539-400/depliants2018.jpg}} * We talk regularly in the microphone of the [[https://cause-commune.fm|Cause commune]] radio to talk about Ubuntu and free software. (FM Radio Station in Paris) {{http://pipic.org/1562-400/causecommune.jpg}} == Internal organisation == * 44 official ubuntu-fr members * 6 [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fr-ca|board]] members (2018) * (new) Members evening workshop each week [[http://www.parinux.org/?q=content/soiree-de-contribution-au-libre-du-13-octobre-2016|with some other organisations]] in Paris. * (new) Members all day workshops each tree months approximatively * (new) A full-time employee was recruited for few months for administrative works (2017) * (new) An office in Paris is rent and shared with [[https://enventelibre.org|EnVenteLibre]] {{http://pipic.org/1500/mindmap.png|Activities mindmap}}<
> The activities are numerous and far exceed the framework of the Ubuntu-fr association. These activities are worldwide, because it is the French speaking team, not just the people of France. Many volunteers are active only online and have never participated in our events. One of our goals in the coming years is to further facilitate meetings between members of the community. Countless events concern Ubuntu in France and in French speaking countries without Ubuntu-FR is requested or even informed. == Desktop Wallpaper contest participations == Ubuntu-fr members participate to the contests : * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/2piradians/|Pierre Cante]] * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/134476822@N04/|François Cante]] * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/155984160@N07/|Lazardjin]] {{http://pipic.org/1553-400/wallpapersreapproval2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1554-400/wallpapersreapproval2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1557-400/wallpapersreapproval2018.jpg}} {{http://pipic.org/1556-400/wallpapersreapproval2018.jpg}} (ok. The last one is from the Astruian guy [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/costales|Costales]]. But the picture was taken at Paris in our Ubuntu Party!) == Goals 2019-2020 == * [in-progress] Give a new and responsive appearance to ubuntu-fr website (and with a new logo); * [to-do] Install an Ubuntu Webcafé in at least one more music festival; * [done-to-continue] Increase the number of events outside of Paris; * [in-progress] Increase gender diversity among the members and especially the Board; * [to-do] Exceeding the thousand members in the association; * [to-do] Facilitate meetings between community members. * [To-Continue] Make Ubuntu Europe event as easy as possible to be hosted by LoCo (by helping the Ubuntu Europe Federation)