* Global actions in May * 6000 french Ubuntu 10.04LTS LiveCD, 500 new [[http://www.framakey.org/|Framakey Ubuntu-fr remix 10.04]] and new Lucid Lynx mugs for our future events * 2 irl meetings for the organisation of the party in Paris and lot of preparation (leaflets, meetings in the venue, ...) * re-edition of our shirts * taking the lead of our web store http://enventelibre.org/ * May 3rd : french web design team weekly irc meeting * May 8th : [[http://www.premier-samedi.org/|Premier Samedi du Libre]] in Paris with 20 install done * May 10th : french web design team weekly irc meeting * May 15th : [[http://www.giroll.org/post/2010/05/03/Lucid-Party-chez-les-Giroll|Lucid Party]] in Bordeaux * 15 volunteers for 80 visitors, all the event covered by the [[http://www.giroll.org/post/2010/05/16/Podcast-:-Radio-Giroll-Lucyd-Lynx|girol webradio]] * May 17th : french web design team weekly irc meeting * May 22nd : [[http://www.ubuntu-dijon.org/index.php/projets/librexpos|Libr’expOS 2010]] in Dijon * May 24th : Ubuntu Lunch in Paris * May 24th : french web design team weekly irc meeting * May 29th : [[http://www.chtinux.org/ubuntu_party_lucid_epitech|Ubuntu Party]] in Lille * May 29th, 30th: [[http://www.ubuntu-party.org|Ubuntu-Party]] in Paris is * 140 volunteers for around 3000 visitors in two days. * 18 hours of class about beginning, personalizing, command line in ubuntu, ubuntu server, the french documentation, gpg signing, floss advocacy. * 14 hours of conferences about ubuntu, the other distributions, the free softwares, ubuntu in the education department * a game corridor, a webradio, floss associations * a continuous présentation of ubuntu studio by [[http://www.lprod.org|LProd]] * 200 lunch served for the volunteers in two days * photos [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/43957949@N05/sets/72157624040736267/|link 1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/zinedine/sets/72157624163537488/|link 2]], [[http://photos.april.org/UbuntuPartyParis201005|link 3]] and [[http://www.firasofting.net/ubuntu-party.html|video]] * May 31th : french web design team weekly irc meeting