* November news : * We have new goodies ([[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ricomoro/5155080842/sizes/l/in/set-72157625332527372/|Mugs]], [[http://yoboy.fr/images/ubuntu-fr_badges2010.jpg|badges]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ricomoro/5154473097/in/set-72157625332527372/|tshirts for women]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ricomoro/5155077358/sizes/l/in/set-72157625332527372/|tshirts for men]], [[http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1289580245.jpg|metal stickers]]) * The design of [[http://yoboy.fr/images/ubuntu-fr_logo2010.png|our logo]] changes to be more like the new Ubuntu. Color variations and different positions will come in December. * We are re-organising [[http://yoboy.fr/images/ufr_lp_orga.png|our working teams]] and [[http://yoboy.fr/images/ufr_lp_website.png|website projects]] in Launchpad, hosting the source code of our web applications. The future organisation will look like this : [[http://yoboy.fr/images/ufr_lp_orga_futur.png|teams]] and [[http://yoboy.fr/images/ufr_lp_website_futur.png|projects]] * November 5th to 7th - Ubuntu Party in Paris - conferences, workshops, classes, demonstrations, webradio, streaming video, installs - 150 benevolents, 3000 visitors, [[http://blog.yoboy.fr/post/2010/11/My-fisrt-Ubuntu-Party|report]] * November 9th - IRC meeting in #ubuntu-fr-meeting channel on Freenode for the debriefing of the Ubuntu Party in Paris friday, an education oriented day. [[http://wiki.ubuntu-party.org/index.php/Paris10.10/CR091110|minutes]]. * November 10th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * November 13th - Install Party in Brives-la-Gaillarde - conferences, installs - 80 visitors, [[http://www.pullco.fr/2010/11/bilan-de-linstall-party-de-brive-la-gaillarde/|report]] * November 15th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * November 15th - Rendez-vous Ubuntu in Paris, it's a flash ubuntu hour organised in the afternoon for the evening, 6 people show up, not bad. * November 16th - Install Party Maverick in Lille * November 17th - Install Party in Paris 8 university * November 20th - Install Party in Marseille - conferences, installs * November 20th - Ubuntu Party in Toulouse - conferences, installs, workshop - 700 visitors * November 20th - Maverick Party in Bordeaux - conferences, demonstrations, webradio, installs - 60 visitors, [[http://www.giroll.org/post/2010/11/26/Compte-rendu-de-la-Maverick-Party|report]] * November 22th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * November 27th - Debriefing Ubuntu Party in Paris - starting to organize the next. [[http://wiki.ubuntu-party.org/index.php/Paris10.10/CR271110|report]] * November 29th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * November 30th - IRC meeting in #ubuntu-fr-meeting channel on Freenode of the association Ubuntu-fr. [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/evenements/2010_11_30_reunion_association_odj|agenda]], [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/evenements/2010_11_30_reunion_association_log|minutes]]