* Saturday 5th - [[http://www.parinux.org/content/install-party-ubuntu-vincennes-et-premier-samedi|Install Party]] in Vincennes, Paris suburbs.<
> Around 10 people have got some help on installing Ubuntu. * Saturday 5th - [[http://www.premier-samedi.org/|Premier Samedi du Libre]] in Paris<
> This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system. * Saturday 5th and Sundnay 6th - FOSDEM <
> Some Ubuntu-fr teammates gave a hand at the Ubuntu booth in Brussels Fosdem. Thanks to [[http://launchpad.net/~janc|JanC]] for his invitation. More details on [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/2011|Fosdem/2011]] * Monday 7th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * Wednesday 9th - Launch of our new design for the french documentation. * Wednesday 9th - [[http://www.ubuntu-dijon.org/2011/01/25/soiree-du-libre-comme-sur-un-nuage-avec-ubuntu-one/|Soirée Ubuntu One]] a conference about UbuntuOne in Dijon. <
>Drinking and eating event with discussion about UbuntuOne solution. * Saturday 12th - [[http://www.paulla.asso.fr/index.php/Latest/ubuntu-party-a-la-cyber-base-de-pau-le-12-fevrier.html|Install Party]] in Pau * Monday 14th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * Wednesday 16th - [[http://ubuntu-party.org/2011-02-16-pause-ubuntu-a-paris/|Ubuntu Hour]] in Paris * Thursday 17th - [[http://www.ubuntu-lyon.org/?page=News&news=255|Jeudi de la bidouille]] in Lyon <
> Jeudi de la bidouille is a hacking session. Other distribution hacktivist are welcome to share experience and knowledge. * Saturday 19th - [[http://www.ubuntu-dijon.org/2011/01/13/permanence-associative-3/|Associative meeting]] in Dijon <
> Regular event to inform about Ubuntu, in Dijon. * Sunday 20th - Workshop for the organisation of Ubuntu Party in Paris, we wrote and send a letter to invite groups of college students. * Monday 21st - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting * Monday 21st - IRC meeting and workshop to rewrite the content of our event site [[http://ubuntu-party.org/]] * Saturday 26th - [[http://www.aldil.org/events/install-party-de-logiciels-libres-MPT201102|Install Party]] in Lyon <
> Install party. * Monday 28th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting