* June 1st : [[http://www.agu3l.org/|meeting]] about Linux and freedom in Meythet. * June from 1st to 3rd : [[http://artischaud.org/?page_id=413|Festival Tant Libre !]] in Meyzieu, where we had a booth. * June 2nd : [[http://premier-samedi.org/infos/juin-2012/|premier samedi du libre]] (PSL) in Paris. This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system. * June 2nd : [[http://www.mjc-chevalblanc.fr/index.php5?page=linux|meeting]] of Linux club in Wintzenheim. * June 6th : Ubuntu Hour in Paris, in a bar where we drank beers and took a good moment. * June 7th : Ubuntu Hour in Paris, in an other bar. * June 9th : meeting in Cognac, about Ubuntu and other free softwares. * June 10th : Ubuntu Party 12.04 in Paris (debriefing). * June 15th : initiation to Linux with Ubuntu in Quimperlé. * June from 19th to 21th : [[http://www.solutionslinux.fr/|Solutions Linux]] in Paris. * June 23th : Install Party in Aix-en-Provence. * June 27th : [[http://www.intertice.fr/interTICE-Logiciels-Libres|interTICE 2012 – Logiciels libres]], where we had a booth. It's an event for teachers, with the participation of Richard Stallman this year. * June 28th : [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/evenements/2012_06_28_reunion_association_log|IRC meeting]] of the Ubuntu-fr LoCo.