* May 2nd : Ubuntu Party in Vire. * May 3rd : [[http://www.agendadulibre.org/showevent.php?id=6951|apéro du libre]] in Rennes. * May 5th : [[http://premier-samedi.org/infos/mai-2012/|premier samedi du libre]] (PSL) in Paris. This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system. * May 5th : Ubuntu Party 12.04 in Paris – Organization meeting. * May 5th : [[http://linuxus.eu/2012/05/05-mai-2012-ubuntu-party-a-orleans/|Ubuntu Party]] in Orléans. * May 8th : [[http://gullivar.web4me.fr/spip.php?page=article_pdf&id_article=131|atelier libre]] (PDF presentation) in Brignoles. * May 9th : [[http://www.ubuntu-dijon.org/|soirée du libre]] spéciale Ubuntu 12.04 in Dijon. * May 12th and 13th : [[http://ubuntu-paris.org/|Ubuntu Party]] (warning : the link will soon be outdated) in Paris. Conferences, workshops, classes, demonstrations, installs. ≈ 120 benevolents, 2 000 visitors, report being written. * May 12th : [[http://www.ubuntu-dijon.org/linstall-party-dubuntu-dijon/|Install Party]] in Dijon. * May 12th : Ubuntu Party in Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle. * May 19th : [[http://www.giroll.org/post/2012/05/10/Precise-Party-le-19-mai|Precise Party]] in Bordeaux. * May 20th : [[http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=9313901#p9313901|Ubuntu Hour]] in Paris. Organized in the local gracioulsy lent by LQDN, we were around 10 people. Theme : Chinese food. * May 25th, 26th and 27th : [[http://www.papillonsdenuit.com/|Papillons de nuit]] (P2N) music festival in Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves. The Papillons de nuit invited us for the second time to hold a webcafe on Ubuntu for the festival-goers. We didn't put any restriction, neither on which website were accessible, neither on Ubuntu, as we wanted people to discover it. * May 29th : [[http://desclicks.net/2011/12/installs-party-desclicks/|Install Party Ubuntu]] in Schilitgheim. * May 31th : [[http://www.agendadulibre.org/showevent.php?id=6930|Ubuntu Party]] in Aix-en-Provence.