#title FrenchTeam - French Ubuntu Community #langage en #format wiki '''The French and french speaking community.''' <> == Information == === Association === Ubuntu-fr is a French non profit association (loi 1901) giving a well defined juridic status allowing to conduct our various actions to promote Ubuntu and free software. Association board is composed of : * Islem Abd-El Rahman (snip) * Rudy André (cm-t) * Olivier Fraysse (Olive), vice president * Matthieu Joossen (amgie), treasurer * Thomas Joossen (Karum), president * Frédéric Mandé (quesh) * Anfissa Yevtihidis (Androsème), secretary === French website === The association manage the various websites '''[[http://www.ubuntu-fr.org|ubuntu-fr.org]]''' trying to gather all Frecnh-speaking resources about '''Ubuntu''', '''Kubuntu''', '''Xubuntu''', '''Edubuntu''', '''UNE''', '''Server''' and the other Ubuntu variants available in repositories. We manage: * a [[http://www.ubuntu-fr.org|portal]] containing basic information that we renew slightly sometimes, * a very complete and open to everyone [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org|french documentation]], willing to be as simple as possible and comprehensive. * a very active [[http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org|forum]] where anyone can come and ask any questions, * a [[http://planet.ubuntu-fr.org|planet]] grouping French blogs about Ubuntu, * irc channels #ubuntu-fr to help users and #ubuntu-fr-offtopic to discuss various topics, that anyone can join using his favorite irc client on irc.freenode.net or using [[http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/webchat|the web chat page]]. * a complete francophone mailing list [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-fr|ubuntu-fr@lists.ubuntu.com]] where users can also find help,and also [[http://listes.ubuntu-fr.org/|other mailing lists]] for our needs. Theses various resources are available thanks to numerous volunteers, who manage them with great care. Please comply to the few [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/codedeconduite|codes of conduct]] (translated from the official Code of conduct). You can contact administration teams by writing to [[mailto:ca@ubuntu-fr.org|ca at ubuntu-fr.org]]. === Activities === Follow the French and francophone events on [[http://ubuntu-party.org]]. [[FrenchTeam/TeamReports|List of our activities on this wiki]]. ---- CategoryLoCoTeams