Aaron Epstein

Contact information


Week 1

I will begin by implementing the ability to playback progressive tempo and dynamic changes. This will complete the foundation that Musescore has for playback. I will submit immediately a version that can play versions of ritenuto and accelerando that can only have one shape, configurable via file to allow users the chance to experiment and provide feed back.

Weeks 2 - 3

I will then begin to examine the playback structure and address any issues relevant to generalization, including performance limitations of the current architecture. I will prototype by attempting creating different solutions to the simplest effect, changing the duration or dynamic of a single note.

Weeks 4 - 6

I will move outward toward more complicated effects, moving existing effect code into the new system. I will maintain the already existing tier of processing, modifying each layer in turn so that each layer can be tested and submitted working with and not breaking the existing code.

Week 7

For as many layers as the new architecture is completed, I will begin addressing the goal of having an effect for every symbol. I will use a gui capable of advanced control of progressive tempo changes as a demonstration of the extensibility of the new system and to address the feedback of the version released in Wk 1. I will then create default effects for as many effects as possible.

Week 8

Clean up code, fight bugs, and continue implementing effects if possible.

Open Source



GSoC/2010/AaronEpstein (last edited 2010-04-09 14:06:59 by 18)