= CONTACT INFORMATION = * Your Name:Renuka Deshmukh * Email Address:renud1988@gmail.com * IRC nickname:renud1988 * Launchpad ID:renud1988 * Skype username:renukadeshmukh * Webpage/blog: * College-University:Cummins College of Engineering * Major:Computer Science = PROJECT = * Project Name: Truely System Wide Proxy * Project Description: As of now the various applications in ubuntu or in any other linux distribution requires for the user to specify the proxy values ... this becomes pretty irritating task when someone is re-installing the system, so, my goal is to develop an application, or a method so that the user has to specify the proxy in one single application(which is going to be developed) and then all the other applications are passed the values automatically ... or to implement a transparent proxy server which would automatically authenticate on the proxy server. * If you would be willing and able to do other projects instead, which ones? I have been using ubuntu for last 3-4 years , and am facing problem with the proxy authentication ..... i created a workaround script which would pass on proxy values to opera, firefox and bash , i am highly positive about this project and would love to work on it ... if i were asked to perform on other project ... my choice would be : deja-dup improvements (Was "Home User Backup Spec") and Splash screen customization... reasons being .... user's home contains customized bash script files (which i use a lot) and instead of having to copy each of them again and again with every system re-install i would rather develop a application that would back them up ...and for splash screen customizations... that is entirely an effect of eye candy ... !! i want to make ubuntu more pleasing and pleasant !! * Why did you like this idea? While using ubuntu in my university internet connection .. i had to overcome the task of specifying proxy url for every other application ... although i created a bash script for the same .. it had its own disadvantages ... the idea of an application doing the task of specifying proxy or eliminating the use of specifying proxy for each software is sure to make it easy for the end user !! * Please describe a tentative project architecture or an approach to it and Give us details about the milestones for this project I would start off with first studying two methods of approach , namely, a unified application which would pass on the proxy values to each application respectively or implementing a transparent proxy server, discovering their pros and cons .. ease of use and the way they would interact with the system.. along with side by side completing my bash script...then i will be developing the application based on my study and the structure i used in the script...after creating the basic application for the mid-term submission then i will proceed with developing it will full features, documentation .... and debug the program as much as possible ... the final program will be submitted after testing its compatibility with the softwares. * Why will your proposal benefit Ubuntu? Universal proxy is much needed and very necessary feature ... as proxy servers are implemented in almost every institution it is required for the user to pass the proxy values to the applications .. with this application all the softwares can interact with the internet with just one click .. it will become easier for the end-user to configure his applications behind proxy! = Open Source = * Why are you interested in Open Source? Unlike proprietary softwares ... open-source software has vast community support, as has been my experience with open source ... i get to learn newer ways to develop and write a program and in a more efficient manner. = Availability = * How long will the project take? When can you begin? The project would take roughly 2 months for it to ready as a final submission .. and as my semester ends in first week of may .. i can start then onwards. * How much time do you expect to dedicate to this project? (weekly) I do not have any commitments as of now ... even if i do have them they wont be more than 2-3 days during whole summer .. as i am totally free i can dedicate all of my time for the project (atleast 8 hrs) * Where will you based during the summer? I wouldn't be going for any vacations so I would be able to dedicate myself fully for the project * Do you have any commitments for the summer? (holidays/work/summer courses) No, as specified above, i do not have any commitments. If any such un-foreseen events do surface ... i would make sure to make my absence as less as possible and inform the mentor in advance = Other = * Have you ever participated in a previous GSoC? (describe your project) No, this is my first attempt. * Have you applied for any other 2010 Summer of Code projects? If yes, which ones? I would be applying for GEPHI NGO as well... * Why did you apply for the Google Summer of Code ? GSoC has a very good mentor backup and community support, we get to interact with the developers themselves, which would have been pretty difficult otherwise.. as the mentors are all professional and dedicated programmers .. we get proper guidance and help from them as well... also during this time the community is aligned towards the developments taking place in GSoC...and this would also help me in remaining attached with the organization as i plan to work on this project in future as well ... even after the GSoC ends. * Why did you choose Ubuntu as a mentoring organisation? I have been using ubuntu for few years now ... it is a great distro ... has evolved in a major way ... i had first started with SUSE ...but then migrated to UBUNTU and have never left since... the community support of ubuntu is overwhelming ... its the best in the opensource community ...and i would be very obliged being related with UBUNTU in any manner ... and developing applications to improve user experience is one of my priorities of contributing in open source world.. * Why do you want to participate and why should Ubuntu choose you? I want to participate because i want to be associated with ubuntu in a major way .... developing applications for ubuntu which would make it more user friendly (it already is so much :) ) ...i think ubuntu should choose me because my programming skills are pretty good and i am confident that i can finish the application much before the given time period ...also as i have already implemented a script workaround for the same i can work more efficiently as i have clear idea of what path i must take ---- [[CategoryGoogleSoC]]