[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GediminasPaulauskas/MyApplication|My application]] to become the maintainer of Zope in Ubuntu was accepted. Following is a list of source packages I want to maintain. Many packages were already in Maverick, see [[attachment:zope_packages_in_maverick.txt]]. New [[Zope/Natty]] and [[SchoolTool/Natty]] packages have been uploaded by sponsors for [[http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha3|Natty Alpha 3]]. I still need [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Per-package Uploaders|PPU]] rights granted for [[attachment:zope-new-packages-in-natty.txt]]. == Zope == [[http://www.zope.org|Zope]], [[http://www.zodb.org/|ZODB3]] and their dependencies. We will avoid adding `zope.app.*` packages if possible. . restrictedpython . transaction . zc.buildout . zc.lockfile . zconfig . zdaemon . zodb . zodbcode . zope.annotation . zope.app.apidoc . zope.app.applicationcontrol . zope.app.appsetup . zope.app.authentication . zope.app.basicskin . zope.app.broken . zope.app.catalog . zope.app.component . zope.app.container . zope.app.content . zope.app.debug . zope.app.dependable . zope.app.error . zope.app.exception . zope.app.file . zope.app.folder . zope.app.form . zope.app.generations . zope.app.http . zope.app.i18n . zope.app.interface . zope.app.intid . zope.app.locales . zope.app.localpermission . zope.app.onlinehelp . zope.app.pagetemplate . zope.app.preference . zope.app.principalannotation . zope.app.publication . zope.app.publisher . zope.app.renderer . zope.app.rotterdam . zope.app.schema . zope.app.security . zope.app.securitypolicy . zope.app.server . zope.app.session . zope.app.testing . zope.app.zptpage . zope.app.tree . zope.app.wsgi . zope.app.zcmlfiles . zope.app.zopeappgenerations . zope.authentication . zope.broken . zope.browser . zope.browsermenu . zope.browserpage . zope.browserresource . zope.cachedescriptors . zope.catalog . zope.component . zope.componentvocabulary . zope.configuration . zope.container . zope.contentprovider . zope.contenttype . zope.copy . zope.copypastemove . zope.datetime . zope.deferredimport . zope.deprecation . zope.dottedname . zope.dublincore . zope.error . zope.event . zope.exceptions . zope.file . zope.filerepresentation . zope.formlib . zope.hookable . zope.html . zope.i18n . zope.i18nmessageid . zope.index . zope.interface . zope.intid . zope.keyreference . zope.lifecycleevent . zope.location . zope.mimetype . zope.minmax . zope.pagetemplate . zope.password . zope.principalannotation . zope.principalregistry . zope.processlifetime . zope.proxy . zope.ptresource . zope.publisher . zope.schema . zope.security . zope.securitypolicy . zope.server . zope.session . zope.site . zope.size . zope.structuredtext . zope.tal . zope.tales . zope.testbrowser . zope.testing . zope.traversing . zope.ucol . zope.viewlet == Zope Community == Technically not part of Zope, other Zope-related packages that SchoolTool uses: . hurry.query . rwproperty . z3c.autoinclude . z3c.form . z3c.formui . z3c.macro . z3c.optionstorage . z3c.rml . z3c.template . zc.catalog . zc.datetimewidget . zc.i18n . zc.resourcelibrary . zc.sourcefactory . zc.table == Python Packaging == Our main build dependency: . van.pydeb == SchoolTool == Current list of SchoolTool packages, subject to change. See [[SchoolTool/Maverick]] for our plans: . schooltool . schooltool.cas . schooltool.gradebook . schooltool.intervention . schooltool.lyceum.journal . schooltool.stapp2008fall . schooltool-2009 . schooltool-common