||<>|| ##Table structure by Silver Fox. Please leave this comment in place if you choose to base your work off it. :) ##Thank you very much Silver Fox :D ##Template by Daniel Bugl (Daniel0108) ||<|9>{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70566147/2011-04-28-140315_LineArtopia_1.jpg}} || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} Name || Georg Schelkshorn || || {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png}} Location || Austria || || {{http://www.touchlay.com}} My Blog/Website || www.touchlay.com || || {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png}} Ubuntu Forums Profile || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1185234| webhackler]] || || {{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} Launchpad Profile || [[https://launchpad.net/~webhackler|webhackler]] || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} IRC || GeorgS || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/team}} [[http://counter.li.org/|Linux User]] || #533633 || || {{http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/favicon.ico}} [[http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/|Registered Ubuntu User]] || #33559 || || {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png}} Currently Using || [[http://www.ubuntu.com/|Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat]] || == About Me == How you came to your screenname. I'm 14 years old :P My birthday is on 21.April :) Your Ubuntu story. === Socially === About yourself. === Professionally === Tell something about you and your job/hobbies. == Ubuntu Participation == Tell what you've done for Ubuntu. === Beginners Team === I haven't joined Ubuntu Beginners Team yet. === Ubuntu Forums === My profile is here: [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=USERID]]. I have joined on DATE. I post into the FORUMNAME, REASON :) ==== Unanswered Posts Team ==== I am not a member of this team at present. === Internet Relay Chat === My IRC nickname is NICKNAME. I'm very active in the CHANNELNAME channel. == Linux User Group (LUG) == I do not attend any LUGs currently, though it is something I would like to get involved with. == Projects == === TouchLay === comming soon :P == Goals For The Future == My ToDo-List: 1. Become a UBT member 2. ... == Testimonials == ---- CategoryHomepage