== Discussion Points == === vCasts === Details on the new project, vCasts, were discussed. Various mediums have been proposed, and we will discuss this more over the mailing list. === Log === {{{ i said that at the f2f and i thought he was gonna smack me with a computer (not that i would have blamed him... but still) who was gonna smack you? me? yeah, when i called you mater nah, it really doesn't bother me lol it bothers me Matir, so can I smack him? :) please? please? i can't stop you :) seeet its on heathen, ur goin down to the ground with a frown just kiddin, let's drink beer instead ok, see if your car can keep up which car? either dont make me bring out my 71 Z lol aight, brb, fud time Anyone know of a tiny embedded linux distro for an x86 system? how tiny? there is ubuntuje for more buff appliances hrrm it's about a 200MHz processor, 128MB RAM, and the kicker: 32MB disk i hate it when i find clothing/shoes that i like and they discontinue them like what? heathen: jeos kohls brand carpenter jeans and my turntec shoes are my main complaint at the moment ah the old navy jeans dont hold up as well as the kohls (sonoma?) jeans did and the turntec were the first shoes in a while that were comfortable for me wich is why they now have holes in the sole... mmmm, nothing more fun than rewriting socket servers BTW, if you guys need to impress your better halves ann taylor loft has a pretty good online sale going right now lol who said we were all guys? jk hello boredandblogging: 'lo. boredandblogging: how goes this evening? antdedyet: not bad, how's life? boredandblogging: wife still in hospital; work time is still sparse. standard drama with mother going on so I'm avoiding it all by hanging out with a friend in the coffee shop antdedyet, what coffee shop do you hang out at? anything exciting? lol Matir: I'm in Gadsden, AL right now; so no, nothing exciting. this is the only coffee shop around that has wifi and a bearable atmosphere antdedyet: whats she in for? although, an old friend of mine is messing around with windows 2000 on his laptop because of wifi card difficuluties robertj: treatment and re-stabalization of a bi-polar episode. is AL home for her? robertj: no. This is my home town. meh, everybody has to be from somewhere ;) robertj: yep, that is why I fled to Seattle after I became a legal adult. :) ugh, hate cold weather yep i want snow I miss snowboarding. * robertj just finished watching the Maltese Falcon for the first time, pretty good i watched national treasure the other night... *** fignew` is now known as fignew anyone still up tonight? Yep girl left early, have some computer time :P hank_: nice what are you up to? boredandblogging: yes. boredandblogging: StumbleUpon :P * antdedyet has an hour on you Eastern Time based folk I'm excited to watch the Packers beat up on Giants tomorrow :) hank_: never got into stumbleupon, think I created an account once to put my site on it thats about it Easy way to be lazy I keep telling myself to start up some programming books, but it's still sitting unopened on the desk Gonna head to bed, night i dont suppose any of you have a spare t-mobile phone lying around? it's my birth day and I will cry if i want to hey, happy birthday any birthday cake today? i dont' think so just doing work as normal.. went out side and got the RX7 running again.. who know for how long this time nice, what year is it ? 84 needs some work lets face it .. it needs a lot of work i'm thinking of trying planeshift again to see how i like it nice, what color is it? I have a 1971 Datsun 240 Z I've been working on over the past couple years well it is back with primer.. needs some body work, but not much.. really needs a new motor... I was thinking 13B but if i can afford it i really would like to but a 20B in it nice, that would be nice make it a fun drifter here are some pics of mine http://linuxcrypt.net/images2/z/ aye.. the Z's and 7's as both fun drivers looks sharp man... i bet you do have an odd bolt pattern oh.. indeed thanks, yeah, no odd bolt patterns the 7's have a 4x110 bolt pattern.. I will have to special order wheels for it when i get ready for that. planeshift is huge yeah, thats not frustrating at all is it ? planeshift or the wheels? neither really.. will just take me longer on the wheels and I have time to spare for a game hmm Regnum Online gives me a core dump what is planeshift? almost 500k on torents with comcast.. something must be wrong planeshift is a MMORPG for linux and it is free oh, im not a mmorpg gamer i'm just a gamer.. i like the all. I have lost my love for mmorpg's though trying to get it back i just love my xbox 360 I do as well.. just i love the PC gaming more oi really? yeah.. i grew up on PC.. consoles are just coping what pc gaming has been doing for years and you can get much bigger worlds on PC than consoles... you just have limitations on consoles..PCs you can upgrade what kind of limitations? ive been gaming since my com 64 but, i still think that the console rivals for the full gaming experience with hidef t.v., 5.1 surround and hanving 4 people playing at the sametime on the console locally you cannot upgrade the 360 other than a HD but you can upgrade your graphics and everythign else on a PC. it really is a personal preferance graphics really aren't an issue though i see what you're saying as far as upgrading I just would rather buy a 400 dollar console, instead of a 500 dollar vid car and be restricted to my pc I can understand that as well the consoles have come a long way plus, I also have the hd dvd player which is a nice accessory hello all mouseclone: happy bday man quiet in here hey folks... anyone here? yup hey hola wow. 2 people. I feel special :P m3 too :) wow, I was l33t on accient accident ? "m3 too" ah nevermind, me being lame and I'm being slow. you need to lay off the sunday drinkin there JR hehe it's about three. should we start the meeting? I'll see if I can't get a few more folks to join in hello my attention might be divided hey ah watching the football game hahah so looks like three of us good stuff yup * JonReagan hunts football game morning can't find it hey its on CBS hey siafu thx bandb! Hey guys hi ya hey How are things? very good hey mbt ello, how are you? doin' good. wow... that was fast. a lot of people joined in... shall we begin? sure sure alrighty then! Sure thing first up... and the only thing up... vcasts happy to leave off looking for the drivers for this fragging Radeon Mobility 7500 card I've got. hehe, always fun I want to play games but the laptop's vid card won't support ANYTHING. so, how should we do these vcasts ah Well, I say we just pick a venue, a time, write up an agenda Vcasts? As in the cell phone technology? jchase_: you have some ideas? and rock it out who came up with the vcasts name? mbt: videocasts not as in cell phones, but as in a video cast... like a podcast but w/ video doesn't that infringe on Verizon.... maybe... Ahh alrighty just saying... ;-) was confused, think that vcast is a verizon trademar *trademark hehe... I'm not sure, but we could call it something else imagine if Verizon named their next phone Ubunt-You ubucast? vidbuntu... vlogs? if our vcasts gets on verizon's radar, that will be a good thing :-P :-) that is true yeah jchase_: you want to tell us your thoughts on it? jchase_ was the first person to mention it to me ah yeah well, the thought was, to get some footage together of our events edit it, make it look like a ridonculous party like a bar fest but also, do video podcasts of upcominog events as well as news, and ubuntu hype this came about with a thought of like at J's cigars, having hte ubuntu logo over our heads on a hi def flatscreen, smoking a cigar, while discussing hot topics and pushing ubuntu propoganda interesting picture hrmmm. now, that was just one idea, but I think videocasting / podcasting is a great way to get people listening and interested rather than just spreading the word through text on blogs y'all aren't going to photshop a cigar into my face, are you? :P hee hee very true. with the new phone i got, i have been listening to podcasts like whoa not to mention that you can actually SHOW people what you are talking about also, I think this will drive loco participation for things like "open day" Is the whole bar scene image something you really want associated with Ubuntu? "I want to be in the cool ubuntu video with the spice girls" mentatlity yup yup... workin' on some pimped graphics for that @ jchase: hehe Well, we held our release party at an Irish Pub do people really associate things like that in their minds? good question... Yes, that's the whole point of marketing. Marketing is just a way to build hype, excitement, interest, and curiosity I'd be more inclined to emphasize the functionality of Ubuntu over the non-funtionality of Windoze hell, if I had it my way I'd host it at the Cheetah i mean, Ubuntu != bar; and /we/ are not Ubuntu, Ubuntu is Ubuntu. admittedly, i am not a marketing person. hahaha lol I wasreferring to the "barcamps" Ubuntu actually works. Windoze won't let you play your videos and music. check them out if you ahvent seen them ah Again, this was an idea Why spend all that money for Vista when it screws up your vids and music when you can get Ubuntu for free and it works. the major points that i can think of really are towards power-users, those who prioritize freedom over brand-recognition, software developers, and the like and most of the things i can think of to compare things that are truthful are so technical in nature that most of your average end-users get glazed-eyes when they are told about it that's really the next big user base that Linux has for the taking. yeah.. heck, just saying "ubuntu" to someone is hard enough Yeah, Vista is helping us out in that regard a lot money and law do not seem to matter to many of the people that i know Yeah, I'm thinking more of the soccer moms and non-tech women. And schools. we could show off the best of ubuntu... all sorts of stuff. sorry i'm late hey there is also the fact that you can report bugs and see their progress... MS just takes email messages and leaves the bugs rot forever... Hi Matir ello matir It's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature. lol that does seem to be their rhetoric, particularly about xhtml proper They don't need a rhetoric since they control the majority of the market. "we'll fix it someday but it is not important because the only people that use xhtml proper are freedom loving tree huggers" was basically what i was told by them the many times i have complained about msie to them hehe... yeah. they hate us. no doubt. ubuntu is probably their largest threat in the gnu world so what do we think about the vcasts? I'd like to see them release the source for Windows 95 or 98 and see how much better the "amateurs" could make it. * JonReagan likes the idea lets try to do one and see how it goes? k jchase_: think we can pull one off before the feb f2f? just so we're clear - are these vcasts or screencasts? I guess we could do both... You might want to do a couple different 'casts, one for the college age market and one for older/non-tech/non-power users. boredandblogging: definitely im also going to the FLorida Linux Show I can incorporate some footage from that vcasts screencasts can be part of it, but definitely video well, their best business strategy at this point would be to ditch windows' code base and pull another copy of apple, anyway, but i think that their arrogance will prevent them from doing that. anyway, as far as video goes, do we have equipment and someone who is good at video editing? Intermingle the two... do a regular video cast then cut to a screen cast of what you are showing... I think of screencasts as online desktop how to vids video... awesome! STREAMING VIDS sexy haha nice YouTube channel? oolala that would work yeah, defintiely on the YT channel then imbed it on ubuntu-georgia.org also, we want to make this a bit easy, it isn't something that we should spend 20 hours editing that sounds like a good plan someone mentioned the name "vlog", i have heard that, but it would have to be fairly regular and address things like the weekly newsletter and what not. so we can intermingle screencasts or whatever as long as its not a major headache what would the content really be? Well, I have a few ideas for content 1. Our own commercials would be cool, Mac parody style or otherwise You could ask people "Why do you use Ubuntu?", record, and intercut with other stuff. 2. Newscasts, basically like the ubuntu weekly newsletter for content 3. How To's ubuntu and a mac guy.. that would be awesome on the topic of commercials... Ubuntu, Mac and Windows guys. is that something that canonical will ever actually head into 4. Making it look like ubuntu linux users, or linux users in general are cooler then windows users, so come party with us 5. But can it play WoW or other Games ? :-) lol canonical probably doesn't want to spend lots of money on commercials... maybe SABDFL could buy a spot during the superbowl? :P remember, YT is full of gamers jimpop: excellent idea Like, "I'm Ubuntu, and in the time it took the other two guys to boot up, I looked up five articles on Wikipedia, checked my e-mail, and IM'ed my girlfriend." :-) Nice hehe "girlfriendssss" true, though i wish they would just get wine installed and configured by default already, and i wish cedega would contribute back to the wine project, because then WoW and guild wars could be supported out of the box isn't that like a violation of the gpl? ( for cedega not to contribute back ) cedega is pre-wine-going-to-gpl they forked an older version that was under bsd-like terms, iirc ah wine changed to gpl because in their view cedega was abusing the bsd license's right to privatize we could probably use our team's google account for the youtube channel Ok, so JR, I will come up with some script ideas and email them out, then we can work on time / place and all that excellent sounds cool to me question: I have an idea for a bit of video, and I have my own camera with which to do it, but who do I send it to if you want to use it? i can keep track of all the content * With Gmail, we might want to be careful as to what we send as they own the content. I could give you an ftp acct to upload I also am picking up an HD vid cam my camera's in a box. FTP address? I won't be able to get to it for a while siafulinux: eh? how does google own the content of another person's copyrighted material? Just from what I've read... siafulinux: the tos says that they can retain the data on file google likes ubuntu but it says nothing about copyright transferrance last i knew ok siafulinux: i will check it out again in case they have changed their tos, though; last i read it was july 07 ah also, what do you all think of a tryout of a Voice / irc meeting. like having a conference bridge, or skype / gizmo conference call? just asking to see if there is any interest np, I am probably wrong with the copyrwrit data, just some little reading I did on it... didn't really "check" into it. But thought it may be a point to bring up just in case. :-) that would be cool... maybe a bit of a pain to set up, I could never get my microphone to work in Ekiga... works in everything else, though I think we'd all be talking over each other, like here. true i have a conf bridge me too, would have to dig up the # but it is free I can't get my headset to work with Ubuntu, it's a Gigaware USB headset. another reason I was asking, though it would be fun to broadcast our weekly, or F2F meetings online AuntyProton: there is a phone number for it too, at least for mine would love to do weekly voice meetings broadcast f2f meetings... nice sweeet, well, something we can experiment with This is probably the only Sunday IRC I'll be able to manage, I usually work on Sundays. yeah, like a Live stream wow... that would be cool ok, well, I'll start looking into some experimentation with it all We would do something like Ubuntu GA Live nice! very nice Do you all do something at DragonCon? sweet, ok Could record that. DragonCon? I've never been, but I wouldnt mind going sometime hell yueah that would be awesome If you can handle crowds, I think you'd find a lot of interest there. They get over 30k people each year. Website is www.dragoncon.org if you want to check it out. also, its a while away, but maybe we can start thinking about the hardy release what we want to do yeah, definitely its an LTS release, so we can push it hard release pizarty hold signs over 75 downtown "honk for ubuntu" hi kelvin video that, make a hug montage hah hahaha flyers maybe find some better places for the flyers? a banner? any way we can print thousands for cheap? Hmm... hi when France or Germany did their release party, they put out 10,000 posters ok, we all print 200 off ech our work places :D; FTW ow, thats a lot might be a bit much for us just a little but it would be nice to get out a lot no work place and i only have a b&w printer or i could do about a thousand if you print over 100 copies at the UPS store, they're 29c that's about the cheapest I could find ouch ill talk to my sister, she works at a printer in Denver yeah... it's kinda painful i could prob get a ridiculous deal nice! Do you think Canonical or whoever might donate stuff if we're promoting? mmm, I doubt it wouldn't bet on it but, maybe we could get some participation from goolge exspecially if we host the release party there canonical will help out for conferences Leslise is back from Vacation on Tuesday hopefully I will know something by Wed I will keep everyone updated on the status of that awesome good stuff! i will check with some of the local printing houses that i have around here and see what their rates are too sweet, thanks mbt mbt: that would be great boredandblogging: I may need your help with u-g.org with drupal modules for hosting the content np... being able to spread 1000s of flyers would be a great thing not hosting, but streaming I've got a store on CafePress and they've got 2.25 inch buttons, 100 for $75. Smaller mini-buttons are about $70 / 100. Bumper stickers and oval stickers too, but they're more expensive. does anyone know what the legal requirements for hanging flyers around the metro area are/ *? oh, everyone likes those cool oval stickers if any dont get caught? lol we dress in all black, ski masks, and wear rollerblades so the coppers can't catch us lol well that is one way of doing it, but preferably the requirements for getting permission would be better so that the signs stay up longer I don't know... it all depends on local laws We could put the Ubuntu symbol on one of those. Or UBU or something. I used to work on political campaigns, sorry, my past was coming out we could for example do oversized flyers like the political people do Vote for Freedom, use Ubuntu! my email sig for school says something like that Great minds think alike? "Freedom counts. Use software that empowers you, instead of making a practice of forbidding you. Download Ubuntu today: http://www.ubuntu.com/" 2 Girls 1 Ubuntu hahah lol lol nice Or a sort of 1950's style. "Stylish! Convenient! New and Improved (every 6 months!)! UBUNTU!" actually... a YT vid like 2g1u would rock just imagine the attention it would get hell yeah jimpop, pop culture wins attention we could also do spin offs from the campaign stuff it doesn't have to be dirty... just named similar imagine, setting up a debate we do video like the youtube debates, but for operating systems instead Don't Tase my Ubuntu that would be huge OMFG, I love that! lol @ dont tase my ubuntu thats what im talkin about Ms S.C. finding Ubuntu on a map would be interesting to also be able to market it in a way that exposes what things have been done that people have done with ubuntu or finding people that use ubuntu where windows is "required" I wonder if someone could make an Ubuntu symbol costume and go running through downtown Atlanta? Leave Ubuntu Alone!!!! lol @ AuntyProton: that would be coolness omg, AuntyProton, that would rock it would be an attention getter that is for sure if we all did that we could do a spoof of the IBM linux commercial "his name, is ubuntu" imagine the area that we could cover and the rubbernecking we could cause :-) Though I don't know if getting caught by the cops and getting on the news is quite the publicity you want. jimpop should star in it running around in a costume is illegal? hehe :D This is America in 2008. Taking shampoo on an airplane is illegal. depends on the costume, or lack thereof heh cool. market for ubuntu and smarter politicians at the same time think jimpop just volunteered lol ok, so I propose, we start an idea bucket Streak through a local televised game with Ubuntu painted on your back... that should grab some attention :-) because there are a lot of great ideas in here, and I don't wna tto lose track of them hahahah @ siafulinux we should do a real life the girls doing the ubuntu sign i don't think that we want to break any actual laws... decency is something that ubuntu is still trying to shrug the reputation of from their initial releases with the calendars and what not, iirc especially the streaking idea :P banana hammock with ubuntu logo on the front? there are smaller things that we can all do, too... maybe taking everyday items that we use (purses for ladies or duffle bags, etc.) and branding them practice safe computing, make sure your computer is wrapped with ubuntu I was thinking more like the Froot of the Loom guys but if you want to paint yourself orange and actually go streaking, hey, I'm hip. We want Ubuntu to be inexpensive, not cheap lol Ubuntu is like sex, it's always better when it's free lol nice haha print that on t-shirts omg omg dude yeah, minds in gutter now that should be our motto that is a good one, for a particular audience I used to have a linux general store t-shirt that said "softwae is liek sex, it's always better when it's free" heh though that does tend to make people think of gratis so I was thinking of a spin off and ubuntu is far more than simply gratis * jimpop has got to run... likes what he is reading jimpop: take care jimpop: have a good one someone organize and appoint volunteers, make it happen. :-) later for realz who the hell is our marketing guy anyway? oh.. damn hehe hehe I'll get right on it ! boom shakka lakka got to go too, wife is home with the groceries... *time to eat* :-) siafulinux: take care, thanks for coming np, bfn ok, so, I will work on some mockup ideas, and start a repository for content I like the idea of keeping the vids on youtbue, then we can imbed them anywhere, also reduces bandwidth usage on our systems Heh. how about the "Penguin Lust!" theme from Bloom County as a logo, with a crazy Tux? Or is that too Linux and not enough ubuntu? i like it AuntyProton love it HD Envy. "Going back to Windows is just URGES FROM HELL!" We could do a spoof of a valtrex commercial, kicking out viruses on windows with ubuntu! hahah "Steve Jobs is just an AGENT OF SATAN! Repent, and return to the sweet goodness of free software!" he is, but gosh I love the macs alright all, I gotta run and take care of some things there is also the idea that there are some aspects of ubuntu that are actually easier... for example, i can get ubuntu to hook up to my hdtv just fine with no issues, but for windows i have to use this program called powerstrip or something and modify inf files and all sorts of nasty stuffs but there has to be a way to make information like that more "consumer friendly" I gotta run too.. c'yall later yeah, thats a great "actual use" use case for ubuntu i gtg too though, so i will talk to y'all later Yeah, Cory Doctorow did a reading of the Vista "suicide note" on his podcast. Oy, how can they call something that buggy an "operating system"? <-- will never upgrade her XP system to Vista now. well, it can't be called a research os ... plan 9 is better than vista, and i won't touch plan 9... I remember the first time an ex-boyfriend of mine installed Win95. After having to completely wipe the drive and start over with 3.11, we called 95 "The virus that thinks it's an OS." It was in beta at the time. AuntyProton: from what I understand, the "upgrade" is from Vista back to XP <-- nods emphatically. I'd go mac before going forward with Vista ahh... i was introduced to gnu and linux in 1996 and am absolutely glad. linux /still/ runs on a 386.... 95 took days to install on the one that i had back then Me too. well, yeah, at least a mac provides a UNIX environment, since it is now branded UNIX true.dat actually that is another idea Plus Linux doesn't need a bajillion meg of RAM and HD space. a lot of business would look at us if we could get canonical to certify ubuntu distros as unix it would also put ubuntu in a spot to be considered by businesses alongside other branded UNIX systems mbt needs to grab a hold of the red hat market Any sign Canonical would do that? Ubuntu: Because you can upgrade. (In reference directly to red hat) red hat = linux in the business world yup Plus you wouldn't need to buy new computers ever other year, since it'll run on older machines. Save money that way. is RH branded? branded? as in as Linux? as in UNIX by the open group like mac os x is now no, it's branded as Linux well it /is/ linux so is ubuntu, but i was wondering if they sought out certification. if ubuntu were certified that would be something that management types could look at I thought Linux came from Unix? linux is a UNIX-like system there are no known branded UNIX types that i am aware of the mac kernel is built off the freeBSD unix kernel I believe it is neither genetic nor branded, though because it (the kernel nor the GNU userland) was not derived from UNIX sources jchase: yepper and since freeBSD is branded as "unix" I suppose that's why mac is using that branding freeBSD is not branded... apple paid for the testing and branding through the open group for os x 10.5 linux came from gnu a combination of the gnu os and Linus's kernel no, the userland came from gnu, the kernel came from the ether but nothing in linux is unix right but it could be certified, "UNIX" today refers to compliance with APIs in the single unix spec so to ever call it "unix" wouldn't fly So Linus didn't actually write it but channeled it? Linus wrote some of the starting code but today he is mostly project manager for it Linus wrote the kernel, and eventually the modules and libraries combined from the gnu OS basically made up what we know as "linux" <-- nods. and berkley had their own fork of a rewrite of unix as BSD from a technical standpoint "linux" is the kernel type of the system. the gnu tools will run on most unix and unix-like systems, so you can replace the kernel, for example, with freebsd and it is then a freebsd system but of course, today, everything is so cross blended it's hard to know who is using what Someone needs to do a family tree, what came from what. compilers, libraries, kernels <-- tried to use Xandros before installing Ubuntu. It imploded. anyway, if canonical were to seek out certification that would be very helpful for non-technical business types using xandros on the eee right now ;-) mbt: yes, it would build confidence, and credibility in the IT financial decision makers boredandblogging: are you going to fix that problem soon? :) onMY eee, that you jacked dagnabbit I want one of those. The EEE. jchase: indeed. that is probably why apple certified. hahah Want to get an external CD ROM and install Ubuntu on it. mbt: I plan on selling it down the line, probably freak out people if it doesn't run what they expect hey, boredandblogging boredandblogging: how much do you think you would sell it for? i know how we can do that <-- makes evil eye sign at Xandros now. I have en external HDD with IDE, we could just plug in an regular IDE dvd/ cd rom and plug it in via usb and install mbt: honestly have no idea boredandblogging: 'cuz Erica was looking at that thing and has not stopped talking about how cool it is... lol... so if you were to sell it at some point for something that i could pay for it, i would get it for her mbt: sure, I'll let you know if I want to sell it in a few months jchase: yeah, the thing is, xandros is actually behaving halfway decent... aawwww traitor Question: can you read locked e-book PDFs with the PDF viewer in Ubuntu? I'm planning on doing a lot of ebook reading on the EEE when I get one. and I'm not doing anything that requries ubuntu i have done so n the past, AuntyProton. it will prompt for passwords if necessary well, if it has evince anyway but it has gtk, so it should have or be able to easily have evince Ah so. The whole Kindle / Sony Ebook reader thing just doesn't work for me, with the DRM and all. pdfs don't get encrypted with passwords, right? cuz I think there are pdf readers that ignore passwords boredandblogging: yes, they can be encrypted with passwords interesting boredandblogging: they can ignore passwords on permissions so long as you do not attempt to perform restricted activities, but as far as i know adobe enforces their patents on people that bypass the standards they grant royalty-free use of their patents to any software implementation that follows the pdf standard ok, thought I saw some patches for evince or something that get you around it, but I don't remember exactly AuntyProton: here is a basic overview of unix geneaology, there are better ones out there somewhere too http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/11/Unix-history.svg Yup, thanky muchly. if i can find the one that i used to have printed around my cube at IBM will let you know oh well, lookie... i still have it bookmarked: http://www.levenez.com/unix/history.html Looking. that goes from 1969 to 2008 Great googly moogly. i had that hanging around in my cubicle when i worked at IBM in 2005... it was nice for when people would ask me questions about it. I guess Ubuntu falls under the Debian category? it would probably be classified under that yeah It's not on there otherwise. the iPod has an OS? all computing devices have an operating system, though some of them are unnamed or simply unknown Hmm... Well, I guess the meeting's over. I need to go start dinner. Wish I could attend more of these, it's been fun. ttyl god to meet you <-- waves as she slithers off into the sunset. anyone use grandcentral? i have mbt: how do you like it? it works alright, though it doesn't have the "killer features" that i would use i would like to have it call arbitrary SIP points, which is where the real usefulness would be for me, but things happen hmm think it would actually be useful when i was home most people know my cell number... but when I'm home, I never hear the cell ringing it would be nice if calls would just get routed to my home phone It can be nice as a simple one-number-for-everything thing I just wish it was more focused on SIP. That might be something that has changed, or that they will change in the future. It does interface with Gizmo, but that's the only VoIP service it works with I think. might have to test it out and see how it goes