IconsPage/irc-small.png Next IRC Meeting:

IRC Meeting: Thursday Oct. 28, 8pm


Ubuntu Georgia LoCo IRC - #ubuntu-us-ga

Discussion Topics:

2009 Event Schedule

LoCo Marketing

Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party

Ubuntu 8.10 InstallFest

IconsPage/IconUsers.png Next Face To Face Meeting:





Next Meeting Important Info

The next IRC meeting will be rather large since we will be discussing several large changes, so we recommend that you visit GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings/Topics for more information.

Types of Meetings

IconsPage/irc-small.png IRC Online Meetings - Meetings held on the IRC chat network. Basically a chat room where meetings are held. Fairly informal, they are also open to the public. These meetings are held weekly. See this page (IRC Support Instructions) for more information on how to connect.

IconsPage/IconUsers.png Face to Face Meetings - Meetings held typically at a restaurant. It is a chance for Ubuntu users to get together and meet each other. These meetings are held monthly.


To see what has happened at past IRC meetings and on the channels, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org. Select "Freenode" and navigate to the date (one day off, since the host site is in Europe) and then select #ubuntu-us-ga.

GeorgiaUSTeam/Meetings (last edited 2008-10-21 16:14:07 by adsl-34-232-129)