<> ## Here you should provide a summary of your group over a couple of short paragraphs. == Key Details == * '''Date''' - 2010-04-20 * '''Team Contact''' DirkDeimeke, JuliusBloch * '''Membership''' - 213 as of 2010-04-20 * '''Mailing List''' - ubuntu-de on lists.ubuntu.com and loco-de on lists.ubuntu-eu.org * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-de, #ubuntu-de-loco on freenode * '''Launchpad''' - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-de-locoteam == Roadmap == ## Here you should provide a list of things you plan on doing. Include links to where these are discussed online and on mailing lists. * We will continue with our conference appearances at the main events in Germany and hope also to attend the smaller events. The conference appearances are planed at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LocoTeam/Messen and discussed at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-de-events * Run a German speaking Ubucon every year and improve it from year to year. * Continue in maintaining ubuntuusers.de, our online-community with forum, wiki, planet and news-section; and our IRC channel * Improve ubuntu-de.org, the portal for all activities in Germany. == Experience == === Release parties === ==== Ubuntu Berlin ==== Since 2006, release parties were organized on a regular basis for every new release in Berlin. Starting with April 2007 they are located at the hackerspace [[http://c-base.org | c-base]], having 150 to 300 visitors each party. The [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de/lucid-release-party | Lucid party]] will happen there at May 1st, 2010. Links to previous release parties from [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de | Ubuntu Berlin]]: * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperBerlinReleaseParty|Dapper]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyBerlinReleaseParty|Edgy]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyBerlinReleaseParty|Feisty]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyBerlinReleaseParty|Gutsy]], [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de/hardy-heron-releaseparty_26.4.2008_c-base|Hardy]], [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de/ubuntu-berlin-intrepid-ibex-release-party|Intrepid]], [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de/jaunty-release-party|Jaunty]], [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de/karmic-release-party|Karmic]] === Conference Appearances === * [[http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2010/ | Chemnitzer LinuxTage]], 2006 - 2010 * [[http://www.cebit.de/homepage_e | CeBIT]], 2006 - 2009 * [[http://www.linuxtag.org/2010/en.html | LinuxTag]], 2006 - 2009 * [[http://www.systems.de/en/Home | Systems]], 2006 - 2008 * [[http://www.froscon.de/index.php?id=15&L=1&no_cache=1 | Froscon]], 2008-2009 * [[http://www.come2linux.org/ | Come2Linux]], 2005-2006 * [[http://www.linuxinfotag.de/ | LinuxInfoTag Dresden]], 2008 * LinuxWorldExpo, 2006 * Linux Tage Oldenburg, 2007 * Webinale, 2007 * Augsburger Linux Infotage, 2008 * [[http://www.openrheinruhr.de/ | OpenRheinRuhr]], 2009 === Ubucon === Since 2007 we are running our own German speaking Ubuntu conference called Ubucon. We started with two days in 2007 and since 2008 we have a two and half day event. Every year in October from Friday midday until Sunday afternoon. The Ubucon takes place in different cities in Germany. In 2007 it was Krefeld, 2008 and 2009 Göttingen and in 2010 it will be Leipzig. * [[http://2007.ubucon.de|2007]],[[http://2008.ubucon.de|2008]],[[http://2009.ubucon.de|2009]],[[http://2010.ubucon.de|2010]] === ubuntuusers.de === [[http://ubuntuusers.de|ubuntuusers.de]] is a German-speaking community which supports and provides help for any question around Ubuntu. ubuntuusers.de consists of a [[http://forum.ubuntuusers.de|forum]], a [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de|wiki]], a [[http://ikhaya.ubuntuusers.de|news section]] and a [[http://planet.ubuntuusers.de|planet]] featuring German blogs blogging about Ubuntu. ubuntuusers.de uses its own, python powered portal software called Inyoka (see below) ==== Forum ==== Currently there are more than 100,000 registered users who have written more than 2.5 Mio. posts. The forum is maintained by about 50 volunteers, who give support and moderate, and uncounted off-team supporters. * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ubuntuusers/Supporter | ubuntuusers-support-team]] * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ubuntuusers/Moderatoren | ubuntuusers-moderating-team]] ==== Wiki ==== The Wiki of ubuntuusers.de has currently about 4900 pages covering all topics from getting started and installing Ubuntu over using software up to advanced topics like setting up and operating server systems. The Wiki covers Ubuntu as well as official and recognized derivates. Everybody registered at ubuntuusers.de can contribute to the Wiki, quality and consistancy is supervised a the ubuntuusers.de Wikiteam, with about ten volunteers. * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ubuntuusers/Wikiteam | ubuntuusers-wikiteam]] ==== Ikhaya ==== Ikhaya ([[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_language | Zulu]] for home, house) is the news section of ubuntuusers.de. All news about Ubuntu, Linux and Open Source as well as internals about our platform or the team itself are published there. Users are invited to recommend specific news and stories to the team or can easily submit self-written articles, which will be checked by Ikhayateam before being published. Users can comment these published articles like commenting a blog. Also a planet is run by the team containing some 80 blogs which have to be written in German language. They all have been checked once by the team before being shown in the planet. Altogether approximately 12 volunteers are working for Ikhaya. * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ubuntuusers/Ikhayateam | ubuntuusers-ikhaya-team]] ==== Inyoka ==== Before Inyoka was written, ubuntuusers.de used a mix of phpBB2, MoinMoin and a small Django news application. Obviously, things like user sync between these apps became horrible and the Webteam decided to write a custom application tailored for the needs of ubuntuusers.de. Inyoka is now running since 2007 and covers everything, from wiki over planet to the forum. At the moment, the webteam reworks it to release it as open source software and make it usable for other communities as well. * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ubuntuusers/Webteam | ubuntuusers-webteam]] ==== Project management ==== The project management of ubuntuusers.de permanently consists of three members elected once a year. It is the place to go for every sort of request, either from the users, other team members or from the outside. Its main task is the coordination of every team of ubuntuusers.de in collaboration with their team leaders. Thereby periodic meetings are as important as working together in a friendly way according to the ideals of Ubuntu. * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ubuntuusers/Projektleitung | ubuntuusers-project-management]] === IRC Channels === The #ubuntu-de* Channels on Freenode are operated by the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-de-irc-op | German IRC Loco Team]]. The main support channel is #ubuntu-de which is existing up to now for about five and a half years. Furthermore an offtopic channel named #ubuntu-de-offtopic is being run to get the support channel free of non-support topics. In March 28th 2009 the non-stable channel #ubuntu-de+1 was introduced since support requests on non-stable versions increased and could not be handled well as these versions beared heavy changes. * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LocoTeam/IRC | LocoTeam IRC]] === Local User Groups === * [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de | Ubuntu Berlin]]: monthly open meetings, release parties, monthly lectures and workshops. All lectures and workshops were free of charge and in our monthly open meetings we help Ubuntu users to solve their problems. Everyone can participate as long as it has something to do with Open Source Software. In the past we had lecture about GNU Emacs, Inkscape, open source video editing software, bazaar and how it is used in the MySQL project and so on. [[http://ubuntu-berlin.de/veranstaltungen | Ubuntu Berlin events]] has a list of events (in German language) we organized in the past or will organize in the future. A second time we will present the latest Ubuntu release in the bookstore [[http://lehmanns.de | Lehmanns]] in Berlin at may 26th, 2010. Future plans are to have Ubuntu on tour in the German speaking area, presenting Ubuntu on various locations. * Ubuntu Leipzig: Our Group was formed in 2007. We organized many user meetings with talks about different topics in the open source sector. So we have talks about BSD, Gimp, Android, Linux4Afrika and many more. Beside these technical events we also organize Social Events like Ubuntu BBQs were the family can also be a part of. We present Ubuntu at the large Jaunty-Releaseparty at the University Leipzig and at several other smaller Events. Our Plans are to go forward with regular meetings and be part of the organisation of the Ubucon 2010 which will take place at the University Leipzig. * There are about 20 many smaller meetings for users all around Germany, [[http://ubuntu-de.org/projekt/Anwendertreffen|this site]] gives an overview. === Ubuntu-Jabber.de === [[http://www.ubuntu-jabber.de|Ubuntu-Jabber.de]] is a German instant messaging service based on the open standard XMPP (Jabber) and aims to offer an open and free communication platform for Ubuntu users. It was created in 2007 and has around 3800 registered users on its domains ubuntu-jabber.de and ubuntu-jabber.net. In addition there is a multi user chat for support and general communication at [[xmpp:ubuntu@conference.ubuntu-jabber.de?join|ubuntu@conference.ubuntu-jabber.de]]. === ubuntu-eu === We are one of the founding LoCoTeams of the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEuropeCluster|Ubuntu Europe Cluster]]. === ubuntu Deutschland e.V. (German Ubuntu association) === In 2005 we have founded a German Ubuntu association to support the Ubuntu communities in Germany. This support means that the foundation is helping in organisational, logistical and financial objects. ---- CategoryLoCoTeams