||<>|| Read more about the first [[GlobalBugJam|Global Bug Jam]]. = What is this about? = We would like to hear as many fun stories about your participation in the GlobalBugJam as possible. * Stories * Post links to pictures, videos and blog entries here. * Use the flickr tag `ubuntu-global-bugjam-february-09`. * Post short fun stories here. * Statistics * Use [[5-A-Day]] to participate in [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/five-a-day/|5-A-Day stats]] with your team. * Tell us about other fun statistics: * How many people were there? * How many cups of coffee did you guys drink there? * How many candy bars? * How often did somebody yell "I looked at that one too!" or "HA! Closed another one!"? * Tell us more about your team. == Old Global Bug Jam Stories == * [[GlobalBugJam/Stories/First|First one]] (8th-10th August 2008) = Global Bug Jam - Stories = == Africa == Blog posts: * http://blog.glock.co.za/global-bug-jam-2009-south-africa == America == === USA === ==== Michigan ==== Blog posts: * http://blog.grossmeier.net/2009/02/21/first-bug-jam-reward-of-the-day/ * http://blog.grossmeier.net/2009/02/21/michigans-global-bug-jam-report/ * http://decafbad.net/2009/02/21/ubuntu-global-bug-jam-2009 Photos: * [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/24700112@N05/tags/ubuntuglobalbugjamfebruary09/|greg-g's]] (flickr) * [[http://decafbad.net/pictures/v/ubuntu_events/gbj2009/|snap-l's]] ==== Chicago ==== Blog posts: * http://blog.nixternal.com/2009.02.20/ubuntu-chicago-global-bug-jam-kicks-off/ * http://blog.nixternal.com/2009.02.21/ubuntu-chicago-gbj-5-hours-into-it/ * http://nhandler.wordpress.com/2009/02/22/chicago-global-bug-jam-2009/ Photos: * [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/nixternal/sets/72157614128315299/|nixternal's]] (flickr) ==== Florida ==== {{attachment:fl_loco_Globaljam_022009_sm.jpg}} We had 9 people show up, including 3 people who were new to the LoCo team! The photos include a couple from our post-Jam celebration. Blog posts: * http://www.ubuntu-fl.org/news/1-ubuntu/131-global-bug-jam-miami-2009 Photos: * [[http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/view?uname=dantrevino&tags=ubuntu-global-bugjam-february-09#|DanTrevino]]'s ==== Pennsylvania ==== We had a total of 9 people show up for our 6 hour Jam, a couple of whom were new and one who came out from New Jersey to join in. Cake, pizza and soda were the draw, but it was the nourishment of some delicious fruit that a co-worker of Art's (who showed up for the day to help out, being interested in our work) brought kept some of us from keeling over from too much junk food, she was a life-saver! Blog posts: * http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=1464 Photos: * http://gallery.ubuntupennsylvania.org/main.php?g2_itemId=523 === Colombia === {{attachment:22feb2am.jpg}} We had about 8 people at Hollman's place, we started about 14:00 21st Feb and go up to 02:00 22st Feb, that included some wii sports, guitarhero, redbull, aguila beer, some pizza, a complete slowdown of Launchpad for the overwhelming bug hunt and some nice bug triaging all over the place!! we even made to the top 10 at 5-a-Day.. our last count give us about 4.5 bugs per beer so for 30 beers it wasn't that bad ;) * Some photos [[http://picasaweb.google.com/noticias.ubuntu.colombia/UbuntuCoGlobalBugJam#|Ubuntu-co]] * And a great [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmaI9Qa-MB8|video]] * And finally the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/GlobalBugJam/Report#GBJ%20February%2020,21%20and%2022th|report]] == Asia == == Australia == == Europe == === Denmark === ==== Aarhus ==== Blog with pictures: http://blackcave.dk/blog.php/39 === Germany === ==== Berlin ==== Blog post with a few pictures: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=368 === Ireland === ==== Dublin ==== Blog posts: * http://meanmachine.wordpress.com/2009/02/22/ubuntu-ie-global-bug-jam-story/ Pictures: * Hard at work: http://twitpic.com/1ltp4 * Showing how it's done http://twitpic.com/1lw2q * [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/mean-machine/tags/globalbugjamfebruary09/|mdanielski's]] (flickr) === United Kingdom === Blog posts: * http://blog.daviey.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk-community-bug-jam-09.html ==== Birmingham ==== ==== London ==== ---- CategoryBugSquad