Principal open design decision

Normal app vs preferences dialog

Should the gnome-app-installer be a normal application (including a menu) or a system preferences dialog (without menu like e.g. gnome-system-tools)?

Menu entry

Should we use a command (this is the case now) or should we use the object like in other system preferences (e.g. "Applications" or "Software)? or two entries: one in the application menu named "Add/Remove Applications" and one in the system menu "Applications"? the possibility of removing apps should also appear in the menu entry. it is quite an inconsistency if you want to remove an app and have to click on "add applications".

An alternative would be to name the app menu entry "Add/remove..." and add a tooltip "Install and uninstall applications from your system" to avoid a very long and not good looking entry. So there should be no need for a second entry in the admin menu, since there are already synaptic and the software properties. This will result in quite a mess.

Separation of categories and applications

The expandable categories and the mix of categories and applications in one list make the list view quite bulky. to close and open another cateogory you have to scroll and search a lot. Separating the categories and the applications could help here a lot. The categories would stay in the old listview and work as filters for a separate list of applications placed at the right above the description. the dialog would be similar to the menu editors alacarte and smeg, synpatic or rhythmbox. a mockup is attached. the expander "more apps" could still be used in the applications listview. Furthermore this would also solve a bug in the current listview: the menu entries jump around if the entries are expanded

2. Suggestions to make gnome-app-installer more consistence with the GNOME desktop a.k.a the HIG:

a. Main window:

In the case that we stay with the menu:

Without the menu:


b. Dialog "Pending changes":

c. Dialog "New Programs"

d. Dialog "initializing"

3. Mockup

A patched glade file with menbar (application style):

A patched glade file without menubar (dialog style):

GnomeAppInstall/ui (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:03 by localhost)