##(see the SpecSpec for an explanation) * '''Launchpad Entry''': https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/gnome-bling-manager * '''Created''': <> by [[joelbryan| Joel Bryan Juliano]] * '''Contributors''': [[joelbryan| Joel Bryan Juliano]] * '''Packages affected''': xcompmgr xgl compiz compiz-gnome transset == Summary == An interface to easily configure gnome desktop effects. == Rationale == With the variety of different ways to enable effects in desktop, users will be like to turn it on or off, an easy tool to do it will help them configure their desired effects for their desktop. == Scope == A desktop menu entry will be created in "System > Preferences > Graphical Desktop Effects" that will configure Xgl/Compiz or xcompmgr based effects. == Design == The interface must easily allow user to configure their desired effects based on what effects and method they choose. == Screenshots == {{attachment:gnome-bling-manager-1.png}} {{attachment:gnome-bling-manager-2.png}} === Code === [[attachment:gnome-bling-manager-0.1.tar.gz]] The software is written using GTK+ 2.0 API, and C. === Binary Package === [[attachment:gnome-bling-manager_0.1-1_i386.deb]] === Data preservation and migration === The software will overwrite $HOME/.Xsession file and sets it with execute permission. It is advisable to create a backup of this file. == Outstanding issues == == Suggestions == - deb packages lacks of dependencies, and it is unusable unless you specify xcompmgr as a requirement. - instead of modify "~/.Xsession", modify an entry on gnome-session startup programs for the software composite. - also alternatively add compiz, compiz-gnome, and compiz-plugins as recommended or suggested. == BoF agenda and discussion == ---- CategorySpec