## page was renamed from Grantbow/LoCoMemberRecuitment !LoCo Member Recruitment Workshop Noon, Central time, 3rd floor, Presidente room IRC channel: #ubuntu-uds-presidente gobby document from gobby.ubuntu.com: community-lucid-loco-member-recruitment-workshop UDS Calendar http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-l/2009-11-20/ === Summary === Little guidance is given to !LoCo leaders === Detail ==== === Brainstorming === A benefit of all open source development is the ability to participate. What alternatives to open source allow participation like this? Certainly not windows * Recruiting active & a diverse membership * sharing stories between locos * Lowering the barrier to entry for LoCo members & leaders * Crossing the chasms between * [[LoCoTeams|LoCo]] membership * Ubuntu [[Membership]] * !LoCo leadership * What [[LoCoTeamHowto#Things your LoCo can do|activities]] give end users and !LoCo members a way to contribute? * [[LoCoRunningReleaseParty|Release Parties]] * Speaking about & representing Ubuntu at shows * answering questions via IRC, forums and mail list * Installfests * Ubuntu distribution point - CDs and ISO images * [[LoCoTeamHowto#Ubuntu Advocacy|advocacy]] * end user education - UbuntuOpenWeek & [[LoCoTeamKnowledgeBase]] * tech support * translations (needs vary) * LoCoTeamRunning * [[LoCoWorkingWithOtherGroups]] * reporting bugs - UbuntuBugDay * triaging bugs - UbuntuGlobalJam * fixing bugs, development education - UbuntuDeveloperWeek * [[ActivismGuide|digital freedom advocacy]] * [[LoCoTeamHowto#Specialist LoCo Teams|international Ubuntu distributions]] * Localized artwork * Speaking about Ubuntu to the media