HappyGnome is a GDM theme. The interesting part of it is that it has a derivate, happygnome-list which lists the users along with their photo. However, the default color (blue) doesn't match at all the ubuntu look-and feel. == Instructions == Copy the following source code in an text editor, save the file as background.svg and put the file in the following directory: /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome or /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list (or both). You must sudo to copy them there. It's also a good idea to back-up the original files before you do this. == Feedback == I'd be glad to get some feedback. I guess the colors can be tweaked a little bit (maybe lighter colors?) so don't hesitate. Post your comments here. == Source == {{{ ]> }}} ---- CategoryCleanup CategoryLookMergeDelete