= Logitech Webcam Support = You can check if your Web Camera is supported in Linux by looking at the [[http://www.quickcamteam.net/devices/|official compatibility]] list on the Logitech website. Linux support does not guarantee support for your webcam in Ubuntu. = Summary = ||'''Make''' || '''Model''' || '''Driver''' || '''USB ID''' || '''Supported''' || '''Works?''' || '''Ubuntu Version''' || '''Comments''' || '''Last Updated''' || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Chat || gspca || 046d:092c || Yes || Yes || 10.04 (Lucid) || Works with gspca driver (which replaced spca5xx) in 10.04 (Lucid), but required some effort. Was detected but not working; now works fine. || 2010-Jun-14 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Chat || spca5xx || 046d:092e || Yes || Yes || 7.04 (Feisty) || || 2007-Aug-19 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Chat || gspca || 046d:092e || Yes || Yes, Out of the box || 7.10 (Gutsy) || Ekiga (V4l), Skype 2.0 (fail on test, but works on video call) || 2008-Jun-12 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Chat || gspca || 046d:092e || Yes || Yes, Out of the box || 8.04 (Hardy) || Tested with Ekiga (V4l)|| 2008-Jun-08 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Connect || gspca || 046d:08d9 || Yes || Yes || 7.04 (Feisty) || || 2007-Jun-02 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express || qc-usb || 046d:0850 || Not out of the box || After compilation of the module using [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/misc/qc-usb-source|qc-usb-source]] || || Make sure the build-essential package and the correct linux-headers package are installed. Install the package qc-usb-source, uncompress the archive /usr/src/qc-usb-modules.tar.gz and execute /usr/src/modules/qc-usb-source/quickcam.sh (Note: The driver is reliable and included in other distributions like Mandriva, it could be included in Ubuntu as well) || 2005-Jun-14 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express || quickcam || 046d:0870 || No || None available yet || 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) || Used to work in Breezy 4 years ago... || 2009-Mar-01 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express || spca5xx || 046d:0920 || Not out of the box || After compilation of the module using [spca5xx] || || || 2005-Apr-22|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express || Unknown (no needed to know) || 046d:092f || Yes || Out of the box || 7.04 (Feisty) || || 2007-Nov-13|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express Plus || gspca || 046d:092f || Yes || Yes || 7.10 (Gutsy) || Same ID as previous entry, but since name on the box is different, I'm adding it here. || 2007-Dec-23 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express Plus || gspca || 046d:092f || Yes || Yes || 8.04 (Hardy) || Camera is detected, but needs package xawtv installed to hook it to /dev/videox. || 2008-Jul-26 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Express LOG0431 (refresh II) || spca5xx || 046d:0928 || Not out of the box || Ubuntu Hoary doesn't autodetect, but I have got the camera working by doing the steps listed [[http://dvlinux.blogspot.com/2005_03_13_dvlinux_archive.html#111101610927602822|here]]. || || Image has blue taint with default gain levels. Has anybody got better colors using GRed,GBlue and GGreen parameters? || 2005-Mar-17|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam IM || spca5xx || 046d:08a0 || Not out of the box || After compilation of the spca5xx module || 6.10 (Edgy) || These [[http://scottabbey.org/node/12|installation instructions]] worked admirably. However, color is a bit off. || 2007-May-28 || || Logitech || Web``Cam Mini/Plus PD0040 || ov511 || 05a9:0518 || No || Not out of the box, but can be made to work. || || Warty and Hoary both detect and load the ov511 driver included with the kernel, but neglect to load the image decompressor kernel module. This is evidenced in dmesg by the line "drivers/usb/media/ov511.c: No decompressor available." To get things running, load the kernel module "ovcamchip" at startup. Driver home page is http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/, and problem solution is from [[https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2004-July/msg03162.html|here]]. Omnivision Technologies, Inc. OV518 Web``Cam || 2005-Apr-17 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Pro5000 || uvcvideo || 046d:08ce || Yes || Requires updated uvcvideo driver, easy to get from http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/). uvc makefile: Change INSTALL_MOD_DIR := kernel/ubuntu/media/usbvideo. || 7.04 (Feisty) || || 2007-Mar-22 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Pro9000 || uvcvideo || 046d:0990 || Yes || Yes, but crashes in Skype unless update uvcvideo. works with Ekiga|| 7.10 (Gutsy) 8.04 9.04 || The webcam works out of the box but not the focus control. To get the focus control working see [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6881424#post6881424|this tread in the forum]] or [[http://anticameradelcestino.wordpress.com/2009/03/16/quickcam-pro-9000-su-ubuntu-810/|this tutorial]] in Italian language || 2008-Jan-8 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Pro9000 || uvcvideo || 046d:0990 || Yes & No || Yes & No || Ubuntu 9.04 || It worked before, but now it causes my usb wireless adapter not working, see http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/ || 2009-Oct-16 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Messenger || spca5xx || 046d:08da || Yes || Gutsy: Works out of the box with amsn. / Edgy: Requires updated spca5xx driver, easy to get with module-assistant. Only works with amsn or luvcview not ekiga or camorama or gqcam. || 7.10 (Gutsy) || || 2007-Dec-31 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Communicate || gspcav1 || 046d:08d9 || Yes || Requires gspcav1 driver, from http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html || 6.06 (Dapper) || Download and unpack with right-mouse click. Move gspcav1-versionnumber to /usr/src/ . Install gcc and make . Install linux-headers-`uname -r` linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` build-essential . Change directory to /usr/src/gspcav1-versionnumber. Do make then make install ||2007-Apr-04|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam Communicate MP Plus || uvcvideo || 046d:09a1 || Yes || Requires the latest uvcvideo driver。 But very easy to compile and load. || 7.10 (Gutsy), 8.04 (Hardy) || See instructions:http://narnia.cs.ttu.edu/drupal/node/171 ||2008-Jul-20|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam Communicate STX || gspca || 046d:08ad, 046d:08d7 || Yes || Out of the box || 7.10 (Gutsy), 8.04 (Hardy) || No activity light. [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gspca/+bug/291723|Does not work with Ubuntu 8.10]] ||2008-Nov-09|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam Communicate Deluxe || uvcvideo || 046d:0992 || Yes || Out of the box || 8.04 (Hardy) || ||2008-Oct-15|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam Pro 4000 || pwc? || || Yes || Out of the box||6.06 (Dapper), 6.10 (Edgy), 7.04 (Feisty), 7.10 (Gutsy)|| Just need a program like Camorama etc. to use it. My preferred program to use this with is wxCam. ||2007-Dec-12|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam for Notebooks || gspca || 046d:08ae || Yes || Out of the box || 7.10 (Gutsy) || Skype in 10.04 Lucid Lynx requires a wrapper as described in http://bit.ly/d6cAGu ||2010-Jul-19|| || Logitech || Quick``Cam for Notebooks Deluxe || gspca on 8.04, uvcvideo on 10.04 || 046d:08d8, 046d:09c1 || Yes || Yes, out of the box || 10.04 (Lucid) || Tested with gnome-sound-recorder 2.30 (for the microphone), cheese 2. 30 (for video) and skype (both video and microphone) || 2010-Jul-02 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam E1000 / Quick``Cam Easy/Cool || gspca || 046d:08af || Yes || Out of the box || 8.10 (Intrepid) || Doesn't work with skype, works with cheese, works with ekiga 2.0.12 under 8.04 Hardy Heron, select V4L, NTSC in USA, Channel 0 || 2009-May-24 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam E3500 || uvcvideo || 046d:09a4 || Yes || Out of the box || 8.10 (Intrepid) || Works with skype, doesn't work with cheese, unknow with ekiga || 2008-Nov-28 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam E3500 Plus || uvcvideo || 046d:09a4 || Yes || Out of the box || 8.10 (Intrepid) || Works with skype, cheese and ekiga 3.2.0 || 2009-Apr-18 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam S7500 || uvcvideo || 046d:0912, 046d:09a2 || Yes || Out of the box || 9.04 (Jaunty), 9.10 (Karmic) || Worked perfectly with skype, great picture quality. Built in microphone also worked over USB || 2009-Nov-29 || || Logitech || C120 || uvcvideo || 046d:080f || No || No || 9.10 (Karmic) || Tested with Ubuntu 9.10. Doesn't work || 2010-Jun-12 || || Logitech || Webcam C200 || uvcvideo || 046d:0802 || Yes || Yes, Out of the box || 10.10 (Maverick) || Works great with Google Talk Video for both audio and video. || 2011-Apr-27 || || Logitech || Webcam C210 || uvcvideo || 046d:0819 || No || Yes || 11.04 (Natty) || Cheese (video), audacity (mic): out of the box. Skype with pulseaudio: open pavucontrol while calling, go to tab Recording, select applications, set input stream corresponding to webcam mic, pulseaduio will remember and select it in the future. Or, remove pulseaudio and select mic manually in skype options. Sometimes I get error -100 from skype and have to unplug/replug. || 2011-Jun-11|| || Logitech || Webcam C250 || uvcvideo || 046d:0804 || Yes || Yes, Out of the box || 10.04 (Lucid) || Works perfectly with Skype and Cheese (microphone too) || 2010-May-22|| || Logitech || Webcam C270 (HD)|| uvcvideo || 046d:0825 || Yes || Yes, Out of the box || 10.04 (Lucid) || Works perfectly with Cheese (snapshots, vids), microphone had to be selected in the sound preferences. Tried with Google+ hangout too, no problem. || 2011-Aug-22|| || Logitech || Webcam C500 || uvcvideo || 046d:0807 || Yes || Yes, out of the box || 10.04 (Lucid) || Works perfectly with gnome-sound-recorder 2.30 (I tested the microphone), cheese 2.30 (tested video) Skype (tested both video and microphone) || 2010-Jul-02 || || Logitech || Webcam C905 || uvcvideo || 046d:080a || Yes || Yes, out of the box || 10.04 (Lucid) || Works perfectly with Cheese and Skype (video and microphone); HD 720p, 2 MP Carl-Zeiss optics. || 2010-Oct-17 || || Logitech || Quick``Cam Connect || gspca || 046d:089d || Yes || Yes || 9.10 (Karmic) || Image very dark in Cheese, likely need to set autoexposure=0 in module settings, but works perfectly with Skype (microphone too) || 2009-Nov-02|| || Logitech || HD Webcam C310 || uvcvideo || 046d:081b || Yes || Yes || 10.10 (Maverick) || Tested with: gnome-sound-recorder 2.31.6 (mic), cheese 2.32.0 (video) vlc 1.1.5 (video) and skype (video and mic). Remember to choose proper input device in gnome-volume-control (081b Analog Mono) for mic to work || 2011-Jan-19 || || Logitech || HD Webcam C310 || uvcvideo || 046d:081b || Yes || Yes, out of the box || 11.10 (Oneiric) || Tested with: gnome-sound-recorder 2.91.2 (mic), skype (video and mic). Remember to choose proper input device in gnome-volume-control (Webcam C310 Analog Mono) for mic to work || 2012-Feb-24 || || Logitech || HD Webcam C525 || uvcvideo || usb-0000:00:1a.0-1.6 || Yes || Yes, out of the box || 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)) || Tested with: skype (video and mic). Cheese Webcam Booth 3.4.1 || 2012-Jun-2 || ---- CategoryHardware