Ubuntu on Dell Dimension n-Series Desktop
Since initially announced, many people have reported problems and various work-arounds when using different Gnu/Linux distributions on the n-Series Dell desktops. This is an attempt to list any resources related to using Ubuntu on these machines.
Dell Dimension n-Series: E520, E521, C521
Dell Dimension C521n, E521n
Web sightings
Slashdot - 2006-01-24
USB mouse & keyboard lockup
This problem seems to be solved by upgrading to the latest Dell BIOS version 1.1.4 (dated 2007-01-01). Nice new year's gift
If you don't have any operating system, not even the FreeDOS that is supposed to come with those systems, you can download a FreeDOS ISO image suitable for CD-ROM burning and booting:
Also see:
Bug report and solution for USB mouse/keyboard lockups
Solution for USB mouse/keybaord lockups on Dimension E521
Workaround for USB mouse/keyboard lockups on Dimension E521