
The old Harvest was more of a proof-of-concept work than a system that was really usable. The code was unmaintainable and the UI did absolutely not scale, both in terms of accomodating the mass of opportunities and in terms of new requirements. Now that Harvest is ported to Django we can think of a new UI that is more flexible and accomodates desired common work scenarios.


The concept behind Harvest is deemed very useful: import opportunities from various scripts that already being run regularly through a very simple .csv format. The problem we are facing is that the current UI is just overwhelming and does not actually make it easier to decide what to do next. It does not scale.

The UI needs a clever way of selecting certain types of opportunities and certain sets of packages depending on the interest of the user.

Another requirement is to be able to comment on opportunities that are not Launchpad bugs or come from lists that "read-only". An example of this is - it'd be great to know if contributors could annotate opportunities like this with "looking into it" or "requested sync from Debian which will fix it".

Also marking an opportunity as "irrelevant" never worked reliably with the old Harvest. This is important to get fixed, so we can get opportunities like "Fedora patches" off the list if we can't make use of them.

User stories


Early mockup

Early mockup by James Westby:

Current mockup

This mockup (by Daniel Holbach) accomodates many of the use-cases we need:


UI Changes

Instead of a giant list of opportunities we will go for expanders that let you focus on the list of packages. Daniel Holbach's mockup shows how you can

Code Changes

The porting of the backend is already done, the expected changes in the UI part are:


Harvest's data is still being read from lp:harvest-data, even faster than it was in the old Harvest.

BoF agenda and discussion

The ugly ;-) old one:

The beautiful new mockups:

The new implementation is going to be developed in Django

=== The UI ===

=== Features ====

   * For indicate work is being done on the current opportunity or patch review

=== Current code for Harvest ===

bzr branch lp:harvest

== New Ideas ==
 - skill level: easy, medium, hard (set default per opportunity list)


Harvest/NewUI (last edited 2009-12-03 12:46:41 by i59F77634)