
Typing Hebrew In Ubuntu

Ubuntu is already ready for many lanugages and input methods out of the box, and it also supports hebrew input with no exception. Hebrew input is facilitated by the use of the GNOME Keyboard Indicator and setting it up is not hassle at all. We will need to first set up the GNOME keyboard indicator to be available to us on one of the desktop's panels, afterwards configuring to allow hebrew input.

Two parts to enabling hebrew input inside GNOME

  1. Add a Keyboard Indicator applet to one of our desktop panels.

  2. Configure it to allow for the input of hebrew letters.

Setting GNOME Keyboard Indicator

  1. Right click the top panel (the bottom panel can also be used, IMHO less convenient).
  2. Choose Add to panel.

  3. Now scroll down and look for the Keyboard Indicator.

  4. Highlight it, and click on the Add button.

Voila! We now have the GNOME Keyboard Indicator for our use. This is a nice appelt which eases configuration of new input languages into the system.

Steps to Configure Hebrew Input

  1. Right click the Keyboard Indicator text, usually it will start with "USA" on it.

  2. Click the Open keyboard preferences item.

  3. Choose the Layouts tab on that dialog.

  4. Search for the Israeli layout, and highlight it.

  5. Click the small triangle pointing at the Israeli layout.

  6. From the newly opened list by that triangle, highlight lyx.

  7. Click the Add button.

  8. Now, go to the Layout Options tab.

  9. Under the Available Options list, click the triangle pointing at Group Shift/Lock behavior.

  1. Highlight the Alt+Shift changes group option.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Click the Close button.

That's it! Hebrew input should be now available to you at no cost Smile :) now fire up gaim and talk to your mom/gf/whoever in plain old, hebrew. When you want to switch to input hebrew letters, press Alt+Shift to switch back and forth between hebrew and US english.

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HebrewInput (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:44 by localhost)