#title Huawei modem and TMN Portugal Hi there! Here I hope to describe how to connect to the TMN network in Portugal using the Huawei modem and Ubuntu Linux. I took this instructions from here, no credit at all, just posted it here with minor changes and hosting the files: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=391917 First download the files: || wget http://student.dei.uc.pt/~jpoa/programs.tar.gz || Connect your huawei e220 usb device and wait a few seconds (let's say 10). Run the program (don't forget to make it executable ; I assume you are in the same directory as the program huaweiAktBbo-i386.out): || sudo ./huaweiAktBbo-i386.out || If you run this command: || ls /dev/ttyUSB* || You should get: || /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyUSB2 || Then you have to send the PIN to your modem with the program comgt (replace 1234 with your pin) don't use sudo here! (don't forget to make it executable ; I assume you are in the same directory as the program comgt) || echo 1234|./comgt -x -d /dev/ttyUSB0 || Open the file /etc/wvdial.conf ( ""gksudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf"" ) and put this and only this inside (make a backup of the old one if you want ( ""sudo cp /etc/wvdial.conf /etc/wvdial.conf_bak"" ) ): # START OF FILE [Dialer Defaults] Phone = *99# Username = tmn Password = tmn Stupid Mode = 1 Dial Command = ATDT [Dialer pin] Init1 = AT+CPIN=0731 [Dialer conta] Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0 Baud = 460800 Init2 = AT+CMEE=1 ISDN = 0 Modem Type = Analog Modem [Dialer 2gonly] Init4 = AT+COPS=0,0,"tmn",0 [Dialer 3gonly] Init4 = AT+COPS=0,0,"tmn",2 [Dialer ligacao] Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"; [Dialer 384k] Init6 = AT+CGEQMIN=1,4,64,384,64,384 Init7 = AT+CGEQREQ=1,4,64,384,64,384 [Dialer 144k] Init6 = AT+CGEQMIN=1,4,64,144,64,144 Init7 = AT+CGEQREQ=1,4,64,144,64,144 [Dialer 64k] Init6 = AT+CGEQMIN=1,4,64,64,64,64 Init7 = AT+CGEQREQ=1,4,64,64,64,64 # END OF FILE Finally run this command; || sudo /usr/bin/wvdial conta ligacao || ---- CategoryLookMergeDelete