
Ubuntu Email: Huygens <huygens _ 25 AT NOANNOYANCE yahoo DOT fr>

I am a computer scientist working in the space domain. At home, I am running Ubuntu 8.10 LTS (a.k.a. Intrepid Ibex) on my desktop (which has also Windows XP, though it gets pretty dusty nowadays). While working, I had a laptop (Dell Latitude D600) which was running perfectly Ubuntu 7.04.

For my personal web site, I wanted means to test new versions of my personal web pages without touching the online one, as well as being able to maintain and enhance it. I have build up an old PC and installed Ubuntu Server Edition 8.04.1 LTS with LAMP (the 'L' is a bit redundant here). It was so easy to do, impressive! I have mainly used those two documentation repositories, and that was it:

I did not upgrade my server since then, because it is just working! Wink ;-)

I like computer and Open Source philosophy of course, and beside that, I like my work (yes that can happen!!!), cycling, walking, travelling and reading! As for now, we have been travelling 1 year around the world backpacking, 1/2 month in Norway cycling (~900km), 1 month in New Zealand cycling (~1800km) and 3 months in Patagonia cycling (~3500km).


Huygens (last edited 2009-01-23 22:34:57 by lan31-4-82-227-131-51)