<> Currently, the IRC Team directly manages the following channels: * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-ops|#ubuntu]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu+1-ops|#ubuntu+1]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-offtopic-ops|#ubuntu-offtopic]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-kubuntu-ops|#kubuntu]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-kubuntu-offtopic-ops|#kubuntu-offtopic]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-edubuntu-ops|#edubuntu]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-mythtv-ops|#ubuntu-mythtv]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-xubuntu-ops|#xubuntu]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-xubuntu-offtopic-ops|#xubuntu-offtopic]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-meeting-ops|#ubuntu-meeting]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-bots-ops|#ubuntu-bots]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-ops-ops|#ubuntu-ops]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntustudio-ops|#ubuntustudio]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-server-ops|#ubuntu-server]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-lubuntu-ops|#lubuntu]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-lubuntu-offtopic-ops|#lubuntu-offtopic]] These channels are known as '''core channels'''. A core channel is defined as an official channel in one of the following categories: * Support for Ubuntu, or for an officially supported or officially recognised [[http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/derivatives|Ubuntu derivative]] * Main development channel for Ubuntu, or for an officially supported or officially recognised Ubuntu derivative * Main off-topic/discussion channel for Ubuntu, or for an officially supported or officially recognised Ubuntu derivative * Official IRC management channel The Irc Council may, on occasion, add channels to the list that do not fall into the above categories. If you would like to suggest the addition or removal of a channel to/from this list, please add it to the next IRC Council Meeting's [[IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda|Agenda]]. Be sure to also include some [[IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal|additional information]] about why you think the channel should (not) be a core channel. The IRC Council will then vote on whether to add/remove the channel from the list at the next meeting. The operators of the above channels are expected to idle in #ubuntu-ops and are voiced in this channel - If you are an op in one of these channels and not voiced on join, then please make sure you are identified, and if that still does not help, please ping one of the IRC Council to add you to the list. The following channels also come under the scope of #ubuntu-ops, however the operators do not have to idle in #ubuntu-ops, but are encouraged to. * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-devel-ops|#ubuntu-devel]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-kubuntu-devel-ops|#kubuntu-devel]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntu-motu-ops|#ubuntu-motu]] * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-xubuntu-devel-ops|#xubuntu-devel]] /* Team does not exist */ * [[LaunchpadHome:irc-ubuntustudio-devel-ops|#ubuntustudio-devel]] /* Team does not exist */ If the contact persons of other channels (such as locoteam channels or team channels) would like the assistance of the IRC team, they can contact us in #ubuntu-ops. The IRC council is reponsible for approving operators for the main channels. Usually a person who is approved by the council, is approved because of a good contribution to a particular channel or a limited set of channels. If an approved operator wants to help in another channel, the contact of that channel can then more easily decide whether or not to give this person access. Thus turning the ops team in a ready-to-use pool of good people for operator access. Channel contacts of large IRC-team-covered channels are encouraged to only add council-approved people but are free to add others as well. ---- [[CategoryIRC]]