## page was renamed from IRCCouncil/TeamReports/10/Oct == The Report == For the time period spanning from September 10th to October 11th 2009. === IRCC Meeting, October 11th 2009 === People Present: 1. jussi01 2. elky 3. nalioth 4. MenZa 5. Pici * Planned attendance at the next forums council meeting to discuss the status of operators in #ubuntuforums * Deferred discussion of the "no idling" policy in #ubuntu-ops due to the absence of some of the interested parties. === Membership Cloaks: 6 assigned === ## * ##=== Other === In other news, we have: * put out the call for nominations for re-election/new members for the IRC council * made Jussi01 a group contact for freenode. This gives us 3 group contacts and the remaining 2 members as freenode staff.