* 2 Escalated issues. * Meeting minutes * 2011-01-08 ([[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/08/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t20:05|Full log]]) * Offtopic Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BenjaminRubin/OfftopicGuidelines * Brief discussion on the merits of amending the [[IRC/Guidelines|IRC Guidelines]] * Vote: Add the above to IRC/Guidelines under Language and Subject. * Final result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 3 * Pici to edit the guidelines wiki * Dealing with Ubuntu IRC Problem Users: https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASFFoXLMT-guZGhoZmZxNG1fNTYyaHB3NzNxZGM&hl=en&authkey=CNCQ__wP * Ask for discussion on the proposal to edit the current [[IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines|Operator Guidelines]] to include the above. * nhandler to send the document to the IRC mailing list for discussion * No new bugs * Any other business * ikonia brought up the idea to have the IRC Council create a set of behaviour guidelines for itself * ikonia suggested that the IRC Council has not lived up to its charter * To be discussed more extensively with the council and on the IRC mailing list * tsimpson to complete the fixed agenda items * 2011-01-23 ([[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/23/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t18:00|Full log]]) * Attendance: nhandler, topyli, tsimpson * There was some confusion about the meeting date. Since quorum was achieved anyway, we decided to handle one of the agenda items and then meet again at the true meeting date the following week if quorum is achieved. * Approval of IRC/ShellPolicy * Implement nhandler's suggestion to s/will/may/ to allow some actual human judgement in determining whether to set a ban. * Final result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 3 * [AGREED] Approve IRC/ShellPolicy * [ACTION] topyli to announce the approval, update wiki page to remove draft header, and add any links/factoids he feels are necessary to make the page easy to find * [ACTION] nhandler to update fridge calendar to reflect correct dates for Sunday meeting through end of 2011 * [ACTION] nhandler to do post-meeting actions * 2011-01-30 ([[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/30/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t18:05|Full log]]) * Attendance: topyli, nhandler, jussi, Pici * No new bugs * Review of last meeting's action items: * nhandler to update fridge calendar to reflect correct dates for Sunday meeting through end of 2011 - DONE * topyli to announce the approval (of IRC/ShellPolicy), update wiki page to remove draft header, and add any links/factoids he feels are necessary to make the page easy to find - Approval announced. Factoid added. Should link from IRC/Guidelines to IRC/ShellPolicy. Not done, pending approval of council for change. Approved. * [ACTION] topyli to link from guidelines to shell policy * Time has passed and I am still unhappy with the councils performance (ikonia) * ikonia not attending, item deferred pending his availability * [ACTION] jussi to chair next meeting * [ACTION] topyli to handle post-meeting items